Please support my thread

Cosmetic items /Appearances - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

Please post your replies so they fix it asap.


I will support your tread if you can promise to stop calling me a mere clown. Rather, I am to be called an incompetent, useless and disappointing clown. Give me all you got when you first is at it!

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you are smart guy
did not made stupid post yet i do sometimes but like ultra nonsense until then you are smart like most posters here.

Certain Vulpera that is stupid insta ignore clown.


The game generally does not allow us to learn different armour types. Did you buy cloth on your plate wearing character?

Pure cosmetic sets are different, they have no armour types.

Since 9.1.5 you could literally go to covenant vendor guy and learn different armor types it is now only cosmetic item without any armor just switch to show all stuff from vendor.

I learned that way few mogs since these are locked behind achievemtns which i spamemd them for to fix it.


YES PURE Cosmetics if you have anima to throw away go try by yourself .

#wish it was armor types too not fan of doing same campaing multiple times for mog.

Then that was a bug.

9.1.5 lets you transmog the (achived) covenant sets across your various chars, regardless of cloth, plate, mail, leather.
You still have to fit the armortype when you buy it though. As in - if you want all the armortypes unlocked, you need one of each to “farm” the mogs.

It’s first THEN, you should be able to transmog freely regardless of armortype.

You have 0 idea about what we even talk about.

You can literally buy all cosmetics except base set which is from campaing.
And you can literally learn all cosmetics except for weapon types your character can not equip which i spamemd suggest/bug report to be removed.

They even changed these items to be COSMETIC and added new animation on use thing for all cosmetics items.

I LITERALLY BOUGHT SUCH ITEMS on my warrior ONLY SOME weapons worked for me .ň

Dude you added literally nothing to thread.

I have learned intellect off hand on my warrior .

You know, I don’t think I will attempt to help you with your issue anyways. I guess now I know why your posts tends to get flagged.

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Get info before replyin to thread you know nothing about.
Clearly you never bought any of such items.

I have a friend who has done each covenant on four plate, four mail, four leather and four cloth characters to collect it all. I thought it was bad enough doing four plate chars to collect stuff :laughing:

Can you give an example of something you’ve successfuly been able to buy and learn as the wrong armour type?

These cosmetics have no armor type go to vendor and see for yourself and yes. i have bought : : Crimson Death Shroud Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft (

With my warrior learned it can show it on my low lvl dh in game if you want.
Same way i got intellect off hands and staffs intell on warrior bought.

And these clowns bricket it CAN NOT LEARN all of sudden and removed REFUND as well.

You could literally buy all mogs from 1 char just needed to remove weapon which you can not equip to learn and perfection achieved + give base campaing mogs from vendor as well.

So I am a confusion!

Why your set shows and mine doesn’t? Why is my character naked?

Blizzard, please exblain why am I naked? I am cold, without anything on me, I AM CONFUSION!


You are looking great like that too.
And for missing transmog if in game go spam them in ticket/make thread in customer support about it.

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The tool tip says they are leather. So they still have an armour type which is different from the general covenant cosmetic sets like these shown below.

Any armour type could equip them.

It sounds like it wasn’t working as intended and they fixed it, that would be my guess. Normally we can not equip (to learn) the wrong armour types, we just put them on without it adding them to our collection.

You could try explaining in a ticket what has happened and that it worked for you before but no longer does and can you get a refund. I am not sure if they will be able to do anything about your lost currency but there is no harm in trying.

Yo log in and go to vendor right now…
I make pic for you now.

Try logging on your character in game and back out again. The armory is still showing you in your underwear.

Bye 2000 anima and 15 Greatefful Offerings to prove my point #worth .

and refund is gone as well.

And how do you think i got intellect offhand …

There is 0 way these bunch of insults would expect anyone having to have 16 chars to get mogs.Or even expecting to get these achievements from Covenant Sanctum event multiple times to buy cosmetics.

Literally bought few items worked and now they broken it somehow.

Look next to it “Hands LEATHER” it means only a character who’s main armour type is leather wearer can transmog it.

You are linking the pic from a Warrior, a plate wearer.

Weapons are limited by what we can equip, not what stats they have. In dungeons/raids we can’t obtain the wrong stat weapons unless traded to us by someone or legacy loot comes into effect, because they simply aren’t on our loot table. For example I got an agility weapon appearance from DoS recently because a DH traded it me. However I can change my loot spec to Holy and get intellect weapons.

I know your screenshot says that you already know the appearance, but equally it does not prove that you didn’t buy it on a leather wearing character to learn it the first time. I’m not saying I don’t believe you, I’m just pointing out the screenshot just says you know the appearance.

Hydrate a bit more.

Your brain seems to be malfunctioning more than usual.

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