Right now its near impossible to join a M+ +5 or above as a Havoc dh. Getting rejected with close to 400rio (cant increase it cuz of no groups lol) by a guy with 0 or 200rio just because i’m a dh… people truly are tunnel visioned by thinking that ppl who play “meta” classes automaticlly are good af… in 99% of the few times i get into a group, I am top dps on bosses and on trash, just goes to show how bad ppl really are even with an “op” class that is top 3… The community is really toxic right now against DH’s sadly… A good player with a low dps class can out dps a bad player with a top dps class easly!
I just cant get over it my mans literally said “STOP THE RAID !!!” Imagine Blizzard disconnecting everyone and forcing their chars to be sent to Inn because of poor DH dps
I am laughing every time someone leaves a comment here, I just have to scroll up and see my mans comment and laugh again and again
It’s just shameless from Blizzard … they give DH 5% dmg considering the whole week now I got rejected from any and every dungeon or raid I tried to join… only things I ever managed to do were together with a guild of friends… Rest all just reject me as DH instantly… honestly now I paid for this game and pay for gametime to what? not be able to use the game cause of the imbalances they are fault for?
Yea I just refresh wowhead and hope to see the buffs … because this is unreal. I am gonna tank for my guild as veng so I dont really mind the state of Havoc atm, but it is horrid, I never invite any havoc DH to my m+, I feel awful when I play it, it is just … sad a this point, you could make fun of it 2 weeks back but now i am really concerned.
rework DH, buff, or debuff my money on your pockets blizz
oh and btw they removed the dh buff on patch notes, thats how they love us
So we got bigger buff than 5% today. Not sure if its enough but hey ill take everything we get.
No we did not, we got 5% to all our abilities, but one of our highest dmg sources are auto attacks, so it is not 5% overall dps buff. Also the other “buff” was not a buff, it was merely a bugfix.
Its like blizzard dont even read their own forums? We havent gotten a single answer to any of the threads on demon hunter forums.
People are making fun of demon hunters, I just watched world first race stream and they laughed at how trash havoc is and its just sad, no one wants havoc in their group anymore.
I wonder how long it will take blizzard to wake up?
They actually use vengeance as a tank so they dont have to bring havoc
(I know vengeance is pretty good tank, but not for raids)
Yeah i noticed the auto attacks didnt get buffed. Well fellblade ST rotation will still suck. I dont really care if worlds first people are laughing about havoc…they will laugh about some other class next and i dont really care about their opinion, but i would love to be useful im still getting trampled by other classes.
I cant seem to find that 5% buff anywhere, I know it was announced, but then instead of that it was just the spell correction ? Am I missing something ?
Scroll down the list it was around 12th of december or something like that where the 5% overall skill buff was meantioned. I mean it didnt do much of anything if im honest and it didnt effect our autoattacks which is a big deal while using fellblade rotation.
Ahh got you, havent been playing much since Cyberpunk came out, also didint go in detail of what happened
Vengeance is fine is it not?
192 ilvl, get declined to +3 lol.
Was just checking for fun the worlds firsts guild rosters…i didnt scroll all the pages i checked like 2 first pages from people they had and not a single havoc in 2 guilds i checked…all DH were vengeance.
My guild members keep throwing that 2 havocs are doing well in the rankings… 2! they are doing 100 % logs and still losing to people but hey they are doing fine!
So guys we need to do 100% to be able to stay at the middle …no mistakes now! we have to be perfect
I mean yeah, if you are looking at it from a pure performance perspective there is 0 reason to bring a havoc instead of a vengeance.
Also the fact that these 2 havocs that people keep throwing to my face are doing 100% and still at the middle or lower. But hey havoc is fine i keep hearing …we are fine …right
They just have bfa ptsd.