Crusader Strike is dead - merge us with Chaos Bolt

I play on CS and i find groups within 5mins all day every day. Idk what u talking about dead server.
Just because you dont see chat move faster than you can read doesn’t mean the server is dead


25 people in Ironforge, 40 in stormwind.

Very vibrant server!!!

It’s just people trying to get a free transfer because their friends left. I understand it from that perspective, but they shouldn’t be lying saying the server is “dead” or “dire”

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So I just logged in and checked this myself, there’s 50+ people in both cities. Can you tell us why you feel the need to exaggerate and lie on the forums?

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Literally looking at /who now 30 people in IF

Honestly super weird behavior from the Alliance in this thread that just can’t admit they want to go to Wild Growth, the constant and consistent lying and gaslighting is laughable

You genuinely cannot count lol

Spend ten mins in LFG and act like this server isnt a shade of its former self.


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Keep trying to gaslight, anyone with eyes can see the numbers.

You know a server that needs help right now? Chaos Bolt. Not Crusader Strike.

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“gaslight” lol

Not my fault your a moron who cannot count.

This Siorea is for some reason just lying non stop and pretending that 1 layer, less than 50 people in capitals and like 5 posts on LFG is some kind of thriving server.

Not sure what their angle is, calling everyone else a liar.

Its pretty damm easy to login and see the severs a shell of its former self.


yea delusional fangirling - whatever floats your boat i guess

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You idiots won’t be satisfied until Blizzard opens transfers and kills off Crusader Strike so you can join your buddies on Wild Growth.

dude, you are kinda aggressive, maybe touch some grass or something? :slight_smile:

Aggressive? You don’t know the meaning of the word lol. Showcasing your delusion for everyone to see :rofl:

Im not sure how the pop is on CS, but I can tell you that CB is gone :smiley:
But we were already 50% the size of CS, before they opened the transfers

Yeah I feel for you guys on Chaos Bolt, I hope they give you an out soon.

However, these Crusader Strike Alliance players are completely clueless.

i bet you celebrate those “got yas” like a good little fangirl :). Good for you, really!

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The server is fine. Just because it doesnt have 15 layers doesn’t mean it’s dead.

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Yeah no sh*t dummy

We dont want to be stuck on this server.

You can pretend that 5 posts in LFG is good, im not willing to do that.

EDIT: IM on cb lol, you have been arguing with me about the wrong server

Why are you even in this thread in the first place then? This is about Crusader Strike, perhaps you need to get your eyes checked. And aww so angwy aswell! :nerd_face: