Covenant quest in azeroth?

But they are allegedly “native to Shadowlands”; so they’ve been around and known about for I don’t know how long. Unless of course someone wants to sell the idea that Oribos knew nothing about them before they actually showed up, and that’s a really, really hard sell. Because then we might as well let the Jailer win, because anything is better than that sheer level of incompetence when it comes to running the place.

Maybe they are known. Just not someone who would be welcome, if they deny the Purpose.

Thus they might not be reliable in the eyes of attendants.

Attendant Scribe says: The brokers seem to be intrigued by all this chaos.

Attendant Scribe says: Well, they do crave knowledge above all else. These mortals certainly present them with intriguing opportunities.

Attendant Scribe says: And the brokers are never ones to shy away from opportunity.

Attendant Scribe says: We must trust that these opportunities are part of the Purpose.

Attendant Scribe says: The Purpose is our way.

Also it is possible that the brokers are known to be the kind that might only be trusted to a degree and should not be a “core” of any important plans.

gl hf

When you’re facing a crisis of apocalyptic proportions that “will decide the very fate of Shadowlands” you don’t really have much room to exclude people.

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