and it adds variation!
Then why are u saying i am enforcing two items to clip through eachother when i clearly stated atleast 3 times by now that i mean it as an option with the new backs?
Two items can not occupy the same space, you tried to justify it with slight clipping that already exists in game.
As it stands you have a choice, you can either have the back appearance or you can have the weapons. You can’t have both.
I’m not really sure why you are spending so much time arguing with me over a choice that exists in game via transmogging.
I’d go further and add it to more stuff
the HM Tauren totems need it
currently they are part of the chest. they need to be removed from that and turned into a back
So why change it now?
This “choice, option” makes you get rid of one of them which means it’s an enforced choice.
If it was an actual choice, for someone like me who doesn’t mind clipping, i would have an option to have both new cloaks and weapons visible.
Right now you can have both cloaks and weapons on your back clipping through eachother.
You can’t have that anymore with new covenant cloaks.
A choice turned into a forced choice. awesome
We have several items in the game that work that way already. Backpacks, totems etc.
Because they are not just flat cloaks and take up space.
I think you are over reacting somewhat to what is already a choice via transmog. Either you want the weapon to show on your back or you want the cloak effect more.
Clearly you are very passionate about this and I’m afraid I don’t see the problem myself. I like more customisation options and if some of them mean my weapon isn’t on my back then I can make a choice between the two.
Most people who read the news on wowhead, twitter agree that it should be an option to either have both of them visible or hide weapons.
A simple option to hide/unhide weapons would solve this issue for everyone, like we had for years with helmets when it was in the options tab.
some ppl want only one of them, some ppl want both to be visible.
Yes people express opinions on various sites/mediums, that is how the internet works. There will always be people who care for either view, or not care at all.
You can always try making a suggestion to Blizzard in game.
Personally I am happy with the transmog option to choose.
Essentially the back armor is removing the choice that we would have at the transmog. Clipping has always been in wow, all shoulders that are large clip through heads, faces, necks all the time and have done since a demand for higher fantasy effects and larger shoulders were added.
You are essentially saying I should choose a non Shadowlands back slot just so I can use a previous expansions weapons.
I am saying I want the same option as going to the transmog offers to people who do not like wearing shoulder armor that causes clipping issues.
I do not want Blizzard to finally after 16 years decide to force non clipping on brand new back attachments.
When they have already added at least 2 and NOT forced the weapons to turn off on Wrathions backpack and the recruit a friend those can be used with weapons enabled. If they are forcing this feature on Covenant back armor they need to force it to everyone who owns any current back attachment that is 3D. I think anyone who currently uses one would also like the option to choose whether or not they show their weapon with it.
I’m 100% OK with my staff clipping with wings because I spent over 6 months farming for the staff I want to use it I want it to be seen with my wings because I have been wearing it for 4 years, I shouldn’t be told by anyone that I can’t wear new armor and old armor together.
This would be like telling you that any Weapon or piece of armor pre Shadowlands can NOT be worn in Shadowlands if it clips - You force these change to all items that currently clip in WoW and I guarantee more people would be unhappy.
The solution is to offer an option to everyone at the transmog to show or hide mainhand weapons.
If you are happy with the new back armors hiding your mainhand weapon, then this post is not relevant to you, because you are getting what you want.
I want the option to use the back attachments and my staff, this forced system does NOT allow this choice to me, unlike your choice being a choice to either wear it or not. I do not get the choice to wear the staff and the back attachment and to me that is unacceptable.
Here is the Wowhead post with more opinions as @Dereliict stated there is a large majority of people who would like this to be an option or toggle and not to have the choice forced.
You want the choice to make two items take up the same space. That currently isn’t possible. You can suggest to Blizzard to change the way these pieces work. We can make suggestions in game. Press Escape > Help > Submit Suggestion.
Using my Vulpera as a lovely model, they have a backpack as part of their heritage set and I have to choose either the back or to see my weapons.
There are other such back items in game and in Shadowlands we will have more of them. Not all back slots in Shadowlands will be special items, some are just regular flat cloaks. Whilst I understand you want to use minor clipping as justification to have two items in the same space causing major clipping/overlapping, I don’t really think it’s the same thing.
Personally I can see the logic/common sense in doing it the way they have, having said that I don’t really care if you got your wish either. I do not have a huge vested interest in this personally. I feel choosing between weapon or fancy back is a good enough choice. You do not and that’s fine and we can just disagree
You are again adding information that is not relevant and this option is not an issue for you, why keep replying to an issue you do not have?
You are also not using a back slot that isn’t forcing you not to have a mainhand turned off.
You are missing the point of this post it is a post in order for us to be given a choice to show new back armor and weapons.
I did not post the topic for you to argue that you are happy with it disabling your weapons, if you are happy that the weapons are disable then you are getting what you want. I do NOT want to be forced to choose between the back and staff I want both and I should be able to choose both. Just like I have been able to choose to wear clipping armor for over 12 years.
If I choose to wear the wings and a staff I should be able to have that choice I should NOT be told that by working to unlock both I can’t use both together.
If these are not items in the same place a NEW slot needs to be added to all characters that is separate something entirely new that inhabits a space that is not the same as a mainhand weapon. That is something Blizzard will not do you would need to have:
- Back Attachment
- Cloak
All I and many others in this post want is support to be given a choice at the tranmog vendor. You have made it perfectly clear you do not want that choice so with respect, please stop responding and trolling in the topic, because you are clearly still not understanding what we are asking for.
You are getting what you want this option is making you happy, if you are happy you have zero reason to reply.
Discussions don’t tend to work very well if they are echo chambers, although I do understand some would prefer it that way. I also get a notification every time someone quotes me or directly replies to me specifically.
I do not agree that, two different slots overlapping each other so therefore defaulting to hiding the weapon on your back, is a bad thing. I think it sounds like a very sensible measure.
We simply don’t agree and instead of agreeing to differ we are just going in circles.
You can’t simply shut someone else down by declaring they are trolling when they don’t share your opinion. Nor can you repeatedly post at them and not expect them to respond.
I have every reason and every right to reply to any discussion as does any other member of the forum. I have not been rude to anyone but trying to shoo people out of a topic because you don’t like what they have to say is uncalled for.
Then dont wear a covenant cloak. Problem solved.
He wants both, that’s the problem.
I do not understand how your logic works, any armor that clips through heads, chest, necks during casting should be hidden as it would be a sensible measure. Are you genuinely saying that anything currently in wow or being added in the future if it has clipping issues is a bad thing and blizzard should force disabled on it? Because that’s the context you are putting forward as justification for support of your opinion.
If back attachments are not a cloak they need to be given a New equipment slot on characters and Blizzard needs to clarify that this is the case, You can’t fit back attachments to the cloak slot and call them a cloak if they are not a cloak.
For someone that is happy with this “feature” you are trolling because you are purposely stating that it shouldn’t be an issue for those of us who do not want the option to be forced. You are saying I shouldn’t be allowed to wear a mainhand weapon and a covenant cloak, how on earth is this fair or logical to force on someone?
People who disagree with you are not trolls. They are people with different opinions.
I hope they continue to go down this road with backs that aren’t just flat cloaks. I look forward to see what direction things take, would love to see stuff like:-
Maybe they could consider a glyph to force two items through each other like you want, with a slightly better sounding name ofc.
You are not disagreeing with me no, you are saying that I should NOT be allowed to have covenant back armor and a mainhand.
We don’t really need a glyph, just a choice is all I would like… I’m not being given that choice and I would like to know why or to have a consideration be made to give myself and people who support having a choice to give us the option.
If the only way to achieve this would be through a Glyph however I agree to this being added. I think we are just over complicating something that is simply as easy as giving everyone the choice to choose at the transmog vendor. And that this choice should extend past having or not having a covenant back armor. Anyone that wants to show or not show their weapons should be given the choice.
I also think you are being a hypocrit in using a picture where the characters clearly have wings and a mainhand weapon. If those games have that option WoW should too…
Dear me!!! We are disagreeing.
You believe that two items that clip so badly that Blizzard deem them to have special rules, like backpacks, should be forced together.
I believe that it works pretty good as it is and it is a logical way Blizz have chosen to deal with two items occupying the same slot.
The default isn’t going to allow the two to show together and it can’t be achieved via transmogging because that is to allow one or the other and not both (so you can choose). So something like a glyph would work as a third option to force what currently isn’t possible. On the whole I would love a whole wealth of extra customisation choices via glyphs.
My weapons show on my Vulpera when I draw/wield them, which is what is shown in the example imagines. Here is my Vulpera with her weapons out and the backback to demonstrate:-
Actually the clipping isn’t that bad, or at least it didn’t seem to be on the vampire and undead backpieces, the vampire one being the gravestone. And it’s kind of weird seeing a character pull a big huge axe out of nowhere.
Let’s just say this feature needs more work.
Some people just think their opinion is LAW. And anyone disagreeing are stupid or trolls. Tho glyphs is a good option because it gives the player the ability to choose.