<Dark Brotherhood> [HORDE] [PVE] Mirage Raceway, Very Casual, Social Guild

Welcome everyone! :slight_smile:

It is a pleasure to have you with us! 30 strong now and growing everyday. Not to late to join the Dark Brotherhood folks! :3


Another bunch of members have joined the Brotherhood. If youā€™re considering it but not sureā€¦ Pop in and say hello. Youā€™ll be warmly welcomed and you are free to chat and scout us out before making any decisions! ^^ Cheers! :smiley:

Come and sit with us for a while,if you dont like what you see,then nothing lost :wink:


Why not stay awhile and listen?


Just 192 hours to go! Plenty of time to join the Brotherhood and get settled in with such a warm, welcoming community :smiley:

Hmmā€¦ Guys do we have enough tanks? I really start thinking that maybe itā€™s time for a change. I like tanking and developing an alt on classic is really long long term plans. I do not like warriors thoughā€¦ Oh itā€™s such a tough callā€¦

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You can play whatever you like! :smiley: If you fancy a change it might be quite refreshing, go with your gut. I was going Priest, I played the stress test 100% as a Priest. Adamant I was going Priest.

I am now going Rogue :stuck_out_tongue:

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Would like to join this guild. I started playing around TBC but have not played for years. Now this Classic comes and now I have better chances to play as kids are getting older. Used to play NE rogue and UD warrior. Now I think IĀ“m gonna play druid? Have not decided yet!

English not my native language but I consider pretty fluent with it.
Hopefully I can join and we can enjoy Classic WoW together!

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Hello Maxpanda! That would be great, druid is a solid choice, whatever youā€™ll enjoy!

Join us on discord and we will get you all set up:




Not long to go now folks! Get on board for launch while you can! Be nice to get to know you before we start our adventures together :smiley:

Iā€™m interested in this!, have rolled a few chars on this server with no idea yet which one i want to play,

Started playing 2 months before wrath so no clue how this is going to go haha

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Have you guys sorted out days and times you will raid? .

Then Warr Tank it is! =]

LF heal + 3 dps for dungeon runs :smiley:


Hi Renholder, I hope to see you in the discord soon! Cheers :smiley:

Hi Kickz,

Not yet. Although we will raid, and have a lot of us already keen to get stuck in, this will likely be discussed once I have found a Raid Leader to run this side of the guild. If I had to guess, Iā€™d imagine itā€™ll be evenings, as a lot of us have kids, family or/and other commitments! :smiley:

Hi, this guild sounds like it could be exactly what my hubby and me are looking for. Weā€™re old veterans of the game, we actually met in-game, both been playing since ye days of olde and looking forward to returning to the game that got us hooked in the first place. Weā€™ve both done the hardcore thing in the past and are just so past all that. We just want somewhere to chill, level and raid etc at our own pace without all the constrictions that come with the usual raiding guilds. He can sometimes work late, Iā€™m studying for my honours degree, and some nights we might just be too tired, you get the idea. :wink:

Iā€™m considering a Resto Shaman as something a bit different after playing a Rogue in vanilla and a hunter since TBC. My hubby hasnā€™t really decided what he wants to play yet though. So hope you have room for a couple of old farts! :slight_smile:

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Hi Jetina,

Welcome aboard, be great to have you! :smiley: (and the hubby!)

Heya Nocturna,

I just opened a new topic ā€˜older player looking for guildā€™ ā€¦ seems I just had to scroll down to find a guild which is likeminded :slight_smile:

I reserved a char with the name Krugg (hunter) and would love to make part of this guild. My preference is a dps char, class is irrelevant, I would just roll a char which can be an asset to the guild.
So if a dps spot is still free I would more then happily take it.

See you in a few days.


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My hubby and I were looking to find a chill casual guild for the launch of Classic and seems like google pointed me in the right direction!

If thereā€™s still room weā€™d love to join!
Weā€™ll be playing a warrior and a warlock as mains :slight_smile:

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