Daily reminder of what blizzard needs to fix/do

No it isn’t true classic experience. Back then people didn’t have this min max mentality and toxic behavior like yourself.

We are playing the same game from 20 years ago but the player attitude has changed drastically which is causing issue today that was not there before, so no it’s not the same at all.


It is because they are either 13, nerdy and cant get laid or 45, balding, fat and are on unemployment.

Their only source of joy in life that keeps them alive is the alliance victory loop song and gathering made up numbers against less organized, less geared players

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‘Back then’ it was even worse as premades had the option of seeing what their opponents were and actively dodging the other premades; something Blizzard changed in Classic in 2020.

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We are playing the game with same ruleset as vanilla. Back then there were premades farming honor 24/7 and farming pugs by doing so. You are coping too hard right now. You are trying to bash on min max mentality because u are a boomer that cant keep up. Get gud

FIx the premades - ban them.

There is an issue and as I said it before you either cannot see it or you just don’t want to admit it to keep your easy farm of honor & rep grind.

There will always be people complaining on the forums about everything, but I disagree that this issue with premade vs pugs has anything related to that. The fact of the matter is that most people who defend the current state of BG’s only want to keep premade vs PUGS just so that they can farm those honor and rep as efficient as possible. Has nothing to do with that they care for “real” challenge or anything. Shows their true intent here.

Not with that attitude of yours but thank you for proving my point. You defenders don’t want to listen or try to address this issue because it’s not an issue for you who is using this system today to benefit yourself without giving a crap what that does to the community as a whole.

I bet in your world “listening” is someone who agrees with your opinion. Welcome to reality son.

You can listen to someone while still disagreeing with them. It’s called having an adult conversation which you are uncapable of having it seems.

  1. There isn’t an issue.
  2. If you match against premades in around 80% of your games, then so too do the premades. So it’s not an ‘easy honor and rep farm’. You know what would be an easy honor and rep farm? Solo queue.

It has a lot related to it. The strength of premades is simply being able to choose your teammates and what classes you want. That’s it. You don’t get compositions of 0 healers, 2 hunters, 4 rogues, 3 warriors and an AFK naked warlock.

With solo queue, you get a missmatch of everything and then your opponent having 1-2 disc priests is instant lose.

That shows nothing and you’re making things up as you go along. I’ve had this argument with plenty of people now and the solution I offered was as follows:

Two queues. One normal, as it is now. Absolutely no changes, sign up by yourself or with your group and play as you normally would.

Then a second, honorless queue. You sign up completely solo and only solo, you play the game as normal against other solo players, but none of you receive any reputation or honor. You play only for ‘fun’. That’s what you want, right? Just fun?

You don’t have a point. You’ve joined the crybabies and you’re trying to take the ‘moral superiority’ stance. It’s the same stance other crybabies try to take, whilst also acting like the ‘other team’ are morally inferior to you. It’s boring.

It’s not an issue for me because if I join with 3 of my friends, none of us as healers and our composition is garbage, then that’s our fault for joining with a garbage composition.

Under your direction, I wouldn’t even be able to play with the other three people at all. It’s either grab six other people or play solo.

Playing solo in an MMORPG is terrible design.

You’re doing neither of those things. Off yer high horse.

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Ok so whats your problem with going against premades? How would solo vs solo be so easy?

What a well written post. Even tho I dont agree that there should be any changes at all to the queue system, I salute you for such a good post.
A couple of boomers here could take a note

My problem is that I wouldn’t be able to play with groups of 2-3-4. It would have to be full 10 man, or not at all. That discourages group-play and is the complete opposite of what an MMORPG should be doing.

It would be easy because playing with goobers means also playing against goobers, and healers hardly ever want to play with randoms. I could just roll whatever is stupidly strong at any given moment (disc priest right now) and dominate games that way.

It would be easy because I wouldn’t have to put any effort into building my character or my team. All I’d have to do is have playing skill just slightly above average.

OK so make a partial premade and a full premade queue also a solo one. One adds premades together and maybe 1-2 solo players and the other has to be a full 10 man.

But at the same time you kill your own argument. You are telling us how its a big part of the game to build a team and then you want to play with a 2-3-4 man team.

Yes there is an issue because if PUGS face 80% premade groups like you say, there is no way we can farm any rep or honor as we are being stomped at the GY. So there goes your argument for saying solo queue is easy farming. Thank you for showing that you don’t know what you are talking about.

Which is why premade groups should only meet other premade groups who does the same for equal challenge and fun not against PUGS who has no say in who they get in their teams.

I’m not making things up at all, it doesn’t take rocket science to understand what is going on right now in BG’s. I’ve yet to see a SINGLE argument from anyone who defends this crap that make sense and is logical. It’s so freaking obvious as to why they want to keep it like it’s now, because it benefits their farm of honor & rep.

Where is the fun in playing against PUGS as a premade, facing no real challenge, farming their GY’s until your team is ready to end the game? If you call that fun then you help me show the issue even further.

Your solution sucks as that will not solve the issue at all. We all want to have fun while playing but at the end of the day everyone want to progress as well. The only real solution would be the following:

Make PUGS vs PUGS only
Make premade vs premade only but make the rep & honor rewards higher due to facing stronger challenge and coordination from both teams.

But you don’t want that, because as logical as that sounds you just want to continue to stomp PUGS because that’s the most efficient way of min maxing the honor & rep grind from the BG’s.

The fact that you think I don’t have a point is very sad indeed. I’d honestly say that it’s the defenders who don’t normally have one, because all they do is insulting people who think otherwise and rarely coming up with real ideas how to address the issue in fact most don’t think it’s an issue. I wonder why that is…

The groups are the size of 10. Join full premade groups and you have that problem fixed. I thought you liked premade to come full prepared with full party and coordination and already picked classes? I swear I have seen comments about “it’s not hard to find group” before from you and other who is defending this crap. Can say the same thing to you, it’s not hard for you and your friends to find a full party now is it?

When there is actually something of worth to listen to besides poor insults and people being defensive and provide nothing to the topic at hand I will do that.

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There’s really no nice way for me to tell you just how ridiculous your suggestions are getting.

A team is a team regardless of how many players you have.

Leave the arguing to the big boys, Jurwac.

Jurwac dont you have to be drunk in some Polish bar by now ?

I start thinking Blizz should make WoW Classic PEGI30

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Watch ya mouth kid!

I would if there would be any, but all I see here are factory belt workers and people on unemployment benefits. Which is cool, but I would hardly call this an intellectual dueling class.

It has absolutely no logic. This person is getting rich by stealing and you think that’s wrong? You just have to steal too! Solo queue in BG was the norm in vanilla, premade has always been an easy solution and mainly for farming the R14.

Yes that’s exactly it. The premades are there only to form the most efficient group of the moment, with the best possible equipment, to make the task easier. It’s honor and reputation farming, not pvp.

Stupid. This is hypocrisy because you, like many others, do not want to lose your easy, effortless source of honor and reputation by farming pugs. Otherwise you shouldn’t mind fighting only against other premades eh? You play for fun huh?

You are condescending. It really seems like you’re afraid of losing your advantage against the pugs.

Oh because playing pugs is playing solo? There’s a serious problem with thinking there.Think about what you write sometimes.

Goofy ahh teen comment.