Daily reminder of what blizzard needs to fix/do

Do you wash teeth often in Russia?

Just say that you don’t like being confronted with your contradictions, it will go faster.

So you won’t mind if the premades stay between premades and pugs between pugs.

So if I summarize, grouping in an mmo shouldn’t be a chore? So pug players shouldn’t have to go through the hassle of forming a group to hope to play in BG without finishing in 8 out of 10 games against premades who ruin the fun for them? Correct? And once again, registering solo in a BG is not playing ALONE, it is registering to PLAY IN A GROUP, in an MMO. There we start with selfishness, what suits you doesn’t suit countless other players but you don’t care because you only think about yourself.

If the mentality of the players were the same as Vanilla, the problem would not arise. 9 out of 10 games would be pugs or small groups of players and sometimes a premade. Currently the toxic mentality of players means that they only seek immediate profit, the best solution to have maximum reputation and maximum honors as quickly as possible. Result? “Vanilla” players must undergo retail behavior on SoD.

Make ashenvale battle give rep again past revered, even at a halved rate is fine.
WSG is a horrible experience regardless of premade.
Or buff WSG loss rep rates. I don’t care about splitting premades.

I don’t have any, I’ve chosen my stance carefully.

Again; if queues are split between premade and solo, groups of friend are forced to fill up their team in order to just play the game. Playing in groups in an MMORPG should never be an inconvenience.


You don’t have to. You have the option of signing solo, or with two people or even filling up the entire team.

You’re the one for opting to remove the option of choice, not me. Your arguments aren’t as clever as you think they are.

Yet everybody treats it as if they’re alone and they never work together. Funny that.

Selfishness, you mean like wanting to stop some people from even being able to play the game just because you want to win?

Where did this even come from? People premaded in Vanilla too. Not only that, but premades in Vanilla could actively dodge other premades (Something Blizzard put a stop to in Classic in 2020) and people in Vanilla were so toxic that they’d actively grief players of their own faction that were competing with them for R14.

That wouldn’t help anyone though. Ashenvale isn’t fun for anyone.

No objections, but I thought the solo’ers were playing for fun and not for rewards.

Make ashenvale battle give rep again past revered, even at a halved rate is fine.
WSG is a horrible experience regardless of premade.
Or buff WSG loss rep rates. I don’t care about splitting premade

I think you have a skill issues

I think you are a not so smart

You are not somebody from the ground
Stop talking chips :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’ve been on the ground (till WOTLK full of bots in BGs so i returned to Era) everyday all day on the ground

PUGs are not what you describe, there are many respectable players, unlike premades

Another example of selfishness, because you think pugs can play now? 8 out of 10 games are against a full opti premade. Even when trying to play, it’s a waste of time as the over-representation of certain classes gives too much of an advantage. So we come back to what I was saying, you don’t want to make the effort to fill your group, but the pugs have to make the effort to create a group to hope to BE ABLE to play.

This is not the norm, most pug players try to win and coordinate as little as possible. But it’s complicated when everything is reduced to nothing because 2 or 3 priests make their team invulnerable.

I just want to PLAY.

I never said the opposite, but in proportion it was much much less. And don’t tell me otherwise, I was there in Vanilla. Yes, the behavior of players farming R14 was toxic, because the method of being R14 required it to be. The pvp system was already really rotten at the time. But this mentality has now become the norm.

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“i HaVe BeEn On tHe GrOuND” :clown_face: :rofl:

Practice what you preach and stop exaggerating. I sometimes play by myself, I sometimes play with a small group of others. The amount of times I get matched against a full 10man premade is relatively low.

The amount of times a random teammate cries and threatens to AFK though? Much higher.

I still play against the same people as you. Again, playing with 3 others doesn’t give us a magical, perfect composition. Hell, we don’t have any priests in our little friend groups and the only thing close to a healer is a feral druid.

No, they don’t. They run around like headless chickens and then they cry about team compositions, or they cry about premades. They cry about anything when they’re losing and then say ‘this is lost, just give up and let them win’.

Then nerf priests. Or just wait for next phase when half of the players have some kind of mortal strike or CC. Low level battlegrounds were always a mess, in every version of the game.

No, you can already play. You just want to WIN, because you want your rewards. Hense why you all objected to my ‘no teammates, no reward’ suggestion.

Of course it was, less people knew the game. Less people raided, less people even bothered reaching max level. Even with SoD offering us new ways of playing, WoW-Classic is a completed game.

Meta exists for a reason. People want their rewards, and this includes you. If you wanted to play for fun only, you wouldn’t have been so resistant to the fun-only suggestion.

Let the “boomers” have some fun in PUGs and the premades queue vs premades
We are old and tired, this is not Fortnite or chips
For the love of WoW

Please your highness :nauseated_face:

Good for you, in the vast majority of cases I’m against a premade. But since you seem to completely reject my opinion and my experience of the game, what’s the point of arguing?

That’s your opinion, not mine.

Everyone plays to win, we have to stop the hypocrisy one day. I don’t always want to win, but I always seek victory, which is normal and logical. And furthermore, what right should pugs have to deny their rights to rewards? This is probably the stupidest suggestion I’ve ever heard.

Uh no. Totally false. People played differently, yes. Less frenzy, rush, and other nonsense appeared during the expansions. Now they want everything, right away, as easily and quickly as possible.

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Define premade to me. I specified a full 10man premade; some people on the anti-premade train can’t agree on what they consider a premade. Some would be fine with going the retail route; wherein you can sign up as a party (5 maximum) but not as a raid group. Others think signing with just one other person is unfair.

That isn’t an opinion, it’s my experience of the game.

You’re not ‘denied’ anything. If rewards are what you seek, join a premade. Put the effort into communicating with people.

Or join completely solo and gain no reward. You still get the ‘fun’ of being on an ‘even’ playing field.

Yes, which is why we should be opposed to things like solo queue, RDF and all the other retail lark.

The only ones who get “no reward” in this game are the Twinks (19,29,39…) and they are more skilled, social and organized than 99% of the premades you are defending

The premades we see now are Chaos
Separate queues deserve a try

The only way to recognize a premade is if all or 9 out of 10 come from the same serv. I don’t take the rest into account.


Just like you, I shouldn’t have to endure building an opti group just to have fun pvp with other people.

Full solo queue in vanilla, and yet I ended up exalted everywhere. At my pace, it was fun. I would have liked to find the same thing in SoD, which was supposed to be a classic “+”. Not this mess.

Solo queue is a Vanilla thing.

You can have fun without rewards.

This ‘mess’ hasn’t even started. We’re currently at the most imbalanced bracket available, and most of the ‘premaders’ are probably going to cry once we hit 60 and they see that all the items they farmed honor and reputation for are time-gated anyway. No R14 weapons until atleast AQ.

And separate queue is not.

  • unlock Living Flame

I can have fun AND rewards.

They won’t care, they will farm and rush any available content in the same way. As simple and quick as possible.

Retail mentality is not too.