No Idea what have you broken in maintenance /patch but for few days i CAN NOT UNLOCK/learn appearances from Covenant cosmetic vendors literally any and YOU REMOVED SOMEHOW 2 hours of REFUND.
So i wanted to buy cosmetics from my paladin and learn cloth sets which I LITERALLY COULD and learned and got appearances sometime before i could even REFUND it 2 hours later.
**Npcs for example : Chachi the Artiste - NPC - World of Warcraft ( **
Item for example i learned before without issues : Crimson Death Shroud Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft (
And same issue is with LITERALLY ALL COVENANT COSMETIC/appearances selling vendors REFUND IS GONE and i can not even learn appearances i LITERALLY COULD some time ago.
I went farmed anima to get more cosmetics and now i can not.
Literally why i play right now to get my cosmetics.
But right now i buy COSMETIC items and when i want to learn appearance i get ERROR MESSAGE " YOU CANT DO that/learn that RIGHT NOW " for real??
I did it some time ago and on top of that I LOST like 10K anim and a 100 something Greateful Offerings since i DID NOT GOT Appearances learned and when i wanted to refund it i got litearlly coopers back.
LIKE ???