Curios question Witch hunt/Order of Ember

I think that at some point the Drust must have subsided therefore giving the Order of Embers a reason to subside also, as the presence of the Drust is the Order’s sole purpose, as you stated.

Race does not equate to Faction alignment. Not all Kul Tirans are desperate to engage the Horde although if this was the Order of Embers charging off while the Drust still ravage their home it would be odd, if another Order comprised of various races and founded on different principles were to travel though that would be different.

Great suggestions!


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All of these are great ideas on how to keep a guild that want to strictly be order of embers like, alive well after the expansion I imagine.

and perhaps I went to far into monster hunter territory.
but what I meant to say was, that witches are not a drustvar special and in vain of what you suggest, there could be covens popping up outside of drustvar, they are pretty good at hiding among normal people as seen in a handful of quests.

I am merely trying my best to dispell the notion that such a guild couldn’t survive outside of drustvar because I think a proper witcher guild would be pretty neat.

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In warcraft? Yeah, I did see one. Plenty of weird headcannon that doesn’t belong here. I understand it, RPing in MMOs has literally no rules, but if it wasn’t Argent Dawn, they’d probably get a plenty of rude advices.

Taking inspiration is one thing, going literally “Yeah, we’re witchers now.” is meh.

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I talk with the Haven people and sadly my character wont fit in their. I was thinking more of an open concept for all characters no matter title nor status. More like a witch hunter type you see in Warhammer and witch hunt doing the 16 century type thing.

ofc I didn’t mean a clear copy paste witcher guild, but rather the concept of witch hunters and in part monster hunters,

Hmm, I don’t think you’ll have much success in finding a guild that does the specific same thing as this guild (monster hunting) but without the status and title (BEING monster hunters). I mean, a more open and broader concept would mean you’re just a regular hunter, isn’t it?

If I understand correctly what you want, why don’t you join any of the many guilds that travel around and occasionally fight monsters, like feral worgen and whatnot? Most mercenary guilds should fit the bill.

Unless I misunderstood you about your character concept?

Passive aggressive much?

RP whatever you want, but don´t expect people to just nod when they think your concept does not make sense in the setting. I would explain it further, but Mion did it much better in regards to nature of Order of Embers.

While some people might write us off as Witcher wannabes (Not saying anyone on here is) we make an effort to ensure that anything we introduce into our RP is referenced by something already in World of Warcraft. For example, an order created to purge ancient evil has been done by the Order of Embers, course our own group are a bit more open with the threats we contend with its not that far of a stretch in my opinion.

As for the use of potions well the Order of Embers seeks Master Ashton out for a reason, for his “Alchemical fire”. He also gives the hero a chilly breath potion to put out fires and health potions have always been a thing so certain potions are already established in Warcraft.

As for bombs well there are certainly bombs in Warcraft, Goblins seem rather fond of them, rogues use smoke bombs and I believe Ashton gives you a fire bomb in Drustvar so there is instances of bombs in the Warcraft setting too.

The only snag we may hit is blade oils but coating your weapon in a poison or venom that a creature is weak to is not that out there in terms of headcannon, in fact its similar to having poison on a dagger or an arrowhead.

The last thing we want is for our RP to pull someone out of the Warcraft setting but from the points I have made I don’t think we are stepping out of it.


I think I just realized why Drustvar is a lot of people’s favourite Alliance zone.

It’s very Witcher-esque.


what I was saying is merely similar to that of a focus witch hunt order that can slowly expand from hunting witches in Drusvar and start hunting similar targets longer down the line.
Being open as in not caring about once status nor title but willingness to do whats needed for its course.

I still don’t understand why you don’t simply change your character concept to fit this guild better, as they seem to be a dream guild for what you’re describing you want. Am I missing something?

Like this?

In the GM’s own words:

Just to kinda hop in here and clear OP’s situation with ours!

Havenguard is an order that can be described as an “off-shoot of the OoE” just to kind of guide those that don’t quite understand the type of thing we’re going for. We’re not affiliated with the OoE - but we’re also not trying to crash any lore that pre-exists.

OoE and the Witcher were definitely inspirations and I’ve thought long and hard about how the guild can exist post-BFA. It doesn’t matter what we’re fighting necessarily - but we’re focusing on the “supernatural” side of WoW. Spirits, witches, ghosts, undead with beasts and monsters thrown in.

We’ve established our own backstory as to why the order exists in it’s current form. Originally the Havenguard was a band of townsfolk who formed together to protect Fallhaven from anything that would attempt to harm the village - it just so happened to be in Drustvar where the Drust exists - it’s what the order were trained to fight. Over the years the order naturally changed it’s path - focusing on a bigger picture than Fallhaven - but the roots of being monster hunters are there - that’s what we are and what we do. For example, we ran an event last night that dealt with a Wicker Golem as the opening to a storyline we’re going through in terms of Kaylí’s ancestors fighting the coven - once that storyline wraps up, we’ll move onto different things (hoping for some void/OG stuff to be in by that point!)

Currently the undead and Sylvannas are part of a war - something the Havenguard views as an evil scourge that needs to be erased and we will eventually join the RP-PvP campaigns to combat this ICly. If/when the Old Gods come into play this is deemed as a threat. The sky really is the limit in terms of what we “hunt”. We’re not just a band of mercenaries that fight anything for coin - we’re an order of old that follows traditions set out from the creation of the order. (The characters are learning of the order through old books and tomes - so progressing into the future can open up a wealth of opportunity should a character say, “Hey… I don’t agree to how we used to do this!” etc!

This is a fantasy game, there’ll always be monsters to fight no matter what part of Azeroth we go!

OP wanted a more Witch Hunter type guild that seemed to be the Order of Embers - something we’re not as I don’t viably believe that such a guild could exist once BFA ends. I’d like someone to prove me wrong, though! :>


Thanks for elaborating! That explains it. :smiley:

Sorry for being bad a explaining…

That actually sounds pretty interesting.

The OoE could still exist after BfA but it won’t receive any attention or official Blizzard lore.

The Drust seems to exist as a reoccurring threat, and honestly, Drustvar is just supreme for a foundation of ‘dark and edgy witch hunting hub’.

Inb4 it’s the new Duskwood.


Even when BFA ends, I still think it be vireble for such an order to go similar targets outside its borders yet keep vigilant eye on drustvar. Do that could be taken later down the line.

Indeed drustvar seems ideal startin point for such, do not edgy but more gathering of witch hunters to later expand on.
(just me on an alt)

I had a thought. The silvered weapons buff from the Drustvar questline applies to aberrations, undead, and elemental targets. That largely means void critters, scourge and twilight hammer targets in the wider world.

I’d also have a witch hunter cling to old superstitions for safety, just to be sure and a lot of those seem to actually work. Remember to wear that onion!

That is true and exelent idea to cling to old superstitions for safety.

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