Indeed, I really hope Blizzard has listened to this one in particular. We’ve asked for it both on the US and EU forums.
well im grateful for blue hair and blue eyes and they improve my tmogs
but raquel or the ponytail are the only two good hairstyles to"choose" from
If it were changed, I could petition Arcane Torrent being altered or even removed, just the same. I mean… with the Sunwell restored we shouldn’t be relying on draining magic from outside sources… right? I wonder what’d it be changed to, really. Lorewise, that racial of ours doesn’t make sense anymore.
Back on track, great idea and all on the velf passive but let’s not get carried away. Other races still need updates, and not everyone plays a barbie.
Yes and no. Arcane Torrent is a learned technique, not an inherent racial. It’s what Rommath brought back from Kael’thas and Illidan. Interestingly, this means that new Blood Elf children do not know how to do it, so…leaving the moral dilemma with their parents…do they teach them, or not?
Why won’t you just play a Sin’dorei at this point?
First you guys say,
We just want natural skin.
-Blizz gives it with blue eyes in adittion,
We want natural hair and nothing more, I promise!
-Blizz adds 5 “new” natural hair colours.
Then you demand again asking them to add more!
-Blizz adds 3 more hair colours.
We want to remove the tentacles!
-Blizz makes tentacles to be toggleable.
And now this?
Can you just stop and make one mega-thread instead of spamming in orders?
This is really annoying.
Hi Lun!
I’m not sure you understood my OP.
I want to voidify further my Entropic Embrace, and customize it the way I want. Perhaps I want tentacles to sprout, perhaps I want to change my eye color, perhaps I want to change my hairstyle to a Medusa-full-tentacle hairstyle. Everyone has different tastes, and would bring more diversity to Void Elves.
The High Elf was an extra suggestion to hype those people up, if anything, that’s something I don’t necessarily want.
Had I known writing the words “High Elf” in my OP would lead everyone to massively derail my thread, I would have definitely a-voided it.
Yes, pun intended. xD
No offense Lein, I like your suggestions etc, and I really like (no I dont :D) that you guys as community are vocal. Which makes me jelaous as well. I wish Shal’dorei were like this.
However, I would suggest you, and Visna, and many others to gather your ideas, and post it in one thread as Mega-thread, in this case, you will have less hate toward yourselves.
At the moment, even if you suggest something, even mentioning the name Void/High elf makes people irritated.
Thanks for your suggestion!
Our Velf discord is planning on pushing for Nightborne Arcane Druids, so you’ll definitely get our help here We’ll talk about this in the Shal’dorei discord first, though, to gather ideas, organize ourselves on the forums, etc.
They are all trolls for a reason.
Thats why you dont allow your child to buy candy. They will ask for more.
trolls are my homies.
They are in 9.1.5
So if you can wait a little bit longer it will become much easier.
Fantastico, I missed that bit Awesome stuff, cheers.
No other race (bar worgen, but it’s kinda a big part of them) has the ability to customise their racial in appearance, so I can’t support this unless you extend such to every race as well. To give it only to a race that already gets a huge amount of attention from developers of late would just be ridiculous.
Lun said it best, helf/Velf fans need to learn about something called “reading the room”. People are getting exhausted by multiple threads or other threads being reoriented onto Velf/helf when they already have been given a ton of recent attention.
Whether you intend it or not it comes across as painting the group as a bunch of self interested entitled individuals whom don’t really care about anyone else but themselves and their wants.
Keep it to a single thread. You’ve already “jumped the queue” on customisations and even when LFD HMT and NB (ARs with the least options) are being focused still managed to get attention in yourselves to get more options.
If you can’t do that then don’t be surprised when “non fans” react negatively. Most people don’t really like attention hogs honestly.
Like, I get a “missed hair tone” request, like “looks like black was missed, could we have it?” It’s a small additive request off the back of something being humoured.
But to go from “thanks for all the hair colours and styles, now can we customise our racial as well?” It comes across as obnoxious and greedy.
There are other races waiting for more than 5 hair colours and styles, and yet people would request this race gets attention in ability to tweak their racial?!?! How about we let every race get some of the basic love before we start putting in orders for “special treatment” huh?
I wonder why when it’s about Void Elves people react so aggressively, and yet we have the exact same petition, but with Wildhammer Dwarves, and no one seems to care:
Wonder why.
Because this is the first wildhammer thread in maybe 4 months? And look on this thread. Several posts with people gushing about their Velf / helf options in a thread specifically about wildhammer stuff.
How many posts do you see from wildhammer fans in other race threads derailing the topic onto their race?
You can’t seriously not see that? All the Nightborne requests and support since the 9.1.5 update have been kept within the one thread. Since the teaser of Velf options we’ve had maybe 3-4 additional threads about them go up.
It’s stuff like this why people are grumpy about it. If everyone else is capable of keeping their requests to a single thread (and keeping their racial requests in this thread) why do Velf and helf fans have to open up several threads at once? And why do they always seem to redirect other race threads onto themselves?
This kinda stuff may be objectively harmless honestly but it explains things. It’s about the impression given.
Otherwise it’s simply about volume. Less people are going to be pissed off about wildhammer threads because you see maybe one every 6 months. With Velf and helf threads you see at least 1 go up every fortnight if not more. By volume alone more people will be pissed by nothing more than the opportunity to be pissed presents itself more often.
I mean how many people are pissed about gnome customisations and people asking about them ? Probably next to no one if we go forum perception alone. This probably has a lot to do with the fact that there hasn’t been a gnome thread of this nature on the forums in about 8 months or so. This isn’t to say Gnome players probably don’t have desires and ideas, but clearly whilst they’re smaller in number than Velf helf fans, they also seem to go about publishing their ideas a very different way.
You only need to look at people moaning about stuff like “woke” in games. People don’t necessarily dislike the premise of thing itself, but a lot of people seem to get pissed off by virtue of nothing more than something being brought to their attention repeatedly and forcefully. A similar principle might be at work here.
This isn’t true, actually. The other day I counted 4 or 5 Nightborne threads.
Still, you’re making the point that an argument should be invalidated simply because a few people post several threads about it instead of keeping it to one or two.
I wholeheartedly disagree with that. Just because you don’t like how popular is a topic or the people who advocate for a particular cause does not mean the cause itself is to be silenced or censored.
So no, we definitely agree to disagree.
Except I never said that.
I said nothing about invalidation. I’ve actually made it very clear in several threads I believe no group of players should be denied requests, even popular ones. I can quote me saying that if you like.
My point has been and always has been about the perception of one group of players by the others. That’s it. I’ve never said I agree with it, and I’ve certainly never said “their opinions are thus invalid” so I won’t agree to disagree with you because you’re massively misinterpreting what I am saying and presenting it as something a whole load more unreasonable. Quote specifically where I’ve said the popularity renders their opinion or requests invalid?
Maybe I missed the Nightborne threads. My point generally stands, the volume disparity is obvious and the derailing of topics onto another race is something other posters have noticed as well as me so make of that what you will. I’m just pointing out this stuff happens and speculating that’s why people seem more resistant to support such threads. You disagree with this? What’s your explanation for the resistance?
Except I never said that.
There are other races waiting for more than 5 hair colours and styles, and yet people would request this race gets attention in ability to tweak their racial?!?! How about we let every race get some of the basic love before we start putting in orders for “special treatment” huh?
You say here we should “wait”, meaning we should shut up and let others speak.
How about let everyone speak and, as always, let Blizzard decide what to develop first?
Stop blaming the players and change your focus to Blizzard. They’re the ones deciding which customizations to give first, not us.
Stop treating happy customers like spoiled children. It’s very tiresome. This only happens in the WoW community.
OMG many players are excited and want more! They’re so greedy! LET’S SILENCE THEM!
OMG many players are excited and want more! They’re so greedy! LET’S SILENCE THEM!
This. It’s absolutely horrific to be telling a community who has been forced with blue and purple hair and skin for 3 years, and given no new customization whatsoever to just shut up with requests because they finally got copy pastas! The audacity!
I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again. Maybe there is a reason that there are not that many threads for other races. Maybe they’re not that popular as Void elves, Blood elves and Nightborne!