“CoS gear becoming prominent in arena isn’t a red flag to us.”

No you’ve literally said it yourself.

So i read all of the comments and the only people that want PvE gear to matter in arena are people that don’t play arena above 1500 or people that don’t play at all like Jito. Also btw why do you keep talking to him, he doesn’t play, don’t you get it? He is just here to kill time.


Are you a girl?

Darn I logged in mostly to say that even though I strongly disagree with Jito’s & Ion’s perspective, Jito is stating his arguments clearly and calmly and does not react to the huge provocation posts. Nice attitude man.
His opinion is his own and should be respected for it, even though we might disagree.

Now to the point, as people already said, the RPG element is already dead with all those simplifications and shortcuts. See how many people watch the Blizzard stream and how many watch Classic streams at that time, it’s embarrassing.

Imho, Arena should be isolated to a big degree with the rest of the PvE-fest and skill should matter, not the ‘rpg’ element. It feels a bit sad however that Battlegrounds are now 100000% irrelevant. I have a defilers tabard and I haven’t done any BG on BFA, it’s just embarrassing.

And what is also embarrassing is the fact that for so long only a few minor tweaks have been done on PvP while we see the same meta over and over. We cry for the pve gear but nothing done, only a few nerfs. 2xdps comps are being killed by idiotic healing trinkets for instance, why??

Finally, IMHO, as demongod said, self healing ruined the (arena) game and all those burst CDs.
I would also add that the arrogance of the developers or the team management (since we dont really see behind the curtains) - take a look at Heroes of the Storm, before it was shot in the face, developers would show up on reddit constantly and give feedback, listen to the player base, it was AMAZING

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I do recall people asking for pve gear to matter in pvp abit more again (including myself). Though I’m pretty sure it was not meant to be like this.

Even though pvp is not particularly balanced right now I can still enjoy arena. But now that we’re at 1850 and climbing we run into void stone and trident teams 8/10 times.

The three of us don’t have any of those items since we cba with cos but the amount of effort we have to put in to defeat those players compared to what they have to do is just plain unfair.


This, so much this. Praise! I know that many people don’t like the idea of “equal footing” at all because it is an MMO RPG game we are talking about, but I strongly believe that the competitive PvP aspect should be about teamwork, team communication, skill and decisions taken, and not a battle of item levels or overperforming PvE stuff.

Tbh I don’t know how Jito remains calm after all that flaming. I guess it is something to admire.

Every gear should have its own impact. PvE gear being usable and even good isn’t a problem. What is a problem is when items such as CoS ones are designed to heal/absorb RAID BOSS DAMAGE and then aren’t scaled to PLAYER DAMAGE in PvP, and that without even mentioning that most classes deal less damage in PvP than PvE because of PvP modifiers.


It’s amazing and incredibly sad that Blizzard will cater to the opinions of the Jito-types instead of the people who actually play the content, i.e. actual PvPers. It’s more important to Blizzard that the Jito-types thinks the game is “preserving its RPG nature” rather than PvPers actually having fun playing the game. What happened to gameplay first? Yeah, it’s a joke - that’s what it is. Talk about spitting right in the face of the PvP community.

It’s also funny how they say that they’re okay with it if it happens “in the high end of the pvp ladder”, because that’s entirely wrong. It happens everywhere in the ladder. Nobody will play with you if you don’t have OP PvE items. Additionally whenever you meet someone with OP PvE items (which is most of the time) you are at a massive disadvantage. It’s all over the ladder, from the 1.6K ratings to the 2.8K ratings.

And, one more thing, some people have been talking about “well it’s just because these effects are defensive and prolong the game - that’s the main problem!” well you couldn’t be more wrong. It was just as bad in WotLK and Cata when OP offensive PvE items like Tarecgosa, Fangs of the Father, Shadowmourne, Phylactery, DBW and other OP (offensive) items were usable in Arena. It sucked. You got crushed by RLS, TSG and other ridiculous comps due to the pressure their PvE gear could output (and you obviously couldn’t match) - it was not fun either.


That’s debatable.

Disagreed. Generally speaking, it has been shown repeatedly over time that the competitive PvP scheme takes a downhill decline whenever PvE items are good in PvP. The problem doesn’t just stem from PvE items that increase one’s overall tankiness, but also from the items that are able to provide an insane damage boost. A quick example that comes to mind is Trillebartom’s Druid character with Harbinger’s which constantly deals 11k dps. That aside, CoS items are still dominant over their PvP counterparts despite them being nerfed even further now.

The problem is that you lose to someone cause he got an item from a loot simulator 4 weeks ago. It doesn’t matter if the item gives him divine shield on 1 min cd or combustion on 1 min cd.

Agreed. Also the fact that the loot simulator is entirely PvE is just another spit in the face to PvPers.

While i dont like being pwned by pve geared players i think its mmorpg and gear should matter. But pvp gear should be strongest choice. Not weakest.
Its fine when pve player can play pvp in his gear but its not fine that you have to play pve to be competitive in pvp.


Gear can matter without being RNG, though.

PS: Vendors are needed.


he is just trolling man. ofc he stays calm

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It wouldn’t have been nearly as bad if the most prominent pieces of PvE gear used currently weren’t ridiculously defensive in an already slow metagame. There’s barely any counter to any of the current PvE gear either and no downside to using it whatsoever. With the non-trinket pieces it’s simply an added bonus where it might be a sacrifice in optimal secondary stats, which makes it a no-brainer.

If they keep adding these stupidly defensive PvE items then you’ll keep on having the same issues with self-sustaining, just not from the classes but items. Same thing applies to the design of the azerite items and the defensive trait tier.

I wouldn’t mind PvE items as much if they came with downsides, like missing out on a trinket bonus for example, and weren’t simply an additional benefit on a stat stick, like the case is with weapons and other armor slots. There should be some manner of trade-off and currently there is none, on top of it making the slow meta even slower and pushing a good portion of setups out of even having a good strategy to use (thanks, Voidstone).

Demongod has a point tho.

From my perspective the only reason DK’s are considered op is cause they rule high dampening.

The reason warlocks are considered op is cause they have some of the highest sustain damage in the game, with an even more insane burst. (and tons of cc ok fair enough).

Sustain damage with less burst sounds good to me, let’s make that happen. And possibly a little less healing from especially druids. Playing a comp without a mortal strike effect right now makes your life way harder than it needs to be.

Top that off with some plain old spellpower or haste trinkets, perhaps the health increase here and there and we’ll be good to go. I don’t like paying for world of trinketcraft.

Can you people say destro instead of warlocks? How hard can it be

If that makes you feel better, sure. Although people don’t need confirmation about which spec we are talking here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Unfortunately a clueless blizzard employee would

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The fact isn’t the worse the explanation is. They do it to improve “rpg” element of the game like they weren’t removing all it’s aspects since Ion took over game direction.