C'thun beam delay

Even if it works like it used to, you will probably one shot c’thun anyway.

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give us your pre nerfed c’thun before Nihilum could kill it. Everybody said it was impoosible but thats just a meme.
Guilds will crush this nowadays

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Looks like they did by that blue post from back in the day

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Isn’t it making the pull a joke ?

Please fix that stuff.

Seems to be fixed. I’m not sure about how to post links sadly as it says I’m not allowed to do so but you can see a run in wipe in twitch amongst the clips of the chanel called Prefoxfox.

Then why you playing classic?

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N O E S. It is like UBRS: private servers one was OVERTUNED! This is a 15 yo game, based on meme strategy knowlegde, connections etc. A single mythic boss has more mechanics than all the AQ40 bosses together.

If you think this game is too easy follow this step:

  1. Buy a 1998 PC
  2. Run a 5 mega dowload connection (massive lag)
  3. Raid without World Buff
  4. Use wrong spec (e.g. frost mages in AQ40)

It makes no sense coming here complaining about how easy is this game and then playing with full wb/consumes and min/maxing even the race (only gnomes and dwarfs gne gne: owned by human males Progress kekw). It is literally a brain conflict.

This game is a joke cause everything is different! Have you ever played the real Vanilla or only private server? Back in the days this game was hard cause we have NO IDEA of the strategy, we were terrible at theorycrafting and our PC and connection were atrocious, not to mention the Blizzard servers were a joke. Splitraid was not a thing: we had far less gear back in the days!


well blizz decided it was 2 hard 2 pull and chenged it to way it is now as BLUE from 2006 states
blue. mmo-champion. com/topic/67134-cthun-patch-112/

blue. mmo-champion. com/topic/67134-cthun-patch-112/

blue. mmo-champion. com/topic/67134-cthun-patch-112/

It clearly say it was a temporary hotfix which was revert in 1.12.1 So somehow it’s a “bug”

“Somehow” Its like saying Allegations=rape cause afaik we are on 1.12 not 1.12.1 are we ??
Blizz wont change it cause of few players from back in a day whine its not hard enough just wait and see

You should read the 1.12.1 patchnote then. We have it in the game.

Btw, we have the 1.12.2 as base and we are on the 1.13 client. So yeah, it’s a “bug”

They use 1.12 as a reference client but they stitched in 1.12.1 stuff like for example fixing Blade of eternal darkness only procing when damage is done.

looked around forums what people think and best answer is
"The majority of players think being summoned around the world so they can raid with 30% more HP and 80% more damage is fine.

Compared to that a slightly easier C’thun pull is nothing."

I see whole WORLD BUFF stacking as worst thing about classic myself
Those buffs give more than jump from T1 to T3 does !!! It’s retarded


What exactly does that have to do with a thread about a bugged boss mechanic?

its got to do about people whining is to easy well kill all world buffs blizzard PLEASE and that sorts allot of dificulty out

We play classic not for easy mod, please Blizzard make at least some bosses hard as it was in original classic

I play for easy mode and ??