Daily reminder of what blizzard needs to fix/do

-Premade vs PUG issue
-Bots and gold buyers banned
-Alliance being able to despawn lumber mill boss
-Add more content


Might happen

Wont ever happen

The what now? I am Alliance on SoD and we never did that in all my grinding to revered games.

Will happen - but not for lvl 25

-Fix positioning of alliance bosses so one of the two Horde raids doesn’t get 2-3x the rep of the other
-Nerf hunters wind serpent pets
-Make Warlock pets scale with our gear like hunter pets do
-Make DoTs more viable (seriously check out some simulations, multi-target DPS with DoTs are almost a DPS loss and extremely complicated to keep up. Multi-dotting is supposed to be one of the Strenghts of Affliction but we lose in both single and multi-target DPS to melee who can cleave with extreme ease and no setup time.)
-Delete incinerate glyph (it’s too good to pass up on so we have to play Fire build to some extent)
-Nerf Warriors raid DPS

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Even if they make premade vs premade or remove pvp alltogether it wont change the fact that you are bad in pvp.
Skill issue. get gud

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It doesn’t matter how good you are in PvP when you play against a premade and you’re in a PuG. You, Rocz, lose 100% of the games in which you’re in a PuG against a premade, just like everyone else.


Yes that might be so , but u dont see me crying about it on forums , demanding the game to be changed towards the playstyle that I enjoy. The rules of the game have been set back in 2007. SoD is built around that version of the game. Why must the game be changed because you demand so ?

You should lift some weights and move out of your parents basement. I’m sure your parents would make better use of storage space than you.

aint an issue

Blizzard haven’t dealt with that on any other form of WoW,so keep dreaming.

Don’t write to this dude, he is either a troll or a toxic human being and he adds nothing of worth in the discussions without insulting people. Seem to be his thing.

It’s you just cannot see it from your point of view.

By that logic, you can’t see anything other than your own point of view either.


Its new enough bug and allys abusing it in every AV :slight_smile:

There is a bug like this, there have been threads about this happening. We lost both games I participaed in today, because alliance exploited this, and even though they got wiped at lumber mill, they destroyed the blademaster with the exploit.

As I said before; if they don’t want to fix the bot problem they either should introduce tokens or just remove the policy that makes botting illegal.

Also phase 2 should have way more content than this phase did.

Dont talk like you know anything about me :joy: And stay mad mr free HK

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I know enough to know no woman ever touched you.


It likely will. Blizzard hinted at (and even confirmed) a Gnomergan raid, and a Scarlet Monastery rework; with the level cap being 40 one would assume both will be available in P2.

Also Blizzard acknowled that Ashenvale event is a bit… Lackluster. So the STV one will hopefully be better

Your mom would disagree with that statement . :grin:

The difference here is that I am at least trying to have an adult conversation were I try to address the issue, and to make what I believe both sides more happy and to get to enjoy the game to it’s true potential.

Same cannot be said about most people who defend this absurd stupid abuse of the system as it’s now by those with the min max mentality. Try to see it from other people’s side for a change, and don’t be so ignorant and perhaps we can find a common ground were both parties are happy. Wouldn’t that be the most optimal solution?

We enjoy to stomp pugs because that is true classic experience. Now what ?

Trying to pretend there’s an issue isn’t ‘being an adult’. Take your high horse somewhere else.

Excuse me?

I’ve seen this issue from both sides and I’ve been playing WoW long enough to see what happens when Blizzard separates queues. Want to know what happened? Nothing, you people still cried about one team having healers and no healers wanting to join you.

Not happening.