Covenant Cloaks Remove's Weapons - Transmog Show/Hide Mainhand Option?!

Well my friend reliable informs me you do more damage if you are mogged to perfection.

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Haha this is absolutely true, a corsair scimitar with 5, 12 slot spellbars keybound also helps with the pew pew…

I have a few Mog’s on most character’s but tbh once I have a matching armor, weapon, pet and mount I rarely change it. I prefer never to do full sets though, as I enjoy the challenge of mixing from other sets and trying to match as best I can.

There is major clipping on my Warrior - Although TBH even with the clipping I love the shield with the bones it looks like it is part of the backpiece - So sad I won’t be able to mog it…

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I have also noticed, on my warlock the headslot will cause clipping with 80% of all new back armor, does this also mean Blizzard is forcing head armor to be disabled?

This highlights a specific problem with Head armor causing clipping - Thankfully there is an option to disable head armor at the transmog so this is not an issue for those who wish to leave it on or remove it. Surely by this logic you can’t force the option just to mainhand weapons if you are not willing to do so for all the head armor that will also be clipping.

I was planning and looking forward to my Shadowlands transmog for months…

I so badly wanted my swords AND the night fae bulb with the moths on my back.
I’m really sad about this decision and wish there would just be a transmog option for weapons like hiding shoulders.

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I vote for this.

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The simple solution would indeed be the option to hide or not to hide weapon.
Blizzard needs to stop with these things that take many years to “fix” and just add it from the get-go. It’s not an issue at all to have it as an option from the beginning.

I’d also like the option for sheathing 1h weapons on the back or waist, same for some smaller 2h weapons. It should be simple enough to implement but it’s something that’s taken years and they still haven’t put it in the game.

It’s sad to think it essentially takes 4 years from the start of an expansion to farm the mogs from that expansion efficiently because “Muh legacy loot” that blizz is hellbent on forcing on us. I consider prev expansion to be legacy content but Blizzard for whatever reason: Doesn’t. This game doesn’t have an infinite amount of years left so i’d appreciate it if they could hurry up with the cosmetic changes.

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I agree with your post very much, however Blizzard explicitly stated themselves when BfA launched that Legion was NOT considered Legacy it was semi concurrent with BfA. They only in the last 6 - 12 months I believe made it so legion was counted as legacy when they applied the legacy loot rules.

I do not think legion legendaries should ever have been locked to spec - and tbh I think the only reason they unlocked them was because when on the character selection screen transmogged weapons over legion legendaries constantly dissapeared and reverted to the original weapons, or to appearances that were not legion legendaries.

I also think if they are choosing to unlock the artifact weapons from spec, then the mounts should also be decoupled from spec choice. Some races; paladin for example can choose to utilise any of their class hall mounts regardless of spec, one rule for one and one rule for everyone else does not sit well with me.

I personally think they should either make it so it is an option to choose if you want to hide your’ weapon or not when it clips or the second option is to make it so caster classes can cast using their weapons unsheathed, one of the two options should be done.


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