Dark Ranger customizations

A few days ago I wished for Purple eyes for both Blood elves and Void elves, and it magically happened the next day.

So I’m hoping this “good luck” rubs off on my next request: Dark Ranger customizations for Blood elves.

What do you mean?

  • White skin/ Red eyes.

It would be nice if they had that “second theme” almost the same way Void elves do with the skin tones.

I recall one Dark ranger mentioned that the Sin’dorei is her kin. Meaning her people.

With a people of 90% dead, some of them raised into undeath. It makes perfect sense. Quel’thelas Along with Lordaeron was the hardest hit by the Scourge.

And now that it’s Shadowlands it’s the prefect time to add them. I mean Dark Rangers are basically Blood elf Deathknights with a bow, so I see no problem at all in terms of lore .

Plus, it’s Shadowlands. Perfect time to add them.

How would it work?

I guess it would work the same way as the Night Warrior skin does. You pick the Dead white skin and it automatically gives you Red eyes.

And just like Night Warrior, the red eyes would also work for belf Death knight

Plus: it’s very easy since the skin is already in the game along with the eyes.



part of the post,


Have thought the same thing, I’ll just limit it to Belf hunters, maybe rogues aswell.

I actually thought they had got red eyes already, so sad that I couldn’t make a dark skinned, red eyed warlock.

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Why not make it a 4th spec for hunters, like a hero spec twould be awesome.

Cause Dark Rangers are basically a Elf Ghost (Blood elf or Night elf) that got their body back. It wouldn’t fit all races

Like imagine a Lightforged Dark Ranger

Easiest way to add this is just to add one white skin color with the red eyes, Similar to how the Night Warrior skin works



Yes and no.

It fits certain classes, like Hunters, Rogues and Death Knights. And to a lesser extent, Warrior.
The Dark Rangers are exactly that, Rangers, they just happen to be dead.
The Death Knights might as well get them just because they’re dead already and we see red-eyed DK’s.
So to see Dark Ranger priests, mages, warlocks, paladins, demon hunters etc wouldn’t fit.

A second thing is that they are Forsaken, not Blood Elves.
Just like Forsaken humans consider themselves Forsaken first.
Sure, the Dark Rangers are a little bit different as they are allied with their former people, something the Forsaken are not, but still.

IF Dark Rangers were to be added, I’d rather see them as an option for Forsaken characters, with their own voice sets, and locked to certain classes.


This doesnt work for me

Dark Rangers are a hero class in their own right, to relegate them to a skin option only is insulting tbh.


This, tbh.


I can’t see Blizzard adding a Dark Ranger class any time soon for two reasons

  1. They barely balanced any of the existing classes

  2. I’ve seen how Sylvanas and the other Dark Rangers fight. There is no difference between them and hunters other than a few Shadowy effects. It’s kinda like a Void elf Hunter at best.

So yeah, best option would be Customization with a Shadowy effects to arrows.

The question I have is are dark rangers a thing outside of the Sylvanas loyal forsaken? Most of them were her bezzies.

It makes absolutely no sense for dark rangers to start popping up in the horde if they don’t really exist outside of loyalty to Sylvanas. It’s not like blood elves would go out of their way to get their deceased raised as them is it?

If they are shown to be loyal to the horde proper then I’ll humour it, but if they’re as I suspect Sylvanas’ secret police then it makes no sense no matter how cool it would be.

This game has never nor will ever be balanced.

It’s not shadow it’s necromancy they use and that would be good enough, just a skin is a poor excuse.

A lot of Dark Rangers were abandoned when Sylvanas left and feel no loyalty to her specifically.

Ah ok. But do we have the means to make more?

As far as I am aware, it’s a “big d necromancy” type move, as it was Arthas whom raised the first one (Syvl) by using a ritual to have the banshees elves become forced into their own corpses permanently as well as giving them some new dark powers, and since then I believe more have appeared only because of Sylvanas’ making them?

If I’m wrong I’m totally willing to stand corrected. I know the game has shown us quite a few of them (Hillsbrad) but as far as I know at least they’re not something that can be made by typical Forsaken means due to the juice required.

I mean it’s always possible players could just play one of those that “already exists” I suppose, similar to Illidari, it may require some lore clarification like they did however (like how we learned Illidan had actually trained an army so as to justify the amount of DHs there would be).

Personally if a new class is to be added I’d like to see a non “dark magic” one, as the last one was similar to this (and similarly elven) although this doesn’t make the request less reasonable for those who want it. But if added yeah it would need to be a new class or specific to hunters and maybe rogues as dark ranger mages for example simply aren’t a thing.

We already have way too many specs in the game, let’s not further destroy balance. These customizations could be simply earned with a questline just like green fire for Warlocks that would give you new customization options and new ability visuals, etc.

I just wish we had this option for death knights.

I am suprised we didn’t get anything for DKs with the new customizations except the updated eye glow visual.
My hopes are still up tho, i would love new eye glow colors (orange-ish, red, green, white), maybe a new skin aswell, dragon fire burned like Bolvar’s.

It could be easily explained that after the battle of Wrath Gate and defeat of Arthas, Bolvar raised the fallen and burned soldiers at the wrath gate.

Many people have suggested this before.

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Somebody even made mock-ups of how it could work in the character creation screen if ‘subraces’ became a thing!

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I’m all for it. Either as customisation or a new class.


I would realllly love to have my DK to get those red glowing eyes…plz blizz make it happen, pretty plz…

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Almost 3 years.

Hoping to get at least something new for the Nightborne.

Seems Blizz likes you Jak.

Wish something for Nightborne too, maybe it will happen.