Daily reminder of what blizzard needs to fix/do

Are you suggesting that people who work at factories can not be intellegent ? That is a bold statement from someone who can barely reach double digit level of IQ😂

People choosing their own teammates within an MMORPG isn’t an issue. You expecting to play solo and to be just as effective and to receive the same rewards as those grouping together is a bigger problem than any amount of ‘premades’ could ever be.

That’s actually less honor per hour than just quick capping.

Thanks for not reading the entirity of my post. Can’t say I thought you would though. How’s that for an ‘adult conversation’?

You have every say in who you play with. Find party members yourself beforehand, surely talking to other players isn’t that difficult.

That’s because you’re not reading anything. You’ve come here with your ‘holier than thou’ stance and expected for people to listen to you without you listening to them. That isn’t how an ‘adult conversation’ works.

You don’t get to decide what is or is not fun for other people, and the reasons why people do things in life isn’t ‘one size fits all’. And if somebody were going to play a game for ‘the challenge’ then they certainly wouldn’t be playing WoW classic.

I already offered a solution to that. A zero reward queue, solo only. You ignored it.

Yes, because that means I then have to find 6 more people just to be able to play with 3 friends. Playing with friends in an MMORPG shouldn’t be penalised. Ever.

That’s because you don’t.

You too. How about this solution then; full premades only. No more solo queue. Everyone is happy then, right?

I haven’t insulted you. I’ve called you out on your stance and way of expression, nothing more.

Look, if you’re going to start your sentences with poor analogies then I’m just not going to waste my time reading what you have to say.

I’ve made it pretty clear that I enjoy playing with my friends. We play in small groups with miss-matched compositions.


Or I just don’t want to lose the ability to efficiently play with friends in an MMORPG. Under the ideas of you people, I would have to waste time filling up my entire team in order to just play the game.

Grouping with people in an MMORPG should never be a chore. Playing an MMORPG completely solo should never be possible.

That’s cute.

Isn’t it your side of the argument that are taking the ‘you only have insults’ stance?

I didn’t start the insulting btw, but as I said, memory and mental capacity is probably not you strong side.

who hurt u bro damn

Oh really?

That was the first insult thrown in this thread. Looks a lot like it came from you, doesn’t it?

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Oh snap. :joy: Lets see how he wiggles his tail out of this one.

Why premades that pretend be beyond everybody else by their skill and their “social’s lackey tools they use and never be real friends, because they are just tools”,should deserve more rewards?
As you pretend to be better than the “unsocial PuGroups” you should not be scared to roll on them at equal rewarded gears, because you got so much skill

Solo-queing is not less social than premades “tools/lackeys”

oh god :joy::joy::joy:

Please explain to me in 100 words or less how it is that joining a game solo with a bunch of random players is not less sociable than joining a game with friends or guildies that you have presumably been playing this game with for a long time.

Brace yourself for another emotionally charged dose of cringe

I did rank11 solo-queing with 3characters before TBC classic
And remember a lot of my PuG team mates and had fun
No obligation to stay friends, that’s a game of WAR, We soldiers.
Not “social teletubbies hand in the hand”

You have nothing in your speaking that mark you as a battleground player
I’ve been on the ground
And you have to respect people who keep distance, because it’s a game
You don’t have to know i’m the president of a country or a celebrity
I’m just playing a game here

I don’t think you understood the assignment. Please try again.

Correct. I am a World of Warcraft player, not a battleground player.

This ground?

Called it xD

Warsong’s Golden Era Legend

Ask to the russians who played pre-TBC
They gonna say you Lamborgimli is a Legend


Talking from experience?

Ah Russian. That explains it xD

It’s PEGI12 here
You are under 12, go to bed !

I’m not russian, i was in alliance, them on horde, and got respect even if we were enemies
But no mercy in a warsong, even if we respect each other

Is that concidered a sick burn in Russia?

wash your teeth and go to bed