<Dark Brotherhood> [HORDE] [PVE] Mirage Raceway, Very Casual, Social Guild


STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL... *AHEM*! (*Clears Throat*) Welcome to the recruitment topic for the Dark Brotherhood. We are an upcoming Horde guild for the EU PVE Realm 'Mirage Raceway'. Our focus is to provide adventurers with a friendly, warm and helpful environment during their levelling process. Prioritising on the people of the guild, we will run dungeons, groups for questing, and eventually we will have a crack at the end game raiding, with absolutely no pressure on what class you play, the race you choose or your professions. You play how YOU want, when YOU are available and there will be absolutely no dishonour in that. We are not here to clear content fast, rather at our own pace, comfortable for everyone. Our guild chat is always going to be open for any questions during your time in game, or just a general chit chat! You'll feel right at home with your fellow brothers and sisters of the Dark Brotherhood...


Now there is a criteria to be eligible, hopefully making the guild more appealing to like-minded people. The guild is of course, Horde, so, as much as I love 'em, no Gnomes I'm afraid. Also, to keep the guild "mature", I'm only allowing members 18+. Don't worry, I won't ask you to send me your credit card details for verification... Maybe... Alas, the final detail, is that this guild will be focused on recruiting players who speak English - particuarly during guild activities and in the guild chat. Again, there won't be an exam testing your grammar, but if you can try your best and be considerate to your guildies, you're good to go! In summary:

• Horde, on the Mirage Raceway realm
• 18+
• English speaking for guild chat + activities.
• Gnomes

Does all of the above sound like your cup of tea, and do you tick the boxes for the criteria? Then the Dark Brotherhood could definitely be the guild for you. I do need some help with the guild, so there is definite progression to branch out into the likes of an officer, raid leader etc.


I've been playing World of Warcraft on and off since The Burning Crusade. I have met some amazing people through guilds and understand how important they can be to new players, and even returning veterans to the game. I'm always happy to help and lend a hand whenever I can.


I'm going to leave this topic open now to see the interest in this guild, from there I will look to setup communications in the form of a discord server etc. Thank you for your time and I hope you can join us on Mirage Raceway on the 27th!

We are stronger together, we are the Dark Brotherhood.

We now have a discord!

Interested? Start by sending a /w to Bladeweaver, Zelina, Bitterzoet, Neodym or Darkstorn on the realm in game! See you on the other side, cheers!


Lo m8y, looking forward to getting things going :wink:

Greetings Anzthrax! Thanks for the post. Still waiting for a few more interested in this! Hopefully we can get a solid group together ^^ Don’t be shy, say hello :smiley:

Hello you there! I very much liked what you said up there but is this “UK only” still a criteria? :frowning:

This sounds interesting,me and my mate are looking for a place to stay now in Classic. We are both longterm players that have raided both hardcore and semi-hardcore throughout the years, but now take on a more casual playstile. The only thing that might be a problem is that I’m from sweden, my mate is from the UK though and I have been playing with people from the UK pretty much the whole time so would say I am fluent in the english language.

best regards


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Hello there Bluepaw and Mhelkior! Tbh the UK only thing was only from past experience of having people in who would speak their own language in guild chat. I think this would be better if i changed it to “English only” during guild activities and chat as opposed to necessarily being from the UK as that doesn’t really matter! The Dark Brotherhood should be open to all I agree :wink:

Have changed criteria hopefully get a few more of us now! ^^

Then that’s great. So let me do a bit of formal introduction…

I play WoW since 1.8, tried a bit of Cata, didn’t like it and quit. Since then I mostly do WotLK privates. I’ve always played Priest main, I always will, never get me bored. I do believe I learned my class over the years. I will roll Undead Priest, again. My main spec has always been Shadow with offspec Holy (no dual specialization, ‘need moar gold’). I don’t mind stick as healer at 60 for a while if the guilds need me to. I do want to enjoy the leveling experience at its fullest and having a nice guild on the way is a must. If you have any question, feel free to ask. :slight_smile:

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Hmmmm . . .

Horde :+1:
Mirage Raceway :+1:
18+ :+1: (and throw in a couple more + + . . :disappointed:)
English speaking :+1: (from the South Coast)
Gnome :eyes: definitely not!

Is the brotherhood also accepting ‘sisters’ to the ‘hood’?!


Bluepaw, it is a pleasure! Nice to make your acquaintance my friend!

Greetings LĂ­lmoo! Sisters are most definitely welcome into the Dark Brotherhood! Thank you for your interest :smiley:

It is starting to come together now. I believe it is 10 signatures for the guild charter! ^^ Anyone here got experience of setting up a discord server? I had a play with it last night but not the best at setting up the bots etc XD

Cheers, keep the applications coming.

Great! :slight_smile: And already sisters around… even greater… :smiley:
I did not completed the questions above though, like Lílmoo - I’m 29 and all my gnome-ish experience was leveling 1 to 6 (6, not 60, 6) a million years ago… :smiley:

Regarding Discord, first I’d recommend discord.gg/QY7Y5w as unofficial realm channel, so far looks great place to see fellow souls. Then any created server would work for us, bots and stuff like that are just cosmetic bonuses which can be added later.

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Sounds interesting, might tickle me fancy

Of whom I am? Well started in 2005 and have played now for 14 years (how time flies when you’re having fun). Going to play a troll priest, have set up a character on Pyrewood but the game’s not out yet so always open to change around. Not specifically looking for raiding, just for a bunch of like minded people :slight_smile:

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Brilliant! Welcome Dornisus, I hope you join us, you’ll be most welcome.

Great, I’ll play about with discord now see what I can do ^^

Looks great ! Wife beat me to it (Lilmoo) , i look forward to catching up with you guys in game.


I guess short of the ‘not a gnome’ thing, I didn’t really tell you much about us!

Myself and the hubby (Fazdingo, see above) have been playing WoW from Vanilla, and before that Everquest. In fact, we actually met in Everquest and here we are, 20 years and two kids later, still mucking about in WoW.

I am a healer all the way - mostly, I’ve played druid and before that priest, but this time I’m having a go with a shammy. Have done some fairly ‘proper’ raiding up to and including WotLK and then real life (aka kids) distracted us from WoW a fair bit, and we mostly duoed stuff ever since. Husband is rolling a mage this time around, so I will get plenty of practice at keeping even the soft and tender nukey folk in game vertical and (reasonably) healthy!

We made some great friends and had great times in some great guilds in the earlier days - I can’t wait for Classic, and now the kids are bigger and more interested in their own thing, I’m just hoping it’ll recapture some of that good old community spirit. We love to have a tootle through five mans and a bit of raiding that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

Certainly look forward to seeing you all soon!


Hey! I haven’t got a name yet on the server as not wanting to sub till the 27th or as close as (plus name doesn’t bother me haha) But I’d be happy to join if you have space? Either going Troll Hunter or Undead Rogue.

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Also when you set up the discord let me know :). I can ask around a couple of friends who are playing if they would like to join too?

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Fazdingo, absolute pleasure welcome aboard. Great to meet you Lilmoo, nice to have you both with us! Loving it!

Rikasu welcome brother, you are more than welcome to recommend the guild! The more the merrier.

The discord is now live, it is still pretty basic but it’ll do and we can grow with it. Come on in, I hope to see you there!


Cheers ^^

This sounds like an interesting place to be. I’ve created a troll hunter, undead priest and an orc warrior and as soon as classic goes live I’ll probably make one from the remaining classes.

I’ve played since 2007 and raided from WoLK through to Draenor. I mained Ret Paladin in WoLK, Unholy DK in Cata and Pandaria then BM Hunter in WoD. I’m probably going to main my priest in Holy spec as I’m keen to have a go at healing.

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It would be great if you could join us! Sounds like you are a jack of all trades, would be most welcome in the brotherhood!

Hey there! I am also interessted to join. I played vanilla in a hardcore raiding guild as main tank but now since life moved on I will only have time (and energy^^) to play casual and decided to roll an undead warlock for classic.

There is one thing that I’d like to mention: My gaming room is directly neighbouring the room were my toddler son sleeps, so I will probably not be able to be very vocal in any voice chats after 20:00 and will mostly communicate via typing.
If this is fine for you I’d gladly farm soul shards for you :slight_smile:

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