Layering is the biggest change that can possibly happen to Vanilla. And it happened again. So #nochanges is totally worthless.
Layering hasn’t happened again.
Daily reminder that layering caused a hell of a lot of damage, as would seperate battleground queues.
You are hypocrite in different thread and you are now just proved it post from main if you have any coward.
I am here to enjoy your rage going mad and ree about what you all wanted enjoy!
Forums are of lately not so fun mostly just AV whining and now layering or waiting in queue .
Classic people will go mad on each other and i love to observe it.
These who had enough of waiting in queue because it is Classic experiecne against these who love sitting in queue for true Classic experiecne #no changes no layering!
I got another drama to observe bring it on guys!
Whatever that means.
You sure as hell shouldn’t be here and take some english lessons instead.
You aren’t able to write a basic english sentence. Don’t think you are able to read what classic players are discussing here.
Yet you managed it and replied to me few times hmm.
Pretty sure you would not able to reply to me if you could not read it in first place.
You did not rethought your attempt to insult me very well.
Didn’t unterstand your first post and small parts of your second. You still should learn some basic english words before posting here.
And you should level up beyond crossroads if you want anyone to take you seriously.
Thanks for showing us you got nothing better to do.
Actually it’s the opposite. We need to fight harder to stop and revert changes. Especially right now when Blizzard are thinking about enabling layering again on some realms.
So stop asking for changes. Stop using some change as an argument to add more changes. Instead, ask that Blizzard revert changes and argue against all new changes!
First time poster do i know you hiding cowardsly i have plenty stuff to do and observing peole and their thining/decisions/thoughgs/actions i find interesting.
Daily reminder that Blizzard can revert their changes.
Wait, layering is back? I thought they were only discussing it?
enjoy fight with me !
not yet they have to agree on it as majority!
What on earth are you talking about?
Not back yet, they’re discussing it as people won’t move from the big realms still.
They weren’t expecting everyone to stick to the big 2-3 realms.
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