Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

They really really really should have made the elf customizations a separate panel of Forsaken customizations as Dark Ranger undead of the Alliance don’t make sense when the whole basis of them is that they’re Forsaken and the Alliance won’t ever accept them as kin again.

Night Elves in general however, it probably didn’t make sense post-cata to BfA because the park district went boom, but nowadays there’s a high Night Elf refugee population in Stormwind who are helping grow crops on the outskirts/tending to the park.


I agree, considering the Dark Rangers we’ve seen are typically belonging to the Forsaken faction, coulda just made “undead elf” a forsaken option like splitting the forsaken customisation between “human mode” and “elf mode” but is what it is, and yeah I get some Nelfs would have migrated to SW, SW is basically the most defensible spot alongside maybe Ironforge for the Alliance races well used to war and losing homes ect now, I dukno though, if I was a Nelf Druid, Id wanna be in Hyjal or that lil village where the yearly thing happens I forget it, you used to have to teleport there Im sure, but thatd be another perfect spot, but ofc I know nothing about where and how active the more “nelfy” hubs are, so could just be…SW is easier to find rp ect, SW just strikes me as a more Human/Helf/Dwarf/Gnome “lightworshipping or other” spot, rather than a hub for millennia old druids and undead/demonic killing machines, for me the question is, if you fall into the latter catagory…why would you want to be there?

I mean they have One Lich, Amal’thazad… And he helped free them from the Lich King…

They do have one Dark Ranger in their ranks aswell, in the Shadowvault in Icecrown!

Duskwood can host villains and shady characters in the woods.

But don’t come in Darkshire with undeads, this town isn’t exactly in friendly term with anything undead and even less now that the Scourge attacked them again.

Though what happens with Dark Rangers right now is similar to Stormwind. Everyone seems to know what happened in the secret meeting in Tirisfal and everyone believes they are Alliance members, overnight.

They also have gargoyles, ghouls, geists, abominations and similar.
Dark rangers and other dark fallen would be fiiiiiiine.

There are death knights there all the time?

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I for one agree with most people’s “aack!” @ darkfallen and the new race being in Stormwind. Like I get passing through or needing something, but when Darkfallen McD’arc Raven or something is lingering in a tavern drinking with the locals? Nawww.

Death Knights are sworn to Alliance to eradicate the Scourge. That’s way different than Dark Rangers actively participating in a butchery during the fourth war and coming back with a heart-shaped mouth.

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Yeah I can imagine, I came through with a DK before, but an Ebon Knight looking for cultists, so was cool, in n out, not chilling around, I agree, tbh Undead sorts in the Alliance havent got a great load of places they really truly fit in, Undead/Demonic beings dont have a great deal of place in Alliance/Stormwind spots for me anyways, but to each their own, if they wish to do that, I wont attempt to stop them lol.

Looks at your character portrait and guild name in confusion.

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What’s the catchphrase again? Ah yeah, find out IC :grin:.

This does not help your case in anyway.

All I’ve seen is

Horde: You’re free to run back to the Alliance.
Some DR: Yay!
Alliance: Wait. Hold Up, hold up.

Kind of needs the other side to actually agree, which hasn’t happened. Has it even been asked?


Well you see Tyrande chose the renewal ending instead of vengeance, so this is happening. Don’t look at me, I’m just along for the ride.

Knowing Blizzard we’ll get Danuser drop some one-liner about this on Twitter when enough lore buffs bully him for it.

Until then these cosmetic features are as much just there for gameplay reasons as my warlock not getting minced by the NPC Guards for summoning a Felguard next to the Cathedral.



Awesome! It fits!

I’ve been a blood elf since yesterday!

Just took my mask off this morning (you missed me having hair) and put a different hat on for a change.

Will go back to mask eventually.


Maiev(and thus Tyrande her leader/superiour) wasn’t against the idea of their former fallen Sentinels and Wardens rejoining them at Darkshore questline.

So we know how this will end. Darkfallen on the Alliance being canon and accepted because brainwashed.

Its just Alliance RPers throwing a fuss about nothing cause they forgot a throw away line in the Darkshore questline, anyways.

Everyone acting anti-Dark Ranger atm where the same people who were Anti-Death Knight and anti-Dark Iron and Anti-Void Elves and Anti-Worgen before and they’ll be anti-Drak’thyr next. Its just the Dark Rangers bridging the gap between the former and next anti-whatever

Knowing how a story will end doesn’t mean that going out and RPing as though the ending already happened is a good plan, though.
I’ll say it till the day I die, I’m not against the idea, even if it is a bit weird. I just think it’s wise to hold off on shouting “For the Alliance” and walking around Stormwind City on a Dark Ranger before there’s proper evidence that doing so isn’t lorebreaking.


How do the Thalassian ones fall into this? The ones that have been a traditional enemy of the Alliance for longer? The ones that I believe were hunting worgen in Hillsbrad.

But, consider this…

Aren’t you the one lorebreaking when we have more modern accounts of the Alliance actually being very accepting of remorsefull enemies then the otherway around?

I.E: High Elves turned Blood Elves turned Void Elves and then joining the Alliance(and easily walking around the city) cause Alleria. Death Knights easily welcomed with a simple letter from Tirion to a single Alliance King all around the Alliance and Demon Hunters easily being welcomed by both Tyrande and Anduin cause one thought they needed them and the other one was saved once by them? (And thats aside the Mechagnomes of Mechagon, the Dark Iron Dwarves, Worgen?)

What exactly changed between all of the above and Maiev out of all NElf characters trying to recruit them back into the Night Elf ranks? Afterwards the Devs might just as easily handwave it away and say the Night Elves always tried to get them back and Maiev wrote a letter?

Void Elven Farstriders/Rangers(Or Silvermoon Scholars/High Elven Wayfarers who appear in Telogrus Rift) raised during the Fourth War(BfA) akin to how Bolvar mass-ressurected DK’s, in this case Sylvanas max-rezzing Void Elves cause LTT never said anything about them.