Hello my fellow danish people, i’m wondering, how many of y’all have lag issues as of right now or the past few days, i’ve had several instances (only happens in m+ really) where i go from 18/18 home/world to 1-2k/10-20k home/world
I’ve seen some comments and apparently it is something that is specifically happening to us, just wanna see how many it really is.
sincerely, an annoyed dane.
Heya, dane here and i got exactly the same problem including another friend of mine (from denmark). Getting these especially in LFR and also dungeons (even outdoor too), really terrible massive lagspikes with instant spikes of 2.2k world server lag and 800-900ms home even though everything other than blizzard games works just fine.
dane here.
i am writing this somment while lagging.
ive managed to open the browser, find the forums, find this thread, write this comment all while im casting a single fireball on the last boss in SFK
we are 3 danes in my guild and we all get these spikes at the same time
game is pretty much unplayable at the moment
i just tried opening a ticket ingame to try and get an answer and the window just closed when i pressed submit. i can no longer open a new ticket and i have no actiuve tickets.
VEEEERY shady @blizzard
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I have the exact same issue.
I tried everything from deleteing my WTF folder to doing a clean reinstall.
And deleting all my addons.
But nothing helps.
Hope there will be a fix at some point, this isnt playable.
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Been having issues aswell over the past days, is it a specific ISP issues? My friends doesnt have any problems. Dont know what kind of ISP you guys have, but I have “Norlys”
Fellow dane checking in. Same issue where lag just jumps to 2k ms in world and home. I have Norlys as ISP but no issues in other games as far as I’m aware.
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Doubt Blizzard hates us that much to specifically do this s**t to Danes (could be wrong).
In my group of 7 Danish people 4 of us have this exact problem, Primarily happens in M+ and Raids but’ as of today 12th of August I get it standing around within the many main citties of WoW aswell.
Were i have to wait for the launcher to reconnect (i get DC’d from it) about 2-4mins and then i can close the game and log back in (by that time my M+ groups are gone/ i got replaced in raid)
As fare as i know its not on our side the problem lies. hope it gets fixed soon i got places to be alts to lvl, mogs to farm.
This might be the case, i called them earlier today at 11 am, asked them about connection issues, and asked them if anyone else have reported any form of lags or something, according to the guy, he said there weren’t (i’d imagine he was lying, idk, dude tried to sell me some more speed… lmao)
I think Norlys might be the issue here and if that’s the case, i’ll definitely be switching, but not sure to who tho, everything is booty cheeks when it comes to prices and actual stable / fiber internet.
I also got Norlys. Oh boi
been having the same issue, and it just so happens around the time when i swapped provider & started using Norlys… great stuff, hoping for a fix soon 
So, this seems to be a norlys only issue, according to my friends, they have no issue and they ain’t at norlys, guess i’ll be going to another internet provider unless it gets fixed before the launch of the next expansion.
Called them this morning and was told it wasn’t the first time they’ve heard about it, and was also told to make a trace route to see specificly where the issue lies and email it to them and make a case.
I just find it weird that during the lag spike i can open browser windows no problem.
I hope they find a fix, i cant just swap providers i live with my family and they wouldnt say yes to that if i am the only one having an issue.
It might fixable with a VPN, I did forward my tracerouting to Norlys
Fellow Dane here. I can confirm that this is a “Norlys” problem and they are aware of it as i can read on “Trustpilot”, this isnt a wow problem but as far as i can see a package loss problem with “norlys”
The scary part is that this has been ongoing for weeks, but only now the problem is getting worse. As far as i can see they are still working on it, as they reset our modems after midnight, but still havnt been resolved
Its at least a relief that they are aware and are on it.
I was worried i would just have to live with it.
Problem is i cant just have random freezes for 4 mins(even tho it isnt that often), in a raid or M+.
I have searched and searched and maybe im just dumb.
But i couldnt find any mention about them being aware of the issue.
I saw some comments about them selling more hosting than what their system can handle though.
Just hoping something changes before TWW.
I dont know what to do if this continues.
When stuff like you describe happens it can be anything from your netcard/pc to the servers. There are several points on the route between client /server that can cause these lags. Personally i did not experience any lags the last couple of days. (except right now, but that is all of eu and all realms affected)
Do yourself a favor, and set your dns to googles dns.
It’s very simple, but watch a video first
You can also flush and refresh stuff.
That way you atleast got your own stuff “på det rene”.
Yesterday was stable for me only 1 DC at 14.05 and none today. I did catch it on trace routing and I did make a case which I did receiving confirmation on with a case number. I do suggest calling them and make a case too if possible or atleast talk to them
That is true. But when that is said, the Odd Thing about this situation is that All the ppl i have spoken to about this issue All share the same isp. Which leads me to that its a isp issue, and not with our computers. I have spoken to ppl with different isp’s, who Are on the same fiber cable connections as norlys customers who have No issues at All.