Could normal people get something to do?

Sharding and phasing is what’s keeping dead servers somewhat afloat even somewhat. If you don’t wanna pay for a transfer then level on a high population server? I mean the situation isn’t going to change in the near future if at all?

Having tried to get a handle on various numbers from various sources for years, I would like to caution about one obvious confounding factor: Wowhead profiles are not a fair representation of players.

I don’t doubt that Wowhead’s figures are accurate, for Wowhead profiles - but what proportion of players register with Wowhead to get a profile? and what type of players are sufficiently committed to the game to sign up with Wowhead? I would come close to suggesting that those figures include nobody at all that I would call a casual. In general, casuals don’t sign up with fan sites like that. I’ve come across many who don’t know what Wowhead is. They may have been referred there once or twice when they ask a question,but it’s not somewhere they go regularly. And they certainly didn’t sign up with it.

So any time you see a “percentage of profiles achieved this” number from Wowhead, you have to ask how inflated that is relative to the overall playerbase.


Unfortunately, your character progression in World of Warcraft is not just dependant on you but also on others.

Interactions that are forced always end as bad experiences.

Joining a different guild should never be the solution to character progression, especially if you’re comfortable in your current guild.

That number is pulled from the Armory database, not ‘wowhead profiles’. Just stop and think for a second, how do you even think that would work if it didn’t use Armory data? When you log in to a wowhead account you get a list of all the achievements ever put in the game and you manually check a box for the ones you have?

It’s the same principle Rio uses and any character you do M+ or raid with is listed on the Rio website, irrespective of whether you have a ‘rio profile’ or not, because the data is automatically collected from the Armory database.

I feel the same about wowhead profiles data. It’s just not a true representation of the playerbase IMO.

It’s just those that opted to use it data.

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No, it’s from Wowhead profiles. They say so themselves: “Attained by 7% of profiles” rather than “Attained by 7% of players” or "“Attained by 7% of characters”.

We went into this long ago. I’m sure I can find the backup when I have time, but meantime you can look at trying to find evidence for your assertion.

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Okay buddy, whatever you say.

I cannot wait for them to implement something for casual players so that mythic players are automatically forced to do it in order to stay ahead and min max. Wohoo… And here I was happy for once with WoW.


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