Everyone acting anti-Dark Ranger atm where the same people who were Anti-Death Knight and anti-Dark Iron and Anti-Void Elves and Anti-Worgen before and they’ll be anti-Drak’thyr next. Its just the Dark Rangers bridging the gap between the former and next anti-whatever
Pretty sure this isn’t the same people, but thanks for throwing everyone in the same camp.
Dark Knight’s joined the Alliance per the quest line and even had King Varian announce them to be welcome and under protection. We latter see a DK leading Alliance Forces.
Dark Iron’s joined through Moira after forming the Council of Three Hammer’s on Varian’s suggestion, after he stopped her coup.
Worgen joined through Genn Greymane as the Alliance literally went to Gilneas to help them, be it the Night Elves and Seventh Legion.
Void Elves were sought out by Alleria and recruited wholeheartedly to the Alliance’s cause and approved of by Anduin. And they were latter seeing employed in near ever theater of war, during the fourth war.
Do we see the same about these Dark Rangers/Darkfallen No, absolutely nothing.
Unless you have any lore to claim that they are welcome…
What changed is that Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Void Elves and Dark Irons all have visible, playable lore in which you actually see them brought into the fold and accepted. This has not happened yet for Darkfallen.
People can have IC reasons to hate most of those anyway.
Worgen killing family and friend in Gilneas or Duskwood. Initially when they turned up, it wouldn’t be a great sight.
Dark Irons are known manipulators and were again at war with the Alliance. Wildhammer dwarves especially have a good reason to dislike or outright hate them.
Void elves in a largely Light following faction, appearing at a time when fighting the void starts to become a big thing again? Yeah.
Death Knights, part of the Scourge. Killed many. Only get by due to letter from super paladin.
You seem to be missing the point that between all the cursed/evil/demonic/Undeath beings…
For some reason anything Dark Ranger related is apparently OUT of the realms of possibilities to be recruited when the most recent questline leading up to a Warfront, one of the Alliance higher-ups(leader of the Army of the Black Moon, mind you) was willingly trying to get Undeath Night Elves to rejoin them.
I mean, don’t get me wrong… I’m against Dark Rangers, Void Elves, Worgen, Death Knights, Demon Hunters (Hell, I doubt Dark Irons are still as easily accepted as they should), etc. just chilling it out in a Stormwind Bar…
But Dark Rangers have more lore about being neutral then any aforementions Race or class anyways(See Warcraft 3)
But suddenly their customisation options arethe problem on the Alliance side of things???
Was willing to trying to get undead night elves to rejoin them, not trying to get undead night elves to rejoin them. I don’t doubt that Blizzard won’t make some lore for this somewhere, but it hasn’t happened yet.
No problems… See you in a few weeks when you have to retcon your interactions and I don’t.
With Shandris and Tyrande still in the Shadowlands… You’d think Maiev would be the leader of the Night Elves now…
How wrong I am apparently???
Just because Blizzard focussed on Dark Irons and Blood Elves for one patch doesn’t mean everything around those 2 races stop moving?
I’m not making any case about Dark Rangers not being neutral. I RP my own Ranger as neutral, but being Neutral means being outside of the Alliance or Horde, and typically if you’re going into a city, you go to one where your character isn’t going to be treated with hostility because of their race.
For Dark Rangers, this would be a Horde city, just as for High Elven Argent Crusaders or Night Elven Cenarion Druids, it would be an Alliance one.
Like War3/vanilla WoW Dark Rangers more anyways… Banshee’s taking control of their old bodies was pretty epic and made them abit more powerfull/scary anyways
Lots of neutral cities around aswell… Even neutral cities led by Alliance characters(Dalaran), anyways…
We’re apparently both preaching to the choir cause
Seems we agree on the basic premise, anyways… Just not the details. I see no problem with a Kaldorei Dark Ranger, or Void/High Elf Dark Ranger(who were recently raised) to seek atonenment
I’m not saying you’re wrong, I am saying that so far we have only seen these characters being willing to accept undead night elves back into the fold.
Dark Irons, death knights, demon hunters, mecha gnomes. The reasons why they are in the Alliance was shown and explained to us when they were made palyable. So far we’ve only had people being willing to accept nelf rotters back, but no attempt to do so has been made so far. We haven’t seen it happening, that’s the issue I, and I think most here, have with them.
But can you really hold it when the Alliance have had a recruitment scenario that went:
I thought you were already Alliance → No we aren’t → well lets make you Alliance then???
(Talking about the Dark Iron being around in the Alliance since Cata and only officialy joining in Legion)
Thus making it clear that one needs not be an official part of the Alliance to A.) be considered a part of the Alliance and B.) recruitment can take years while they walk around Alliance lands and join Alliance forces anyways
I don’t have an issue with that either. I don’t know where you’ve gotten this from. The only problem I’m having is people trying to assert that these rangers have joined the Alliance. They haven’t, we’ve not seen that happen yet.
Looking around Stormwind right now, you’ll see the typical “shiny new toy, must play regardless of lore” people walking about as if they own the place, trying to “well akchually” people on the lore even though they’re wrong. And of course those people will vanish in a week when people aren’t giving them RP or are bored of their new toy, but I find it kinda distressing how many people have tried defending it, is all.
Stormwind has always been like that. And if thats stressing you out enough… Well Maybe you should pack your stuff and leave before the Dragons take over Stormwind… because they’ll be the next flavor of the month
Honestly me neither. Outside of passion for the concept and a wish for people to do it justice, idk why I’ve been so obsessed with this today.
Stormwind will be Stormwind. And Stormwind is garbage.
Well… Seeing as we have the (current)PTR/REtail Thread alongside the Darkfallen/Dark Ranger and now this thread… Can you blame me for getting confused why we have 3 threads covering the same single subject? Namely the patch and what it added and how it ruins Alliance RP(apparently?)