Cyclone nerf when?

Getting really tired of losing games to rake → cyclone → cyclone → cyclone.

Trinket cyclone in the opener? Lost because you can’t trinket something else.

Use guardian spirit? Cyclone the guy getting it, pausing their hp.

Go spirit to heal? Cyclone the guy that’s getting hammered.

All of DF we had to deal with this and it’s still absurdly strong. Put a CD on it already. Make it breakable, dispellable and break on damage. Make it not make people immune. Nerf the range on it. Make it DR with rake etc.


Cyclone is castable cc, your teammates can kick.

Your post is a joke.


Except nobody ever does.

It’s free rating as a resto druid to just run and rake → cyclone 3x on the enemy healer in shuffle.

Nerf cyclone.

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I think you are just bad.


Yeah, I’m bad when I get rake → cyclone 3x and someone dies.

If I trinket opener cyclone, I get a CC on me and lose the round because I trinketed cyclone in the opener.

Yeah, that’s totally me being bad.

Reported for trolling.

Trolling is literally what you are doing with your nonsense statements.


based xDDD

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Exactly what is nonsense?

One shuffle went like this on 2 rounds:

Rake → cyclone 3x, hunter on my team died without pressing any defensives before cyclones ended.

Rake → cyclone → I trinket to make sure the hunter doesn’t die instantly. Stop the next cyclone with chastise. DRs fade. Shadowstep → kidney shot → gouge → cyclone 3x.

This is just dumb. Nerf cyclone.

He abused dh in DF and tried to get some achievements with his zero PvP knowledge, now he is trying to abuse another broken spec, feral. It is just a worthless troll, ignore him.

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If you lose to resto druid as disc currently the best solution is to uninstall tbh

Not even jesus could save you there. Literally the most busted healer by far along with dragon and you’re still crying. Lmfao


I’m not playing disc.

Cyclone needs a nerf. They shouldn’t get free rating just because they rake → cyclone and someone dies before it ends.

Last time you insisted that you were playing disc, you seem to change your mind quite often depending on what kind of troll post you’re making, huh?

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My guy, what are you even talking about?

Your last 100 cyclone troll posts

I have always been a holy priest main. Literally played holy since vanilla.

Maybe you should get a better memory.


Turns out my memory is immaculate. I think we can end the discussion here, yea? :wink:

As I said, if you lose to rdruid as disc currently then not even jesus, god and the holy spirit together can save you. Case closed

Out of context. You were talking about priest CC being chastise + fear, as if all priests have chastise.

I’ve barely played disc.

I played holy priest to like 2.5k mmr in season 4.

I played disc to like 2.1k at max, just to see if I could do it because it’s not the spec I play.

Even if that was true and you wouldn’t change your main to whatever fits your argument at the time, holy priest still has fade, chastise, fear, positioning and 2 team partners to avoid clones.
If you lose because you got cloned you must’ve gotten outplayed big time and deserve to lose.

I never in my life played a single match as a DH.
You’re so pathetic it wouldve been funny if it wasnt sad that you feel the need to bend backwards to try to gasslight, manipulate and blatantly lie about stuff you dont even know about.
You should get perma banned for the forums as you’re just plainly toxic for this place though you will deny that hiding under your passive agressive tone again, i assume.

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Yeah, I should possess prescience so I can fade the rake to fear or chastise the druid, lmao.

The 2 “team partners” that just rushes off to the other of the arena while I get raked and cycloned? Yeah, they’re useless.

Get out of here.

How was I outplayed?