Dark Ranger customizations for Blood and Night elves 🔴

and im sure blizzard would be able to give it a reason like the night elves…they witnessed a ritual :joy:

I thought it was up to the player to use that bit of common sense to realise that Death Knights are indeed, undead.

I mean, their is a small scenario of Human Cultists raising up the races of the Horde and Alliance, into undeath. Some are “Where am I? Why am I here?” Whilst others are like “Ready to serve!”

Dark Ranger Velonara makes it clear that she’s basically a rotting corpse, by the point of Legion and her heart no longer beats.

Yes but then they retain their racial, again if they are indeed undead then they should theoretically have the forsaken racial. Current forsaken do not share the human racial even though thats what they are undead humans.

But thats besides the point people are being too obsessive about the name at their character and race, to be honest if it was up to me then forsaken would have a blood elf model baked into their character creation but they dont and its very unlikely blizzard would go to the hassle of that. The alternative is the comprimise of the red eyes and skin options, all of which already exist as you can view on the wowhead dressing room (check npc options).

Look at void elves, they have been given by all intents and purposes the ability to look exactly like a high elf. I just think people are being difficult for the sake of it, at the end of the day its another fun option that could and should be made available for players (in my opinion of course)


Well, no - not all undead are Forsaken.

Death Knights and Dark Rangers are that 50% split between undead and their core race. Look at when Delaryn died and when she was raised. The Val’kyr itself said:
“Rise, in the name of Sylvanas, the Banshee Queen!”

No matter what - they are still undead, in some way or form.

Well they wouldn’t because it’s a waste of Blizzard’s time. The Forsaken, at large, are mainly the former Human residents of Lordaeron.

High Elves were scarce throughout the land since they basically left the Alliance of Lordaeron after the 2nd War.

Thats some reach :joy:

A waste of their time in your opinion. But thats also why i suggested just adding the option to the existing blood elf options, or better yet create a continuation of the story arc in bfa and do a set of quests ala the night warrior scenario.

I don’t know what the problem is with death knights being undead? I mean, this is so 2008, that I thought it was common knowledge and common sense?


No problem with that. Just, since some people were saying that the Dark Rangers should be a customization for the Foresaken on the base of the fact that they are undead, it was being pointed out that not all undead are / need to be Foresaken in the game, as shown by the Death Knights using their original race name and skills.

In brief, adding ANOTHER elf only class for Dark Rangers makes no sense, because they are truly just marksmanship hunters, as seen from Legion’s class hall. And at the same time, adding another race to the Foresaken makes no sense because they are the undead people from Lordaeron, not just any undead. (Not to mention, it would be a silly amount of work and an odd unique feature for them).

So we either get Dark Ranger features as customizations for the Blood Elves (or in case, Night Elves) or we probably just won’t get them in any other shape than the current toys and transmogs.


Certainly hope the first.

I dropped a note about it in the PTR reporting box, too. Hopefully they will take notice even though it is not a bug. :wink:


You’re not alone, Silandriel. You’re not alone.

Maybe if we start spamming the in-game suggestion box they will hear us?

Or on PTR, as Astranea suggested?

(I did, just in case)


Not a bad idea! I’ll get to it :slight_smile:


Probably not something I’d use myself, but I’m all for more customization! Players should have way more options!

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To all the hunters who want to be edgy: go to the nighthold and get the mythic headpiece. All the ranger stuff looks exactly like that outfit.

End of story

Or… All of them all the eyes! :sweat_smile:

But why just be edgy with a hoodie when I can have red eyes, the headpiece, AND be even edgier? :eyes:


I don’t even know why would anyone wants red eyes and be like “I have the flu” :rofl: but now you made me wonder: if one has the red eye customisation plus the hoodie, will that person’s eyes be on flames as well? Or be sparky? Like some rabid animal? :thinking:

If yes, my orc huntress would like to tame them… just as she wants a worgen pet

We did, and it looks awesome indeed.

But it’s slightly annoying not to be able to change hood/mog? :wink:

Besides, at least on the horde side, the race name says Blood elves.
So a red would be appropriate! /s

An unlockable extra would be awesome!


It should be then a hunter specific quest line. If devs would put it in, I think it shouldn’t be a free for all stuff, but something that you earn.


A very nice idea!

But elf-only quest too. Wouldn’t make much sense on a dwarf huntress for instance. :wink:

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I don’t think it should be limited to one class. I would prefer if it was more like the Night Warrior equivalent. You didn’t need to be a warrior to go for that look.


So a race-specific quest. Even better, indeed.

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