Daily reminder of what blizzard needs to fix/do

You got a problem, for real
With that attitude, even bad premades surely don’t want you
Who the F are you to want to prohibit rewards? go play another game
Premades don’t deserve/need anything more, they have already a faster grind, THIS is their reward

Yes, you can. Find some friends, go have some fun and earn your rewards.

Grouping together to effectively farm content isn’t retail mentality, people were doing it in Vanilla too.

Again, just because it wasn’t as common doesn’t mean people didn’t do it. Things like youtube, and complete guides to the game weren’t available during the Vanilla days.

Yes, I cant belive that they choose to make the hunter pets scale with the hunter and completely “missed” warlock pets … If the hunter pet scale with AP, the wlock pet should scale whit SP.

Make it happen or remove the scaling from Hunters. It make no sense one of the two pet class a huge buff and then ignore the other.