Covenant abilities disabled outside of Shadowlands content

”We explored adding this restriction partly for world-fantasy reasons (I mean, it’s a bit weird seeing someone’s summoned swolekin just hanging out in the Orgrimmar AH)”

How is that any less weird than actually seeing talking cows in-game or seeing goblins etc?

I don’t ask for much but if you’re going to lie to me, the least you can do is put some type of effort into it.

If borrowed power is tied to gear you can easily faze them out in a way that makes sense in the next up coming expansion.

But if borrowed power is tied to a faction of NPC characters, fazing those powers out becomes a bit more problematic unless you restrict the use of them to the expansion.

The main reason why they quickly reverted back is because it puts a spotlight and makes clear to everyone that borrowed power is just that, borrowed power.


Wait, hold on a second…

Does this mean they don’t work in arena and BG’s?

Oh, that’s perfectly simple. The former has no basis in lore and storytelling, and the latter does.

There’s some sort of strange internal conflict in the WoW team all of a sudden. It feels like half the decisions are being made by people who care tremendously about the persistency of the world, and the other half is being made people who just don’t care at all.

Because even though this is the case, we’re obviously going to be able to use our Vulpin mount, which we now know comes from the Shadowlands, outside the Shadowlands, even before knowing it was there!

We’ve also got developers who care tremendously about character identity, but then at the same time we’ve got the team being proud of people being able to change their entire character’s appearance, including all the gear looks and every single feature of their body except their race, but including gender, at any time they wish to, dozens of times a day if that’s their jam. But you can’t change your allegiance!

Like… how are your allies even recognising you, anyway?!

Now, I’m personally of the opinion that all of these things should be persistent and lore-based rather than people being able to swap around freely on everything all the time, and I know that’s somewhat controversial.

But regardless, just about the worst thing you can do is just not commit to anything and make something that’s really nonsensical and confused, which they are. Things just aren’t really fitting together into something cohesive, you know? It’s just a little bit weird.

Nah, it was reported that they worked there.
Making this a big inconsistency if it was “only works in Shadowlands”.
Because like… WSG… arenas, etc are on Azeroth. :sweat_smile:

Well… glad they reverted this change.

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Glad they reverted this change indeed.

So weird!

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Ty for posting this!


People: Ion noob, Ion noob!
Ion: Make SL abilities to not work outside of SL content
People: Ion noob, Ion noob
Ion: Revert change
People: Ion hero, Ion hero

it’s like giving someone ticking bomb and kindly telling him you will defuse it :smiley:


Except that they’ve made the bomb themselves. :))


So, are we back to being subbed to WoW and hyping the sh*t out of Shadowlands now?

Refundlands. 2021…the end of WoW.

Blue post from Watcher/Ion

Yup… People need to stop commending them for fixing problems they themselves are making.

muh arrrrrr peeeee geeeeee

This is a terrible decision and all it serves to do is break immersion and give blizzard artificial handles on making sure players “play the game as intended”

What happened to just having fun. Who cares about old world balance. If a player put in the effort they deserve to keep their power (at the very least during the entire expansion it’s introduced, but hopefully we see less stupid temporary systems going forward)

Okay it looks like they reverted this decision and I didn’t notice until someone pointed it out. Thank goodness.

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Don’t worry, they reverted the “brilliant” implementation they had.

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What’s worrying is that they had it in the first place, I guess there’s still a disconnect between the boardroom decisions and the “as a player would I enjoy this” decisions.

They seem to have a lot of ideas such as this since legion… kind of obsessed with limiting our plays.

In the light of recent Twitter post referenced already in some other threads, describing at length the fundamental reason for the Covenant problem and many others - that negative feedback is systematically ignored and people giving it are insulted, thus disincentiving them to give any more feedback - I just have to say…


I’ve been right and SOME OTHER PEOPLE were wrong. Again.

Those guys just won’t listen unless they’re confronted with massive backlash. They cannot be bargained with. They cannot be reasoned with. They don’t feel pity, remorse or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until they get THEIR way. And in case it’s just not possible, like Pathfinder or Corruptions vendor, they will, out of pure malice and spite, find a way to screw us up anyway.

I just can’t wait to see all the new and exciting ways they’re going to f us in the Systemlands. Good thing I didn’t pre-order and don’t pay in real money.

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