Crash since 10.0.5

I’ve tried to download the new version of iOS but after downloading 13gb over 6h it just said “update cant be installed”. It was not even stored somewhere on the computer. The update just vanished after the error. LOL

Same here!
I have a MacBookPro Mid 2014 with Mac OS BigSur 11.7.3 .
Wednesday, just after patch, crash.
Thursday, after a new path, crash again.
The code is different each time it crashes, but it looks something related to the main exec, since the crash happens really fast, but discrete GeForce is kicked in, so it’s after that initialization code.

Pls fix that ASAP ! :slight_smile:

Thank you,

Mine is working now!

I’ve updated over night to Ventura 13.1 and it is now working again.

Is there any fix if your not able to update to Ventura 13.1 or 12.4 Monterey?

I’m preparing to migrate by using OpenCoreLegacyPatcher.
I’m backing up my stuff and proceed after that.
USB key already prepared.


There’s a huge thread on this in the Tech forum with a blue response - this link should lead straight to the response: Wow won't open on Mac since the patch - #65 by Dresiaron

There is another more recent blue post in the same thread but it doesn’t tell anything useful.

Hey, lots of different drivers got updates recently. You might wanna check all updates on your end aswell

Update from my side: it looks like OpenCoreLegacyPatcher has to use Root Patching and use an Apple Debug Toolkit to access the drivers for GPU, but those drivers are the same as Big Sur, because NVIDIA didn’t release any more recent drivers. Since those drivers are buggy, the problem will be the same.
This is what is reported in the US forum, so I didn’t try myself…
What I did, instead, is installing BOOTCAMP and Win11. That works! I believe because the drivers are different.
So, in order to play, I have to reboot in Win11, but that’s doable, at least for me…

Thank you,

The game is working now!

New crasher here(windows) :slight_smile: One week of crashing. Pressing spells, sometimes just afk and i get crash :slight_smile:

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