Given how suddenly blizzard is making customisation for such popular races which have an abundance of variety to choose from I figured I’d post a few things which are on the dream pipe of my own to further push and open variety for worgen as a race.
The few ideas are as followed
Straight backs, self explanatory should get the same treatment as orcs did.
Separating patterns from colours, self explanatory: if I want to use the new black pigment they added with the updated colors but don’t want the grey feet or white chest and muzzle then I should be able to swap pattern ( if I recall correctly vulpera can do this already? I know someone can)
Scarrs seem to be the unique feature they have but only one face can have it??? More scarrs could be added as a separate customisation even if its a case of only having two or three to choose from
Jewelery pinching a page out of humans goblins etc to express player freedom just make it a extra pair of ears if so be it minimalistic by the means of it being a toggle option or only one set of ears with it people would hugely like even just having the option even if its grossly limited.
The purpose of making the post to simply push out there that worgen as a race is grossly limited on options of customisation and it was proven with spreadsheets some months ago that their probably the only race with no allied race alternatives yet being a core race with customisation equal to a allied race.
I’ll link the spreadsheet (if I remember) when I’m not on my phone, thank you for taking your time to read it
My thoughts and prayers also go out to goblin and pandaren players who are potentially in a similar boat.
edit 1: this is the thing I was trying to refer too for a race being out since cata, that lack of choice is disgusting and unimaginative.
I’d add a tail customization as with draenei on top of what the OP said. I don’t know what eye colors you can choose from as I don’t have a worgen, but having an evilish bloody red is fitting for most classes for immersion. Same for a selection of dental appearances such as fangs.
Btw, for making the thread, it just so happens I have a little present for you…
Who’s the best big bad wolf? You are! Catch!
Yeah that was it, its from a reddit post dating back to around 8.3 / early very early shadow lands I believe about the SL customisation. Just feel that it was very disgusting how they were meant to be “touching up” on the core races but can’t help but feel like they only paid heed to the “fan favourites” in essence.
Imo all races should have free choice of hair and skin/fur color.
Want to be a blue worgen with a red mane? Go for it.
Defo more fur patterns. Like the iksar and vashir have in Everquest 2
they have a ok (could do with more maybe but will take what i can get by this point) amount in the game but its linked to a colour like the stripes are explicitly grey and such so you can never really flexibly use any of the patterns and such cause you’re always forced to use it with that colour or no bueno.
I personally love the new black pigment they added with pre-patch but don’t wanna use it cause im too self conscious about the off coloured feet and the fact it uses white on the body when i just want full black.
I mean its how the elves seem to probably be getting their stuff? (if i was to guess) just spam a thread till it has like 1 billion views/likes and attracts the equivalent of the draenor server playerbase onto it. (we are aware they do use the forum to some amounts and the high elf mega thread has been around since atleast Legion i think?)
I’ve used the in-game feature of suggesting but one voice alone using that tool does nothing unless its reporting bots.
Sadly no screenies of iksar and vashir patterns but even for an old game like EQ2 its way more options than the fur races than wow got. Why not a dalmation patterned Coat, a pug, a rottweiler, a calico etc?
So many cool options could be added.
Also the choice of pattern color being different from fur body etc
Always open for more costumize:D
Don’t think the tail forum threads make sense though, its lore wise not a thing they have from my understanding or memory and just people pointing at like one piece of art or something which has no ground to it or any amount of relevance and could may as well just be concept art by this point (push comes to shove)
However there is nothing stopping them from just adding basic things which seem to be almost a luxury to have by this point in terms of player expression, the garrison guards have tattoos even although its probably just a in-game item hidden out of player view.
but the rest should atleast of been taken into consideration atleast once since its not unrealistic/stupid/impossible by any means as far as im concerned anyway and even if its just one or two choices tops at a grossly limited extent would be better than just nothing.
Ah yes, my apologies how could I forget we’re so totally “overqualified” for new customisation despite all we got was HD models in BFA which were promised and adjusted for during WOD and we got 4 fur colours and 1 new face / ears / facial hair feature.
We sooooooooo totally got equal treatment compared to the likes of human, orc, belf/velf, nelf. We’re probably one of the least developed core races along side pandarens & goblins with the “new customisation” being last minute developments at best most likely.
Hate on this thread all you want, but if you’re saying we got “alot” then you clearly don’t place the race and or are referring to human customisation, which don’t count.
Name me another core race on par with allied race levels of customisation, which isn’t worgen. I’ll wait.
Nonsense and i’m not hating. I’m just saying there are other races that got allot less and should be prioritised. Worgen got their custimization plus the human ones.
You don’t play worgen for the human form, trying to affiliate the worgen customisation even remotely to what humans get is utter blasphemy, go look at the image. Worgens when it comes to features are grossly limited to customising their main form, the form which matters.
You can barely alter anything bar the bare-bones basics, the only races with “less” are allied races, which are just copy pastas / addons of core existing races (minus vulpera).
If you want the math you can look at the reddit image added at the start, worgen is probably one of the worst off core races with 0 look alike races you can resort to in place of worgen.