Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

If that’s your take away from my posts in this topic then I rest my case. Either my English isn’t good enough or your comprehension, because whatever drivel you’ve just posted doesn’t apply to what I’ve written.

Honestly if you’re out here RPing an undead of any kind and you don’t want people to be rude to you IC then I would recommend literally any other character concept because you’re not gonna have a good time playing undead unless you’re wilfully ignoring the lore.


That goes without saying, I 100% agree, despite the fact people are likely very used to them by now, even DKs for example, alot of people wouldnt be fans, there would be plenty of people who even after 10+ years around undead ex-scourge genocidal champions wouldnt be huge fans of them and would love to purge them with the light if the chance arose.

We have this conversation every other year or so. Death Knights, Demon Hunters, feral Worgen, Void Elves, Highborne in Kalimdor during Cataclysm.

I’ve got to disagree with that. Not wishing to repeat myself too much, but comparing the situation concerning Darkfallen in Stormwind to the emergence of Dracthyr (who are fantastic and I’m looking forward to playing!), Death Knights, Pandaren, Demon Hunters and Void Elves… is flawed.

Scroll up to post 114 (or possibly 115) for my reasoning. I won’t torture the forums with another 6+ paragraph rave today!

I said that because I started the topic about Dracthyr when expansion was announced. Majority didn’t like the idea of RPing as dracthyr and the thread was very similar to this one, thats why I recalled them.

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Yeah, true. The two arguments look simillar at first, but I think they’re about different things.

It’s less “Darkfallen are new and I hate them and they’re terrible and why do Blizzard do this!?” and more “Why should our characters accept these War Criminals walking the streets?”

Obviously there’s more too it, but that’s the jist?

That’s wrong on so many levels. Completely ignoring the fact that all the arguments presented are based on a lore-logic issue and not on hatred for dark rangers. It’s not an opposition to something new, but to something that hasn’t been given a background to legitimize it going around Alliance cities.

I for one adore dark rangers. I love the fantasy of the class, the archetype, the lore. I’m still against them going around Stormwind until Blizz actually gives us some lore to justify that. Which, as repeated time and again, is yet to happen.


I am not saying that people should welcome Darkfallen with open arms in Stormwind, the issue was that it caused too much hate from players, that’s all.

I am trying to explain that to you, but your asnwers are simply based on inner hatred towards Dark Ranger RPers.

But relax, you won’t be seing any dark rangers, because there is nobody to RP with.

That isn’t true at all :<

The one thing that we can agree on is that the lore prior to the addition of these customisation options doesn’t explain them.

You react to this by assuming that the lore remains the same and that if these characters were not tolerated by a faction before, they are not tolerated by that faction now.
I react to this by assuming that the addition of these options is evidence of a change in the lore and that these characters are now tolerated by a faction because they are now a playable option of that faction.

You’re not going to change my mind and I’m not going to change yours, so all I can do is elaborate on the one bit that caused confusion.

It’s a commentary on what happens every time a new character option is made available for roleplayers.
In character, there’s typically extremely focused mob violence as a bunch of characters band together with the intention of harming, expelling or killing the new character option. A lot of this makes sense and is perfectly reasonable until people try to cement it as the default stance of their faction or something that their faction encourages.
Out of character, there’s the usual arguments about how the new character option is a spit in the face of previous lore - and they’re often right. However, they then move on to discuss how characters that use the new character option should either be ignored, treated like they’re just insane or told to roleplay far away from any sort of hub, out of sight and out of sound - because whenever a new character option is released, the oft-mocked Stormwind City RP suddenly becomes sacred and mustn’t be sullied by this new character option.

Trying to exclude the new character option, whether it’s in character or out of character, is very trendy on Argent Dawn.
Again, people are welcome to their opinions about the new lore (I agree that it’s pretty trash) and people are also free to roleplay their characters as reaction to the new character option with hatred and violence, if it makes sense for their character to feel that way.
It just gets weird when people try to treat their character’s hateful actions as the rule rather than an exception and when people try to restrict how the new character option is roleplayed - particularly by trying to deny access to Stormwind City, which is usually viewed as the lowest common denominator of roleplay where people play whatever they want anyway.

To me, the best course of action would be to avoid interacting with Darkfallen whenever you encounter them if you’re really not fond of their addition of the Alliance.
Roleplaying out your character’s hatred towards them if you dislike the Darkfallen as a player is just guaranteed to lead towards a toxic and unpleasant scene for everyone involved.
If you think you can roleplay your character’s loathing for them without your feelings as a player getting in the way, then go right ahead.


Meanwhile, me, having a dark ranger character. Ahem.

Your argument is based on many assumptions about what motivates the other person involved. Issue is, that’s mostly a logical fallacy called Ad Hominem which would be completely disregarded in any formal debate situation. You are expected to address the argument, not the person, because no matter the person, if you go on ad hominems the argument still stands.

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Big difference with the DK/DH and Darkfallen is the support of the story. Both Dk and DH were accepted. Not by everyone right away but at least the faction leaders were ok with them. The only thing that could be a possible explenation for the darkfallen being allowed is the letter Calia send to Greymane about creating some form of peace. But that is a big IF. Personally with the new cross faction possibilities i would focus the rp on a Darkfallen community outside of Alliance/Horde areas. At least till more has been made clear.


I’ll probably race change this guy soon into a Darkfallen anyway, but I really don’t understand where this rhetoric of “Everyone here thinks new thing is bad and they enjoy cyberbullying others” is coming from.

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It’s easier to argue against that rather than the actual points about the lore which, for some reason, seem beyond comprehension.


This is it, right here.
I’m only opposing the idea of Darkfallen in SW because it’s such a grey area and there are ways to have fun RP without forcing yourself into the city.
If/when that murkiness is cleared up, I might still have grievances about Alliance Dark Rangers (only because they’ve been a Horde-only thing for 20 years so it’s weird) but I won’t oppose it being RP’ed in the same way as a DH or a DK. But we’re not there now.

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Can confirm, so what that other dude is going about, with it being a personal hatred is nonsense of someone who came into an argument, with no defence other than “YoU jUsT hAtE tHeM”

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Yeah, personally its kinda weird seing any of the “darker” concepts in Stormwind anyways, DK’s/DH’s, as they are basically “monstrous” killing machines that kinda have jobs/roles tailored to their skills, I have a DK also and he’s rarely ever in SW, I cant find a reason for a DK to be walking around Stormwind casually like some simple civilian or light worshipping “hero/adventurer/paladin/whichever” of the “grand alliance”, while I dont think Darkfallen are a great deal different to DK’s, all those types of concepts kinda stick out in a city like Stormwind specifically, more suited to Duskwood or something like that if looking for a regular active hub to engage in.

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I’ll just weigh in to play the dead’s advocate on this one point. Death Knights are literally addicted to causing suffering, making them exceptionally dangerous company in a civilian area. I imagine it’s a bit like hanging out with a recovering alcoholic in a bar and expecting them to stay sober. Chances are they will hang on… but you know it’s a bad idea for everyone involved.

While most undead have that tendency towards darker emotions and thoughts, none of the sentient ones have it quite so bad as a Death Knight iirc.

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Aye exactly, DK’s have that never ending thirst for violence thing, and while Im not about to tell people how they should n shouldnt rp a DK, for me I rp mine as quite robotic/cold/expressionless, and hes pretty much never in nicey nicey lookin places like Stormwind/Eastvale ect, any time Im on him he’s “chasing up a cultist” in some dark place, but to each their own, to expand on what fits and what doesnt, I also find even Nelf Druids chilling in SW constantly to be abit odd, why would you as a 10k year old(maybe younger who knows) nature loving elf wanna chill in SW? considering there are places way more suited, not trying sound elitist lol but some chars just dont really fit in some areas, feels odd, if I was a Nelf Druid I wouldnt really wanna spend all my time in Stormwind in some small man made “garden” area, I’d rather be by one of the world tree’s somewhere, where Wild Gods reign and all the magical type creatures wander, somewhere like Mount Hyjal