Cyclone nerf when?

If a druid goes for rake-cyclone in the opener he loses that game right there.

Seems like a skill issue, try playing on higher rating to get better team partners, or tell your team partners what to do in starting room. That said, other hpriests don’t seem to struggle.

So you didn’t trinket a cyclone when your team is in trouble and your hunter didn’t press cds, but your first thought is that cyclone needs a nerf? lol

I did that the other round and lost because I trinketed the cyclone. If I didn’t trinket it, the hunter would’ve died again in the cyclones.

I think you lost because you played bad, stop blaming other things

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How did I play bad? How do I avoid the rogue shadowstepping me and kidney shotting me when nobody is slowing him and then getting cycloned 3x from that?

You’re not supposed to be able to avoid a cc chain from 3 people alone. Only pres gets that privilege. You have a team for that. You can also fade the reclone.

Except the team isn’t stopping cyclones.

Why should resto druids benefit from this? Free rating for them.

Fade has a CD. They can just recast it. I’ve played resto druid in DF, you know. I won countless of games by going for rake → cyclone because nobody does anything to stop it.

I don’t think I ever lost a game against a priest unless I screwed up really bad. I lost plenty due to people on my team screwing up, yeah, but not against the priest but because people on my team screwed up.

skill issue :person_shrugging:

on 1500 maybe



I played to 2500 mmr on holy priest like I said. People still didn’t stop rake → cyclone.

other hpriests played to 3k mmr, seems like there’s something you could improve then.


You made a claim that people only don’t stop it on 1500 rating.

I played far beyond that and people still weren’t stopping it. Sure, they were pressing defensives to survive it but they didn’t stop it.

There was one retri paladin that used sanctuary on me when I got raked so I could stop the cyclone with chastise. One. Of the countless of retri paladins I played with.

Seems like a skill issue again. The game shouldn’t be balanced around people not pressing their buttons.

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You’re gonna have to explain how it’s a skill issue when I can do nothing to stop it, unless I magically acquire prescience to fade the rake.

Because the game mode is 3v3 and not 1v3.


You keep saying “skill issue”. How is it a skill issue when they’re literally stealthed and can open up on me with rake at any point they want to? I cannot know when they will do that.

Why should they get free rating?

because they won’t. If they do that they’ll lose the game in the opener. Imagine putting yourself in such a vulnerable position in the opener without hotting your team partners or anything. Seems like you’re lacking basic understanding as a self proclaimed “2.5mmr hpriest”

What vulnerable position?

The enemy team is fighting against my DPS on the other end of the map. Zug zug. They’re nowhere close to even switch to the druid.

That’s if they’re even aware of what’s going on. I’ve had a rogue stand by me in stealth watching me get raked into cyclones, without opening up on the druid.

that opener is annoying that is right but i never lose because of it on any of my healers. a cd on cyclone would really be nice i give you that. but normally you schouldnt lose because you get openend by that. sounds like a skill issue. but also holy priest is very bad atm so that could be the point.

I don’t if people press their defensives. But people just die before cyclones end, without pressing defensives, if I don’t trinket cyclone. If I trinket cyclone, I lose later to CC.

It’s literally free rating for the druid.

if its really the problem you should just trinket the first cyclone asap and fear the druid off. or use fade and run away. normally your teammates would be doing something too expect your playing at 1k mmr or something. druid is very weak at the moment, especially against priests, because of the purging of their hots. the problem for holy is not that opener, its just annoying. the problem is their bad mana and the healing they do. i normally dont use trinket if i get that, just wait and tell your mates to use some defs or better that their disrupt the druid.

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What about db-3xpoly, coil-3x fear,3x sap-kidney?
Remove/nerf too because you cant handle being cc’d?

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