Customizable Entropic Embrace skins

Of course they would fit, but it seems that Blood Elves have abandoned their heritage with tattoos there are none that have them right now.


Because Blizzard didn’t put tattoos on any of them save Aleria, who is a newer better model. I see no other high elves or void elves with them either.
So arguably, tattoos of appropriate colours should go all around.

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Elixir of life, muh boi!

Don’t think we’re running risk of any salt deficiencies in GD any time soon.
Salt’s a plenty. ^^

But I got you covered, don’t you worry!


As a slug, I’m offended by this.



You’re still not reading what other’s type. OK, lets address your points.
Sand Troll: Darkspear Troll (core race) Customisation option. No In Game alteration to their racials.

Wildhammer Dwarf: Dwarf (core race) customisation option. No In Game alteration to their racials.

High Elves: Void Elf (allied Race) customisation option. Request is made to provide an option to excise the Void part.

That is your difference. This situation is actually unique in the game right now.

You have “Core race Customisation allowing different strains of the race to exist”, then you have “Allied Race customisation allowing a second Allied Race, with the suggested option of actually altering the racial of the first Allied Race, to make the customisation the more highly played”

Don’t you see the difference?

Let me put an honest question to you. Please be honest. Let us say, that an option was given, for EE to be entirely invisible and make no changes to the appearance of a character.

How many of those thinking this is a cool idea will take that option?
It’s going to be High. (Pun not intended). Contrast that with how many would instead go with the cool options of some wild and wonderful customisations of EE that look like Void Elf stuff?

Can you not see it?

With the exception of the OP’s first suggestion about changed visuals for EE (Which have actually got me fired up, I’m seeing some mad fractal stuff like the Sorceresses cast in ‘The Red Star’ if anyone was lucky enough to catch that graphic novel series) Just about every suggestion for customisation for Void Elves has not been about Void Elves at all. It has all been “How can we get High Elves”.

That’s the thing. It seems like people have moved on from customisation for Void Elves, now they want customisation for their High Elves. You even see it, you even -did- it, in this thread. You typed High/Void Elf.

I Don’t recall seeing Sand Troll fans trying to rewrite the customisation and racials, to marginalise Darkspear Trolls. I don’t recall seeing Wildhammer Dwarf fans trying to rewrite the customisation and racials, to marginalise Dwarves.

You -do- see High Elf fans trying to rewrite the customisation and racials to marginalise actual Void Elves.

It’s not classy.

When people are talking about the customisation option, and not the actual playable race, then it is kinda a problem, yes. Don’t you see? It would be like people referring to Farraki, rather than ‘trolls’ or Wildhammer, rather than Dwarves. People have already started referring to Void elves as ‘High Elves’

Which is why it is weird.

Arcane Tattoos definitely are a Thalassian thing. Possibly more prevalent amongst Blood Elves, but we have no core evidence bar that of the Elves we see who have them, both are Blood Elves, equally however, both would have been born whilst the race called themselves High Elves, So definately Thalassian. Not just High Elf, sorry, High/Void Elf.

Ranger Warpaint we first saw in WC2, which was before the Scourge, Yes, Alleria has ranger Warpaint, she also left Azeroth during WC2, which was before the Scourge. So basically Ranger Warpaint is also definately Thalassian. Not just High/Void Elf.

As I stated in a previous thread, “Everyone gets them, or no one gets them”

Yes. I mean I don’t have to think it. Someone literally (using the word correctly) made that exact statement. They believed it should be restricted to High/Void Elves because of Alleria. I saw precisely 1 Void Elf poster going “no, that makes no sense” everyone else seemed quite OK with this, so don’t give me that, because in answer to the question, do I think I would see Void Elves crying about Blood Elves getting stuff? The Answer is “I don’t have to -think- it, it already happened!”

I mean, Kael’thas did.
And like, Y’know, Grand Magister Rommath? His model in game has them! Like only the joint second most important Blood Elf in game

It has ever been thus
nods sagely

Nooo! Noooo! I already have too much iron in my body (Yet paradoxically not enough in my blood) I don’t need another chemical element to get out of whack! :smiley:

I think you’ll find I said that in this and other threads, thank you.

Great minds think alike then
I definitely remember saying it as well

Allied race just means we share the same model. It doesn’t mean we are second class citizens or we should look any less than our “core” race. We are equal with all core races and we worked hard to unlock them, unlike the core races which is free to play. I’m talking about the people who actually unlocked them before they removed the rep grind , like myself (that Zandalari one almost ruined my life lol)


No it was me. You were confused by the hair colour.

Red, gold, green and black would fit blood elves quite well (in the case of black, maybe a gold outline)

Blue, purple and silver having more of a void elf flavour (maybe black with a silver outline too)

Thalassians on either side have their preferred colour schemes, so tattoos on both sides wouldn’t be an issue.

No it doesn’t. Or Zanadalari and Kul Tirans would be something else.
Brigs point however, is that attempting to split the race in 2 just isn’t right. (I think, he can confirm)

I think separating tattoo colors for both races is a brilliant idea where you give both races Thalassian tattoos that both sides can enjoy, but different colors to keep them unique. Lovely idea!

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I think Light tattoos for Blood Elves and Void tattoos for Void Elves would be ideal. :slight_smile:

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It’s not being “split into two” it’s just extra customizations so people who like more Voidy void elf stuff can enjoy that. And people who like more High elf/ natural stuff can enjoy that. It’s more variety and it’s great for Roleplayers.

After all, Dwarves and Trolls received a similar approach.

However, I don’t agree with changing our racial or name. That I don’t agree with.

Still gotta solo that dungeon to unlock Mechagnomes, only AR I haven’t got yet
 wait, can I do that on Brigante then the unlock quest on my Draenei, or do I have to do the dungeon on big blue and the unlock as well

I’ve definitely typed that out, though I may well have read your statement first and went “Yes! That!”

I do a lot of stuff with Warpaint IRL, at LARP, playing one of Faction command of hundreds of Celts. You can get some amazing differences with facepaint, for example if a Fir Cruthen is wearing blue facepaint that is solid blocks of colour (Like Mel Gibson in Braveheart) then that is a Caledonian, if their facepaint is black and intricate swirls, they are Cymrjan (Welsh) and dodgy
if it is Blue and angular designs, they are Manx, and if it is Blue and intricate swirls they are Erinian (Irish) . If it is red and black then don’t even pack a bag, just run.

But yeah, you can work some brilliant themes of identity out with the colour schemes and stylisation. That would be a nice unique touch for the difference in Warpaints/Tattoos.


Yes, you can.

Not gonna lie, when Blizzard originally described the race as having a “worgen” similar form almost EVERYONE assumed it would be natural outside combat, and Voidy in combat. Because that’s what alleria as shown having.

Instead, they went a totally different road and gave us blue berry elves who turn even more blue in combat. Which is why they probably added the natural skins later on because so many people were disappointed.

Anyway, I’m happy with what we have now. I played on the PTR and I love how my character looks with her long wavy blonde hair. And I love how noticeable the voidy racial is now that’s she doesn’t have purple hair. Maybe we should wait a bit and let other allied races get their turn in getting customizations before requesting more stuff? It seems like majority of the threads these days are mostly Velf/Helf customizations.

And to be honest, I don’t really like OP’s idea about customizing EE. It’s perfect the way it is.

But I’m just tired. Nobody listens on these forums. It will be the same old cycle.

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Didn’t they drop that requirement?

I think that’s part of 9.1.5

I think they dropped the ‘Exalted’ rep need, but you still need to do ‘Operation Mechagon’.

Anyway, EE Ideas.

I can’t linky de linkies, but there are some bizarre, unsettling, and downright outre ideas you could go with.

The Tentacles is already in place, though them flying up Medusa style when EE kicks in would look pretty cool. Sort of like the way Aszhara has her snake tentacle hair.

I’m thinking fractals, now don’t think I mean computers, obviously that would be an anachronism, but it’s the easiest way to describe it. As well as tendrils and slithery nastiness, what about jagged, sharp fractal patterns, that flicker and spike around the Void Elf, the very forces of Entropy and Khaos trying to rewrite reality on a local level, so not slithering, but spikey, not corrupting, but just re-writing, excising everything from reality around the Void Elf. Think the images from the official ‘Muse’ video, “the Second Law” where something horrible and chaotic is pursuing people and they can’t understand it or reason with it, it is insanity, or is it?

Something not soft and seductive, but spiked and implacable. Something inevitable you just have no choice but to either to succumb to, or dive headlong into in the swift and certain knowledge that nothing will be the same again. It doesn’t even have a face, it’s not a corrupt darkness where everything has too many eyes, it is simply absolute savagely cold and unknowable. Unreasonable with. And yet that is what a Void Elf can channel

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That’s what I was referring to. Sorry if things are getting muddled all over the shop.

I can happily RP as a high elf, void elf or random Thalassian de jour with these customisations, so I’m happy with things as they are (going to be).

That would be awesome.