C'thun beam delay

And you’ll have even if it’s fix. Enjoy.

It’ll just give a proper fight for those who are looking for it.

Stop overtune a version of the game that has 15 years old know. Ppl also have a better global experience of MMORPG atm and we saw we have the raid in a post nerf of the Vanilla version to let it accessible even for the current casual players of the game and the version.
What is done now will not be rollback. Go through this but whining because it was not prenerf as it was released day-1 in Vanilla version is useless atm.

Classic is not Vanilla because of time and player experience. Do not forget that

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Because, we want to play challenging World of Warcraft in all aspects, besides Retail, which the only hard thing is Mythic Raid and Mythic Keystones on 15+.

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Ye, if world buffs dont exist, the fun will be bigger. I hoped blizzard will remove it, but simply they are part of the game.

It’s like WB +t1 and you are geared for whole classic :smiley:

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What is “overtune” here ?

As you said everything is in it’s final state, the “post nerf version”

Since the delay was fix in 1.12.1 it’s currently not in it’s final state and should be fix.

You don’t get it do you

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I found something interesting, this means that Blizzard’s reference client is missing the last 2 patches of vanilla (1.12.1 and 1.12.2)

1.12.2 doesn’t have anything noteworthy in it but 1.12.1 has some interesting things.

For example, remember a while back when Blade of Eternal Darkness was glitched and would proc on non-damage spells such as a Priests’ Mind Vision? Guess what’s in this missing patch - “The [Blade of Eternal Darkness] will now only proc when damage is done.”

Why is everyone already assuming that this was intentional? Maybe, just maybe, it is in fact nothing more than a bug.

For any reason if its bug or not, I think iconic bosses like C’thun should be tough.

If by making it stronger, faster and smarter is a change - then so be it.

check post 64 for clarification.
the beam behaviour is consistent with their reference client.

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People forget that gathering wbuffs is one of the reasons why the world seems to be alive.

Ye, but it’s not normal.

After looking trough the stream appearantly on the stream there is a fast beam, and they wiped lol.

cant link but look trough the clips and you will find: Prefoxfox - FAST BEAM PogU

The clip was posted like 4 hours ago.

How ? because it require us to stay disconnected.


There it is doods!

there is what ?? aaaa faster beam.

It is too hard to understand for them. They ask for harder content and then they run with flask,full r14, full consumes and World buffs. They should join Greenilum project if they want real challenge.

He posted only the videos which support his point and not something like the one below. It could be random tbh: e.g. cast between 3-10 sec from the engage.

As you can see from the video below (C’thun 2006 - STALLET), the engage started before 13 sec and the first beam is at 23 sec (10 sec plus delay). If I am not wrong there is no istant beam and there is no chain-beam-spam.

The sad part is that his guild mates were laughing at chinese guilds trying to clear AQ40 (“oh these guys are so bad, TRASH bla bla”). I have the feeling they want an istant-beam just to look down on more casual guilds. Do you really need that to boost you ego? “OHH they are wiping!”.

And the end:
Let’s say they modify the beam, nothing is going to change. Many guilds will adapt in some weeks/months thanks to twitch streamers (VOD in particular). This is not 2006.

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aperantly the rogue is already 10s in combat when the raid is running in. u could saw that on the stream. its basically bait and not fixed.

that was my point they want harder content… Well then for aq40 take half of BWL gear off use MC. Cap fps at 25 dont bring no flasks world buffs and dont use discord. Ye that would make it more vanilla expirience than the beam lolol

Working like it did in Vanilla* at least.

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