<Dark Brotherhood> [HORDE] [PVE] Mirage Raceway, Very Casual, Social Guild

Aww thanks guys!

Yeah we are dedicated to sticking with [Mirage Raceway]. I know there will be some temptation to try and avoid the queues and go to Nethergarde, but we have been set for Mirage since the beginning, so we aren’t going anywhere. I hope you all can weather the storm, fight through the queues, and join us in the guild. It will be fully established (assuming all goes well) by tomorrow morning.

See you then! :smiley:

Good luck everyone, see you on the other side :crossed_swords:

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A breakdown of the guild so far, it’s looking great!


Any room for an altoholic? :nerd_face:

I used to play hardcore raiding back in the vanilla days, up to TBC, then came back once in a while… but imo retail isnt what it used to be :grimacing:

Now i just wanna level up multiple characters, not bothered about getting to 60 fast. And that is most fun when in a nice mature guild (i’ll be turning 38 next week myself :older_man:) where i wont be pushed to gear up for raiding and all, and well, your guild seems to be a relaxed bunch of people now! :sunglasses:

So i was hoping to join your fine guild :innocent:

Really interested in this guild! I’m LOVING the classic experience and would love to share these moments with like minded people.

The guild is up and running, has been since launch pretty much. We were very quick on the draw. Had some fun today, ran a 10 man RFC dungeon “raid” group.

The discord currently has a backlog for applications, so please, if interested, start by sending a /w to Bladeweaver, Zelina, Bitterzoet, Neodym or Darkstorn on the realm in game! :smiley:


Hi, would love to join your guild, I’ve send ingame messages to the players mentioned. In game name is Chiany, I am a 36 yr old guy from The Netherlands.

I can genuinely confirm that the atmosphere is amazing and the people are great. The guild chat smells like Vanilla… :smiley:

Sounds great! 35 year old Dutch “girl” over here (I can’t get used to calling myself a woman because it sounds old :frowning: )

Played Undead Warlock and was part of friendly progression raiding guild with which we achieved to kill the Lich King!
When Cata came out, guild fell apart, found another casual raiding guild, rolled a Blood Elf Pala and became one of the 2 main tanks through Cata.

Quit when MoP came out, came back every time a new expansion came out but quit after a few levels. It just wasn’t the same.

And now… Classic is back! So now I’m looking for a nice social, mature, perhaps casual raiding guild again. I will /w you ingame and hope you will have me :slight_smile:


Great to have you with us, welcome to the Dark Brotherhood :smiley:

/w Caedwedd or Bladeweaver for an inv :slight_smile:
Darkstorn is not available anymore :smiley:

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Yes, still growing and everyone is really enjoying the experience together ^^

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