<Dark Brotherhood> [HORDE] [PVE] Mirage Raceway, Very Casual, Social Guild

Hey Owfsmowl! Of course! That is perfect, join us on the discord when you can and say hello. :slight_smile:

Yeah I’m more of a “typer” myself, and actually have a little boy of my own, so I will no doubt be joining you there when it is late! End game stuff will be taken lightly, we may not clear it all fast, but with a bit of determination I’m sure whether we are typing, voicing, laughing, crying… We will get there eventually :stuck_out_tongue: Cheers!

Hi there,
31 year old Tauren here.
I’d be very interested in joining you. I played in Vanilla and BC as main tank and cleared all raids except Naxx. This time around, I’m more interested in playing resto shaman (but we’ll see how that goes during leveling). I might fall in love all over again with Warrior.

My intent is to re-clear MC and BWL but all in good time without rushing anything. My goal has always been to become good in what I do and that takes time.

See you in game in 13 days :slight_smile:

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Ambiorixx! Thank you for your interest. Absolutely you would be most welcome. I am sure we can get round to clearing those! …Or die trying XD Be a pleasure, hope to see you in our chat channel sometime, and definitely be around on the 27th to see you in game. Cheers!

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Sounds just my cup of tea,a guild with no pressure


Thank you Zazzy, got a nice bunch now ready for launch, still plenty of space so come on in and join the fun ^^

OMG ITS A GIRL!!! :scream:

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That’s right we have these rare spawns on our discord, planning to join the guild, GRILS! Come quick, before they change their minds and roll gnomes! D’:

I’ve started playing wow with vanilla, took break after cata (never liked pandas…) and returned about year ago. About criteria… I have created druid, hunter and priest characters on Mirage Raceway and druid will be probably my main. Age … yes I reached 18 about 35 years ago and I don’t believe English will be issue.
And I don’t like gnomes either !

May your tusks be forever sharp and shiny !

Love Uncle Jujumon


Jujumon how ya doin’ mon? Tings be lookin’ up in da guild. Der be plenty of space for ya mon. Dem Gnomes be watchin’ out now mon.

I be seein’ ya mon.

bump 10 chars

thanks :slight_smile:

The discord is nice and active now, got a great bunch of us! Really good diversity among what we are playing too, different professions and all sorts. It’ll be a blast. Come join the brotherhood :wink:


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The Dark Brotherhood also has some tasty gnome stew :wink:

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Definitely a good bunch! Still time to get to know us before launch, pop in and say hello :smiley:

:heart_eyes: I haven’t been called a ‘girl’ for quite a while. I like you, you made my day!!

Hi, would like to join, was attracted by the word ‘casual’.

Used to play Alliance from release to just before Cataclysm, can remember the first guild MC clear, took just short of 4 1/2 hours :slightly_frowning_face:.

Gave up and let my kids use my account they stopped playing 4-5 years ago , just downloaded the client to find I have some 30+ chars over 8 servers :thinking:.

Anyway thought I’d give Horde a go this time round, not interested in retail but looking forward to the original dungeons etc., will play an undead lock.

As to age …I’d be the oldest person in the guild !

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Not 100% sure that you will be the oldest, but welcome ! :grinning:

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I’m on the Discord already and looking forward on this Classic journey with you chaps and chapettes. I’ve already created an undead priest, and can’t wait to melt some sad faces.

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you’re welcome!

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