Crossfaction RP in faction specific hubs

The people in that Imgur link should remember that SI:7 has killed dissidents for less… speaking against the King openly and publicly is considered treason in Stormwind.

Also, RE: Dracthyr having a “neutral” stance. Yeah sure, just don’t barge into the faction cities then. You’re tantamount to a foreign spy for a foreign nation. Be aware of what you are should you choose to be a “Dragon Kingdom” Dracthyr or etc., and for the love of God don’t follow Blizzard’s example because they’ve made half the Dracthyr NPCs into ice cream eaters who just sit around complaining that Dogs don’t like them.

Please do not treat Azeroth and its nations as some sort of Euro Shengen Area where all borders and authority are waived because you flashed your European Citizenship Card. This shouldn’t have to be said, but there is a concerning amount indicating that it might kind of need to be said. Also ideally don’t have your Dragon talk… like that.


Blizz knows their target audience with Dracthyr, dont they?


I love how you guys always complain that “people don’t follow lore!!11!!” but then also say something like this:

… so basically what you are saying is, as long as you find things that are cool in lore THEN those are the only accurate portrayal you should follow lol


Hey Man you’re the one 3 posts up who said they’re portrayed as Die-Hard Clone Troopers.

Okay? And they can’t enjoy ice cream / the simplicities of life, because…? You don’t need to backtrack now. You said it’s uncool what Blizzard does with their OWN setting. Have you ever considered writing fanfiction perhaps?

Preferably Die-Hard Clone Troopers would be saluting Alexstrasza and dying in droves on the field of battle for the glory of the Aspects. Of course we do see the Clones drink (although its harder for them to actually be intoxicated) but its an incredibly rare thing for SW to show explicitly because its a large tone and narrative dissonance from their moment-to-moment portrayal.

Yeah Blizzard does a lot of things I find very stupid, like om nom nom as a language and yip yap yip yip as a language, and retconning half their lore any expansion, and never setting up villains and never worldbuilding and never giving their characters a personality beyond two or three predominant traits and giving lore interview where their own writers admit they don’t really know the lore so they just let the Quest team do what they want and-- You get the point, I think. But I still very much like Azeroth as a setting, despite all the stupidity Blizz waters it down with to make it Disney-Friendly.

You’ll never believe what this forum and hobby are.


Not gonna lie I would love to read some banger fanfic sometime, but sadly every time I check the forums I just see people fighting over the same topics that have been discussed a hundred times in the past. It’s just arguing for the sake of arguing and harassing people who you deem fail and cringe. It’s always ‘things are so bad, people don’t understand the lore’ but actually all you want to say is ‘they don’t follow MY kind of interpretation, so they are fail.’

It’s an example because if you find the current lore and setting and the roleplay community on AD so disheartening and too Disney-friendly, maybe it’s time to find some other creative outlet…


My solution was just creating 5 gates that I have control over as to whether or not someone gets to RP with me. Works really well. Just do your version of gatekeeping with some decorum and manners and all will be well.


I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve literally never seen an Earthen on the forums before but

why is their head so low down. The camera is up here, did nobody get a stool for the poor rock dwarves?

Total offtopic but Blizz pls


Meronspell made it weird again :roll_eyes:

He’s a little rabid but he’s not wrong.


I mean, the whole part of “No, you have to obey the lore, stop being a lorebreaker and realise you can’t do X, except that I also ignore lore because I Don’t Like it” is kind of a contradiction.

The bit about wanting Dracthyr to die in droves for Alexstrasa was just… I admit, I kind of zoned out at that point. Like, bro, you ok?

Anyway, this entire thread went pretty far off-topic ages ago and devolved into a Normal Argent Dawn finger pointing match, but that part kinda threw me enough to comment I guess.


It’s not so much a contradiction as it is personal preference. Do you want your 20,000 year old clone dragon super soldiers acting like ice-cream eating quirky 18 year olds or do you want them all doing /salute in a formation and then divebombing the nearest enemy and eliminating them with extreme prejudice? I know which one I want my 20k year-old super soldiers doing and I know which ones I’d terminate from the cloning VAT.

Very common thing for soldiers to do believe it or not, it is, one might argue, the entire reason they exist: as a form of national service in defence of one’s nation. This usually takes the form of war and battle. Very common themes in Warcraft, no less!

Judging a race by its Stormwind RPer variants is, frankly, dumb. And even cherry-picking from bad examples within official writing is the same - if you’re tarring all with the same brush because of one Thisalee Crow (-winces-) or Gamon or Maximillian of Northshire or whatever… well, that’s on you, frankly?

The SW Clone comparison is pretty apt I think, actually - yes, they were absolutely designed as soldiers/weapons, and then when they’re let out into the wider world they, surprise surprise, start devoping distinct personalities and quirks and, canonically, a bunch realise “Actually, uh… we don’t want to be soldiers? We never got a choice before.”

I’ve probably lost track of where the ‘argument’ was going, but then again I feel so has this thread.

This, again, reads really weird. Do you want depth of characters and races and believable world building, or do you want ‘Warcraft Soldiers’ to be brainless drones within the world setting? Because, in game or IRL, I can tell you exactly which one is believable and realistic.


But that’s kind of the thing with dracthyr - they aren’t all soldiers. They can be soldiers, but the whole plot of that expansion involved dratchyr trying to find their place in the world. For some of them that resulted in military service and upholding their original purpose. For others, it differed off entirely.

If I had to sum up dracthyr’s overarching theme in a single word it’s “identity”. Identity between born purpose and finding their own paths, indentity between their draconic form and the visage. They’re a race that fundamentally relies on conformity and difference which is why I personally get quite miffed when seeing people reducing them either to just killing machines or just slice of life when they, as a race, can 100% be both - and also why I find the whole “NO YOU MUST BE IN VISAGE OR IT’S BAD RP” or “NO YOU MUST BE IN DRACTHYR FORM OR IT’S SECONDLIFE NONSENSE” also really stupid. They literally have the choice to do as they please.

I will also say that it’s not necessarily you saying any and all of these things, mind - but I’ve seen it pop up enough times that I think people fundamentally miss the point on what dracthyr actually are.


Yeah I don’t disagree w/ any of that actually, I just think they shouldn’t have made half of them be portrayed as 18 year old quirky twinks. That is my only bedrock line here. You will notice I don’t really have any critique of Viridia or Emberthal to give because I don’t really think they’re a problem.

Anyone not willing to die for the Light-Given Jawline of the Wrynn dynasty is a person who cannot be trusted and is, may Mereldar forgive me for uttering this, a Horde sympathiser.


Think Obahar just summed up why I get tilted when I see Dracthyr just thrown under the proverbial bus in discussions.

Like, if you (general ‘you’ there) don’t like them, fine, no worries, okidoke. But I wish people would stop acting like No, Bad just because they don’t personally like them.


Unfortunately I’ll have to agree with Meronspell on this one – speaking as someone who does RP the race. He’s not even talking about Rpers either, the unfortunate reality is that almost all of the dracthyr NPCs added since their inception have been some variety of silly or quirky. Having quirky characters isn’t necessarily bad, but in the case of dracthyr it really is the norm. You have to cherry-pick the ones who aren’t like that instead, and you’d find the only ones who act like you’d expect an average dracthyr to act are basically only the sundered flame npcs. Hell, the ONE dracthyr character that’s featured in TWW is the valorstone upgrade guy, and he claims outright that he’s not much of a fighter. Like ???

I’m gonna kill autocorrect istg


I’ve already screenshotted your cardinal sin and sent it to the relevant blogs.