Crossfaction RP in faction specific hubs

hey man people were talking about goblins/neutral races and I just wanted to add how a faction enjoyer character might feel about dratchyr because of what they are and what they do, not my fault a dracthyr poster with questionable reading comprehension had to twist that around

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While I’m on the topic of goblins since they’re relevant right now, the Grimoire of the Shadowlands book describes their funeral customs.

Their funerals are overseen and conducted by the lawyer of the deceased’s estate. Their will is read after the burial in which all their assets are listed and divided according to the will. Assets not listed will be auctioned off there and then, and the earnings divided in accordance with the will. This is often a source of great in-fighting.

Their lawyer is perhaps the most important person in their lives, from vetting contracts (which their whole society revolves around) to protecting them from lawsuits, and finally seeing their estate taken care of in death. A good lawyer will last you a life time, so you better pick the right one.

Humans confess to a priest; a goblin to his lawyer.


While the conversation has somewhat derailed from the original topic I appreciate everyone’s input.

Even more so when it comes to neutral RP and the possible implications for races that joined the factions at later times it has been quite insightful. Definitely has given me a more holistic context in regards to RP and lore.

Going back to the original post to actually check what the topic was before people started the usual -

I think my answer would be it can make sense.

For instance, until we’re told otherwise in canon, as far as most people would be concerned, surely a Dracthyr is a Dracthyr. They showed up, and the Alliance and Horde worked together, or at least sent representatives that could work well enough together, to explore and help in the Dragon Isles. To our current knowledge, Dracthyr haven’t been part of a faction-conflict level event and so, presumably, there wouldn’t be as much weight and/or bias as others might have?

Now, others? Again, it depends. Actually having other races rocking around Orgrimmar or Stormwind, or any other capitals? Well, maybe Earthen in Ironforge I suppose, again being a group that’s had no encounter with the prior faction conflict. You might get Tauren and Night Elves being civil with each other in relevant hubs, dependent on characters.
Vulpera and Goblins might have grounds to, as traders or merchants, though I’d personally say realistically the Vulpera would be the ones who have more reason to be wary/distrustful of Alliance than the other way around.

Just my tuppence, anyway. I think a lot of things can work if they’re handled with a modicum of sense and an understanding of the circumstances, reasons and likely responses.
Of course, this being Argent Dawn… :stuck_out_tongue:


No need to elaborate further, really.

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I don’t like it either but we absolutely mustn’t trash on people for doing exactly what they are supposed to do and adhere to the lore. The fact we dislike something doesn’t mean it isn’t true and if you choose to ignore the lore then so be it, but at that point you’re playing your own homebrew setting instead - which is fine, and a bit of homebrew and pick ‘n’ choose is very good for more isolated or bubbled roleplay but not appropriate for public roleplay in Stormwind.


I don’t know if it’s on topic or not but I’m never quite sure where these sentiments leave my Horde-IC but Alliance-OOC character… I’ve only played him with friends or in neutral areas because I never know if I’ll be welcome in the actual Horde hubs (if it’s safe from NPC guards) :flushed: