Don’t recall saying that. In fact if you cast your mind back not even that far now, you will recall that I supported on the forums not only every Void Elf as High Elf customisation to date, but also the ones to be implemented with 9.1.5. I even remember the English expression I used “It’s no skin off my nose” loosely translated as ‘It doesn’t bother/harm me’ and even came up with some extra suggestions for them (I still think Blizz should use that zone between EPL and Zul Aman, you can -get- to it, with some difficulty, but there is nothing there at all, would be perfect for High Elves, just outside of Quel’thalas, like Quel’Lithien Lodge was, has architecture which is a cross between Kaldorei and Thalassian Lodges, it’s even visible as a delineated area on the EK loading screens)
So no, that is not the issue.
That ain’t the problem either.
You’re getting warmer…
Never said -you- had. But some have, and you know I’m right.
That is why I prefaced the original statement by saying things like ‘Some’ and ‘Not all, by any means’
Don’t you think, if this community is as organised as you say, that there is a certain amount of liability for the wilder excesses of that community, and you must ‘expect’ people to go with the common aim and show other’s courtesy?
Because I will be honest with you. On every damned one of those threads, where it was about another race wanting customisation and some High Elf fans have stormed in and twisted the thread to be all about them, do you know the one thing I have never yet seen?
Someone from that community posting going "Guys, Gals, seriously, this isn’t a High Elf thread? We’re talking about X race here for goodness sake! " or “Whoah, guys, you can’t stomp into a thread, say that the races being discussed can’t have the things they want, but that -we- want them as High Elves instead, C’mon?”
So if it is as organised as you say, then act like it. Because it isn’t just ‘a few trolls’ anymore, is it?
I have seen precisely Two threads about different races and customisation that has not been hijacked at some point, or just outright shut down by it suddenly having to be about High Elves. Some people on discord groups are actually saying “There’s no point trying, Brigs, if it gets too prominent it will go the same way as the ‘Customisation for Void Elves and Blood Elves’ thread. Just let them get everything they want, and then maybe the rest of us get to ask for stuff”
And that’s not a positive thing. Wanting to talk about customisation for a race, but trying to ‘fly below the radar’ to avoid getting derailed. How does that help anybody?
You say you want other people to make some noise about their preferred races, but how can they, when their own threads aren’t even allowed to stay about their own racial customisation requests?
Did I ever say that -you- had?
Because as is the way of discussions, it had progressed to people trying to discuss, civilly, -why- there is perceived to be such antagonism, and to try to get people to understand -why- some aspects of -some- of the High Elf fanbase is giving the rest, a bad reputation.
Which, I dunno, if I cared about a cause, I’d kind of want to know, if some folks were tarnishing that cause…
The US Forums be a crazy place, no one knows what is going on there, if it was an ancient map it would just be blank with “Here be Dragons” on it! 
Ehh, that would imply some organisation. Let us be fair, it’s like when Trump supporters talked about Antifa as some monolithic entity, which it just ain’t. There is no coherent ‘anti’ agenda. Though this said, if there was, I doubt I would be asked to join, as I like coming up with customisation ideas for races, even if I intend on never playing them. Part of the flaw with that assumption is that the very instant you don’t like a -particular- customisation idea, you are instantly ‘A Hater’ and ‘Anti Helf’.
It’s happened in the very last few days, there I am going “Oh, that’s sensible, and allows people to play High Elves, should get some good games out of that at largescale cross faction RP events” “Ooh, have you thought about doing X, that might be very in keeping with High Elves” and “Remember to stock up on Elixir of Tongues, Everyone in lore speaks Common, so your Void Elf or High Elf would be able to understand Orcish (Effectively Common)” But the very instant I go “Oh, no, I don’t like that, come on, you’ve got everything you wanted and said you wanted, maybe some other voices can be heard?” Then instantly someone posts “This is because you have always been anti-helf and hate high elves!”
Someone wants to try and gaslight people as to my entire posting history because I don’t like one idea out of many?
That’s like saying I am anti-Blood Elf and hate Blood Elves because I don’t like San’layn ideas, Dark Ranger ideas or Red Eyes for Blood Elves (Which I don’t, personally, but I know many do). It makes no sense at all.
Yet nobody gives a monkeys. Nobody gives a monkeys that on the long running Quel’dorei as Alliance race thread, you had loads of posts (going back before Voidies got -any- Helf customisations) just going “Give Elves!” “OK, how would that work?” “Give Elves” “OK, here’s some ideas for racials, mounts, look, heritage armour, starting zones, opening quests, potential ‘capital’, and ideas for racial leaders (I still think Renthar Hawkspear would be a better choice than Vereesa bloody Windrunner, at least Renthar -earned- his rank)”
I seriously put more effort into that thread, than any mook just squawking “Giev Silver Covenant!” as their sole contribution.
Yet I deviate from the church of ‘All Helf ideas are good ideas’ Once, and suddenly I hate High Elves, and always have hated High Elves?
You see what I mean about this weird disconnect. Like there is a Dogma you have to follow implicitly, or you are a ‘hater’.
Eww. I mean I say ‘Eww’ but the mouths for eyes thing could work. Hear me out here… There was an Outstanding series of Graphic Novels, called ‘The Sandman’ written by Neil Gaiman. (Apologies if I am preaching to the choir and you have read them) and they have everything, Seven entities who govern all reality, all siblings, Destiny, Death, Dream, Despair, Desire, Destruction and Delight (Later Delirium after the 60’s
It has everything, and crosses our world’s history, as these entities are the Endless, but the stories are mostly about people who cross their paths, It is, in all honesty, one of the greatest works of literature to have come out of the twentieth century. I’d go further, in it’s scope, it is such a story of love, tragedy, hopes and fears, and basic humanity, that I would say in the future, people would look at it like Shakespeare (Who also crops up in some of the stories
Anyway, at the risk of waxing lyrical, which I could do for hours (In fact thank you Thread, Yes I -will- go out and buy all of them and binge read them again today)
There is a terrifying entity in it. He kind of looks normal. Always wears Sunglasses, Called ‘The Corinthian’ (no idea why) He doesn’t have eyes, in his eyesockets are two perfectly normal sets of human teeth instead of eyeballs. He is honestly one of the scariest things in the whole setting.
Now -that- kind of mouths for eyes I could see working, because it is just horrifying in it’s simplicity…
Absolutely to be expected, and I always backed it.