Covenant abilities disabled outside of Shadowlands content

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Blizzard doubling down on the stupid decisions. Do they even play their game?

I hate idea that I will be forced to pick covenant that is the best, not what I like, lore wise ect. Druid- necrolord,dk nighfae . And once we will pick the covenant they will nerf something or boost other ones, so to say balance them out.

I got it, Blizzard is making those decisions because they want to end WoW but there are too many people subbed so they are using subtle methods like these to make people quit and stop supporting WoW for good, 100% legit!!!

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I’ll just leave my previous quote here, since you’re struggling to see the flaw in their logic.

‘How am I using Azeroth abilities in pocket dimension Dreanor , a different reality where Azeroth the titan doesn’t exist?’

This is a gameplay restriction plain and simple, stop trying to hide it behind lore as i clearly demonstrated the flaw there.

The only reason i wanted to play Night Fae… even if their DPS stuff would have been lower, would be to have Soulshape available for use.
Now how do i pick a Covenant?
I don’t really care about a mog i’d use for a week, mount would be the same.

So what’s the meaningful choice now? DPS gain? ROFL
I thought the whole system was to promote meaningful choice.
Any meaning it had is gone with this dumb change.

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If i had to guess, I’d say they did this to prevent Heart of azeroth and covenant ability stacking.

Why did they care? Who knows. Apparently they got too much time on their hands, so they spend it on PoLiShInG the game.

And it starts with making sure people don’t kill a legion raid boss faster in shadowlands.

2 months. The balance is a sh$tshow. The game is full of bugs and they’re focusing on decisions that no one asked for and no one cares about in a positive way.


Please please please, rethink this decision Blizzard… I’m starting to lose faith entirely

“I am so happy Blizz delayed SL so they will make it a wonderful experience”

Blizz: ehhh duuuuhh let’s make SL feature unusable elsewhere.

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The player/dev disconnect continues to widen…


It’s one of those Blizzard decisions which makes you ask yourself “why the hell?”.

It solves nothing. No one likes it. It creates problems. Let’s implement!

Every time Blizzard makes 5 good moves they have to, just HAVE TO, counter those moves with 1 incredibly bad move. “Oh, players are happy, that’s bad :(”


Well ,if that’s the case it would be better to wipeout azerite system entirely including leveling.

They won’t. They already talked extensively about how they don’t want to do the same thing with HOA that they did with legion legendaries.

But the moment you think they finally get it, They go and do this stupid thing.

So what exactly is the point of this change? Seems pretty random and useless to me.

You really seem to feel the need to keep coming back to this.

I stand by what I wrote. I’m not explaining it again. Others understood fine.

I wish you a good day.

Change was reverted due to them seeing everyone’s reactions.

Thanks guys, this maybe wouldn’t have been possible if we just accepted the change. Good job!

~We’ll be reverting this change in next week’s update. It’s something we were on the fence about internally, and seeing the range of reactions has been helpful in making it clear that it wasn’t the right move.

We did it, Mr. Stark. We won. :sob:


Complete and utter PR stunt lol. It’s starting to get a bit silly all these huge, absolutely stupid changes. That clearly nobody would want, to get reverted the next day. To make blizz look like a caring company all of a sudden, who listens to their player base. Yeahhh not buying it… especially when there’s big, gaping fundamental issues they just flat out ignore. Classes that haven’t worked properly for 2+ years lol.

And it is gone

Nice tinfoil hat you got there