I’m not sure about anyone else, but I was sad to learn that working for months in some cases to unlock legion legendary weapons would essentially be moot in Shadowlands. I would say the same goes for anyone who has spent a long time farming or acquiring low drop level weapons.
I’m curious to know why it is not an option to enable or disable mainhand weapons at the transmog vendor instead of forcing it to be removed when equipping back slots from shadowlands.
Is it really fair to force disable, because you have added back armor and clearly it has clipping issues and that’s the reason. Why would you even add these back slots if you knew they wouldn’t work properly and would cause clipping?
You are touting Shadowlands as player agency expansion and to give us freedom, control and customisation over our characters, and that covenant choice is impactful. Yet as far as I can see this is not the case as you are forcing the benefits of the covenant choice to disable previous gains from past expansions.
Is there any chance of this being something that can be an option for the playerbase, instead of us waiting 4 years like we did to have legion legendaries unlocked from Spec?
Because we already have gazillion cloaks? There are only seven non-cloak back items in the game, and of those seven one doesn’t hide the weapons and the other is a Tauren-only back item.
They should make an option where you can have your weapon sheathed at all times, and to be also held on the shoulder, akin to the brewmaster artifact weapon.
That way, not only does it remove the clipping problem, but it also makes it more realistic and cool.
Torok, I am talking about all Shadowlands Covenant back armor slots will automatically disable your weapons.
I do not think this is something that should be added, this should be an option and a toggle for us the players to say whether or not we have clipping, just like all classes which can dual wield weapons that clip.
Clipping has always been an issue in wow and always will be due to models and excessive shoulder armor. I fail however to understand why it’s specifically being forced now to covenant cloaks that those and those alone disable weapons.
I get that, but the issue is that clipping would be awful due to the design of the covenant back slots, especially the evolved versions. I guess they didn’t want players to experience such a thing, hence why they didn’t add the option to show the weapons while sheathed. They did the same for the Tauren heritage cloak.
As for why they’d add such items which would cause clipping? Because they’re unique and cool, unlike those gazillion cloaks.
Good. #1 reason to never use the Black Empire backpack is the atrocious clipping issues with weapons, and I’d rather not see that be applied to more items.
I understand that, but it’s kind of like one rule for some one rule for the others kind of mentality.
I just personally think it should be made optional and not forced, just as it’s not forced for other items which clip in the game.
I love the fact that these items are unique and the models are fantastic, but I’m talking from the perspective of why would I bother working hard to unlock these. It took me at least 3 months to unlock the Crest of the Lightborn, and now I will not be able to use that with Bastion Wing’s. I just don’t think I shouldn’t have the choice to display both the items I have spent a long time and effort unlocking together. The choice is being taken away from us and I don’t believe in an expansion that is being advertised as giving you player agency, choice and control is essentially removing components of that personal choice due to clipping that has existed in wow since it’s inception.
I see where you are coming from, but this is still giving you an option, to either wear it or not… Covenant back attachments remove the option from the player entirely, this is precisely what I am trying to highlight if it’s this way for one of the new back slots it should be forced to all.
Why does the Wrathion Backpack get the option to allow you to utilise weapons yet covenant’s do not?
Have to agree with OP, if this was an option, everyone would be happy, not 50% of the playerbase.
People who hate clipping would disable the weapon visibility while others who don’t care will still use them. Simple as that
If this is for all back items then why not just slightly tweak them? A lot of them aren’t even connected to the back, just move them a bit further out if they cause clipping issues. And others like the wings aren’t wide enough to clip through most weapons.
There are at least 972 cloak models that show your weapon out (and more if you count discontinued items I do not have so cannot easily check). People who want their cloak to hide a weapon have 2 option on the live game - the Tauren totem and the Vulpera backpack, 2 racially-locked items.
Are you really so selfish as to want that to be 984 vs 2 instead of 972 vs 14? Share the toys instead of demanding every single one is for you.
It’s not really a question of being selfish, if back armor’s shouldn’t be allowed to equip weapons why are they allowing it for Vulpera, Wrathions and the Recruit a Friend backpack?
And Yeah I am saying I want Bastion Wings while having my Crest of the Lightborn staff to be visible because it matches my transmog and I worked for the pieces my character my choice.
I should be allowed the option to wear covenant back armor with legion artifact weapons, making it tantamount to when they said no covenant abilities or borrowed power could be used outside shadowlands, the principle is the same.
This is pretty good news (for me), I don’t need to see my weapon float near my back all the time - I’ve always thought it looked kinda dumb anyway. Now I can transmog whatever without worrying about what clips into my legs or shoulders which unfortunantly happens more often than I’d like.
However, I do think giving people the option either way would be nice.
An option to show or not show weapon with covenant armor, instead of the choice being removed, because they chose to add a system that causes clipping, which has been in the game since it launched.