Whats the point of those mechanics, doing a longer run still reduces rewards/time, rating is still awarded based on time spent and vault still rewards runs that arent timed
At this point is just want to see the current M+ system burn.
Im not too critic about what changes need to take place. But some changes NEED to take place. Make it more rewarding, less punishing, more rewarding for non timed.
I dont want to spend 4 hours and get nothing out of it.
Small and steady rewards is the way.
Could Deecee to read forums, participate in discussions
What is the point making 55 topics and only 174 post. (three posts per topic created)
what does that even supposed to mean ? do i need a reason to post something i wanna talk about ?
My post is directed at Deecee, not you
ohh mb i saw you taged my whole post ,didn’t see the first line.
if you will get 90 gilded crest per m+ run nobody will payu for wow sub xD
they want you to spend money on this game
What fury said. This isn’t a blog where you get to hit “create new thread” every time you have a thought.
These things that you are posing questions for have been answered a thousand times.
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