Game as whole is giant pile of mess.
That “logic” is broken, i hope Blizz won’t use that as an excuse.
These work in PVP… which is outside Shadowlands.
Also our Heart of Azeroth powers/bonuses which should be working only on Azeroth, work in Draenor… pocket dimension, work on Argus as well which is clearly another… planet?
Even assuming there could be lore reasons for such a limitation, the negative consequences on gameplay should trump them without question, as they do for other mechanics which should not work in some situations but still do.
It’s a game: lore is important but gameplay is king.
Guys, I’d like to draw attention to the issue of PvP talents which suffer the same poor design.
You have hotkeys in your bar that are disabled in the outside world.
While it’s “okay” for most PvP talents because a lot of them are either passives or long cooldowns, there a certainly some exceptions: abilities that are part of the core rotation and should honestly be baseline in PvE: necrotic strike for UDK comes to mind.
I hate that PVP talents are PVP only, some of them would be very fun and useful to have while in PVE.
Usually PVP is why classes aren’t buffed in PVE, cause they’d wreck somebody in PVP.
PVP talents being usable in PVE means that what? Oh i get 30% more movement speed with freedom on me… that dragon will be soooo scared.
I mean, Beta, and data mining, and patches, makes this all iffy, but from what we know so far, and from the article:
Our Azerite traits do work in the Shadowlands.
Our Soulbinds and Conduits do work everywhere - inside and outside the Shadowlands.
Our Covenant abilities don’t work outside the Shadowlands, except our Covenant abilities DO work in Alterac Valley and other BGs - outside the Shadowlands.
How can you draw any kind of consistency from that?
I’ll try again then as you seemed to not grasp the concept
In the Shadowlands we can not access our essence powers because we are too far removed from Azeroth.
It is wholly logical that the covenant abilities would work in the same way. That by exiting the place where our powers are, we no longer have access to them.
I think this is a poor design choice considering we rely on borrowed power in expansions and it will directly cut us off from some of those borrowed abilities.
Just remove the WHOLE covenant ability, soulbind and conduit systems now, seriously…
So the rule is:
- you can’t use Shadowlands powers in the realm of the living*
*unless you’re Sylvanas
So It doesn’t even make sense in a story standpoint.
We can’t do what NPCs can do, particulary powerful lead characters. They are always more powerful than any player character and can do things we can’t.
Arthas did too with the helmet and sword.
Lorewise it makes total sense, but for farming old content gameplay wise it sucks being “nerfed” so to say compared to now when we have corruptions and azerite melting old raids.
It sucks from a player perspective and I hope they rethink.
Funny thing is, there were people actually arguing that covenants wont be disabled in 10.0 XD.
Then why do the conduits work. And Why can we use azerite essences in other worlds.
This is really bad. My guess is that they’ve done it because they haven’t got time to sort any issues with it.
Your transmog looks great. Except the weapons, they don’t fit the overall color scheme.
Everyone calm down, covenants aren’t working in torghast, and bugged. Could be for the same reason whilst they’re fixing stuff.
Thanks. They do with corruption