Damage reduction = Garbage

I think I speak for most classes who aren’t healers this change is wet garbage, you want feedback? I don’t need to write a novel to explain that this change is bad, which I understand is a “test” but if you want to keep even a fraction of your PvP player base you’ll toss this idea.

WSG/AB games are miserable, no one can kill each other unless healer dies which is impossible to get to,

STV games if you haven’t yet stepped foot into one I encourage you to, you’ll rip your hair out and at the end you are given 500 coins max. Just try it.

While I understand some didn’t like the burst meta, it’s leagues above this. Could they tweak something’s? Maybe. But this is not it.

Some might argue it takes skill now, etc. I can actually play the game, well… no, that’s not it either, there’s no skill when your healing isn’t affected by this.

For most damage classes this change will make people quit right to Cata.

(For the record I PLAY priest and I want this gone)

Gimme your honest thoughts boys, anyone that plays PvP remotely seriously hates this change for the weekend.


Where they got resilience.
Where, you know… damage is reduced, but not healing.

Yea, this is the worst change that has happened to this game. I don’t even want to log in its that bad. All of my friends which were top-tier pvp players also do not want to log in.

Casters are useless, you go oom even in open world before you can kill an afk target with direct damaging spells.

Dots and pets are more efficient and overpowered in this meta than before. Pets take full normal dmg btw which is funny, nice oversight.

The game is so slow a healer has all the time in the world to spam dispels non stop, knowing there is no way in hell a target dies fast. You can be a complete noob and keep an entire team alive

If I go demonology with felguard it takes a full minute for 3 people tunneling me for me to actually die. How is this fun for anyone? In 1v1 I can grief people now even harder. I just cant die while I melee the other guy for 1 minute before he dies. I bet its so frustrating its enough to make you uninstall the game.


Healing needs to nerfed, that’s all. Also, these changes were needed. Warriors specifically and frontliners were unplayable. Too much damage in the game. So something is gonna happen anyway. The team isn’t very experienced and talented like people from the past, but they’re now trying to improve and learn

Lol, don’t think anyone here wants to play on one sided factions with no world interaction going around. Cata is fully retail


Tell me you play a class that doesn’t need to use mana without telling me.

Maining paladin and shaman now lil bro, but of course you’re gatekeeping this as a warlock which should get healing nerfed too

I’m saying if people quit because of this they’d go to Cata which is at least slightly better designed than SOD with current damage reduction, or just quit altogether.

Trust me I love SOD, I think most people playing it do too, we don’t love this “test” though.

Warlock healing is already nerfed since its based on damage. Yea, you play classes with easy ways to restore mana, its only cosmetic. Caster damage dealers go OOM before they kill an AFK target. Can you even comprehend that?

The team isn’t experienced enough. This could have been a really big thing with lots of subs for blizzard, but they choose to focus on dumb things like cata which we didn’t even ask for.

I atleast don’t want to play on one sided factions with flying mounts. I remember cata, it was the reason why I quit WoW

Naga, do you even know how maelstrom proc healing works? Also paladin, specifically ret goes oom fast.

Your arguments are dumb. If by your logic caster damage go oom fast, then healing should indeed get nerfed so group pvp/bgs feel more enjoyable

You still have melee damage to fall back on, paladins automatically restore mana during their rotation, enh shaman’s lava lash costs nothing. You are a melee, not a caster.

Your argument is even dumber, because nerfing healing doesn’t mean a target will die before you go OOM. Should it get nerfed alongside damage? Yes, absolutely, but will this solve how bad it feels to spend 250 mana to deal 150-200 damage? No

I have mixed feelings tbh.
I thought that I would hate the changes and entered 1 WSG to test them. Ofc we faced a full (10 man) horde premade, but at least we had healers.
And we stomped them because we were much better at ressource management. They started to all afk at the gy and we won with a full pug. Can’t tell if it’s due to the changes or not but it felt amazing.

That being said I did respec out of bursty MM to play BM for better uptime and freedom to spam viper sting while my pet is still applying pressure. It’s just a different approach.

It’s probably going to make BGs even more unplayable than before if you lack healers.

Thats why you won. Viper sting at the moment is directly telling a mana user to uninstall the game with how inefficient spells are at the moment. I’m spending 1/3 of my mana to do 1/6 of someone’s hp in damage inside BGs

They had hunters too but they were less viper spammy than us.
I do feel bad for the mages though, there is one that spent 10s casting a pyro on me to remove like 5% of my hp bar.

So you think cleansing, off healing doesn’t require mana? It’s literally draining fully mana bar in a brief moment, especially dispelling.

Ranged was the biggest issue in this game (and still is very strong, boomkins still doing insane dmg pvp while being very tanky) ranged needed to get nerfed anyway and I’m sure blizzard will find the sweet spot in dmg reduction. Casters going oom isn’t actually a bad idea at all

top tier in sod doesnt mean crap does it now

You can literally spam cleanse for a full minute without going oom. Offhealing requires mana yea, you don’t have a big mana pool. But when damage is low, healing becomes exponentially more efficient mana wise.

Boomkins don’t even spend mana because of how many training wheels their class got. Same goes for spriests

Again, you are just telling me you don’t know how casters work. Mages and destro Warlocks inside bgs would already be at 30% mana before killing anyone before the change.

In what world is it ok to go oom before ANYONE dies while they are A-F-K? Even going OOM right as the target dies is not how casters are supposed to work. Its a finite resource, unlike rage and energy. If you were to do a 1:1 translation of mana spenditure effectiveness and say, energy, then mutilate costing 50 energy would do only 25-30 damage at the moment.

Good cope

its not a cope , its a fact , sod pvping is a joke , just abuse broken runes and congrtz you are “top tier pvper” what a joke

fact is that your “top pvper” friends dont wanna log in cze dmg reduction just proven my point btw

cant be top pvper ,if you dont have them 1 shot buttons can you now

Its your delusion, not a fact. You can make the same argument in any other expansion, except replace “runes” with “spec” or “class”. Are some runes overtuned? Yes. So why not balance those instead of bricking the entire game with a flat damage reduction?