Cutest mount?

I would def have to go with the fox mount as number 1.
Also any mechanical mount which is totally gnomecentric.
Then camels, coz…its camel with a gnome on!! Whats not to love!

Finally my favourite cugly mount. The ratstallion.

Winterspring Frostsaber :slight_smile:

I am suprised your blue post response wasn’t a recommendation for the

Sylverian Dreamer

the Amani battle Bear from Zul’aman dungeon is nice , not very hard to obtain (no randomness involved),
i use it as my main ground mount.
i used to use the Darkmoon Dancing bear mount for a while, quite good looking too, and awesome /mountspecial anim.

for flying mounts, if you’re engineer go for the basic gyrocopter (the simplest one), it’s the ultimate gnome flying machine.

(sorry my english is kinda bad)

Shop fox is cuter imo

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I think they are all f*ckin ugly cus they are store mounts… cancer ain’t pretty

I personally bought the boat, just for Kul Tiran, and I love it.
Shame it cannot be in game reward, but if it was as hard to work to get as Model W, most ppl wouldn’t sub and work for that anyway…

I would rather have store cosmetics and mounts for whales, than multiboxers in pvp and mount farm / tmog farm

and they never will be in game rewards because people like you buy them, I got it neutrally since I sub to the game to be honest I have all store mounts from legion and before because I liked the game then. If the game is good it can have store mounts. BFA is not good and I didn’t buy the WoD store mounts till legion because legion was good.

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Ok, but I like it, I literally came back for it, its theme, m+, etc.
Being Neutral is wise.

I had no reason to hate it, I am a life long fan, they just let me down. Great for you you like it, but you are a minority, and the game is rapidly declining in its’ current state

Also I like the theme, but they wasted naz and sylvannas lore is terrible. Also theme alone cannot carry xpac.

Mythic + was legion not bfa and I think it’s a terrible grindy system anyway.

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You underestimate the power of the board, who knows this game is their core attraction for all of the games they milk.

They will pour money in if the sub numbers on wow will really go down below red line, that’s I am sure :100:

don’t be so sure, wow is just one title under activision’s fold

I believe in human entrepreneurial instincts.
Money sharks should know what game brings ppl into their fold.

well they just see declining numbers and jump ship cus share holders

Like they did in WoD and invested big buck into Legion?

Sssure, everyone except asmonbald are dummies :slight_smile:

WoD was the first time, also legion wasn’t great, it was just great in comparison to WoD, for all intense and purposes legion was mediocre at best and was when rng took hold of wow, in other words it became a living loot box/casino

It brought subs in, we are talking about how board see things, not vanilla purists or game journalists.

legion peaked then dipped just like the others, the numbers clearly weren’t high enough for them to reveal sub numbers again

The production circle for smth good, big changes is long.
Let’s see changes in 9.0, that’s my personal bet where most of the big buck investment is now.

If I could judge the work of art team, that perspective of BfA is gorgeous, game mechanics developing for purists are lagging behind. All my personal thoughts ofc.

game is always beautiful to look at. But it still plays like crap.

9.0 at a minimum needs to remove titanforging, squish difficulties, reverse class pruning and revamp world content for me to even care about raid progression and gear mattering again. Make things like gem sockets no longer random again also.

If they wanna keep titanforging then they can make a benethic esk system for all epics in the next xpac built into professions that allows players to earn same upgrades as random ones.

Also pvp vendor