Covenant abilities disabled outside of Shadowlands content

This has to be a bug…IT HAS TO BE…

Before a moron comes along with the lore defense:

How am I using Azeroth abilities in pocket dimension Dreanor, a different reality where Azeroth the titan doesn’t exist?

This is a gameplay restriction plain and simple.


That is completely ridiculous then.

Looking at the bright side, at least it means I won’t be buying Shadowlands at all. Money saved.


Why tho? What lead to this decision? What a facepalm :expressionless:

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So the parachute only opens if you’re already standing on solid ground?
100m in the air it does nothing…


Blizzard please get your poo poo together, for 9.0 not for 9.3.

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This isn’t the ripcord dude. The ripcord was giving us full access to all covenant abilities without the limitation.

So we could enjoy testing all the possible combinations of legendaries, conduits/soulbinds and covenants.

And since we knew blizzard would and will NEVER EVER balance this system properly and there will always be that one clear winner, unless they just make them all equally garbage.

The ripcord was mostly asked to be pulled, in order to make the covenant choice something meaningful.

But now, most people will just choose the one with stronger dps power.

Not a fan but if they decide to keep this, disable them in Arenas and BGs aswell.
Personally i don’t pvp apart from random bgs sometimes but i can see pvp players cry about this.

I mean…arenas and bgs are outside of Shadowlands too.

Dumbest decision they’ve made yet. What reasoning do they even base this on?
Being too overpowered in old content? Like we aren’t that already…
Because borrowed powers doesn’t work interdimensionally? Then why does the heart of azeroth work in zones outside of Azeroth?

Seems like they delayed the game only to make it worse.


thanks again blizz… keep up the amazing work you are doing :expressionless:

This… wow. I honestly don’t know what to say. o_O

Couldn’t let people tele-fox through old mog-farms, huh? :neutral_face:


Cries in feral even more


???⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ :thinking:

Hey i was just wondering…- is this an out of season april fool’s joke?


Remove pvp at all so pvers won’t cry about having to engage in any type of pvp content.

Must be… and some players seem to be in on it, because they think this is a good change.
For the life of me, idk why any1 would want to lose an arm when going outside their current home.

Gotta admit, it looks like the kind of stuff you get when a lawyer is the game director. We kept saying how tired we are of borrowed powers that just go away when the expansion is over… so they found a way to keep the stuff when the expansion is over! :slight_smile:

Just kidding. My character’s toolkit at max during shadowlands should be usable at any part of the game. Once the expansion is over and we move on to new stuff? then yeah, fine, keep them limited to the shadowlands.

On a more serious note, this is the worst call i’ve seen them make in a while. Every day i wake up and check wow related news my hype for Shadowlands crumbles away just a little more.

Absolutely NOTHING! :unamused:

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I can see the logic in their thinking if this goes ahead but I still don’t agree with it.

Our essences can’t work when we are inside the Shadowlands so our Covenant powers can’t work in the living realm. However, this is not a good move when that’s how we gain our borrowed power for this expansion.

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Sorry but there’s 0 logic in their thinking, if you’re talking lore then i can provide multiple reasons why that logic is flawed.