here’s what you need to do to get the armour: first you need to do the whole questline of lordaeron on your hunter, then you need to head to legion hunter horderhall and talk to the worgen NPC near the mission table, he will sell the set for 1000 gold.
You buy it from the hunter order hall. Though beware… even after all the work you’ve put in it, you are still unable to actually mog it until level 48. My freshly made Kaldorei dark ranger has to run dungeons in old scraps now.
That concept’s amazing!
Ahh fair enough! Have to unlock the Hunter Order Hall soon then!
Atleast my Hunter is lvl 60 already and semi-geared!
Thanks guys!
Imagine a green fire-esque questline where void elves can choose the aesthetics of a specific Old God or something.
A thought just flew through my head. Guess which elf race has been left out from the new customization option?
It’s the one which always had the best customizations!
Indeed. They can’t turn into goth vampires and they are like, the most gothic vampire-looking playable race around.
I already was considering a concept of an undead Nightborne caster, but then… eh. Can’t.
since nightborne can be warlocks, doesn’t seem a big reason not to add felborne customisation options
and to add of consequence more heritage weapon quests since they have all the assets for velf. and mby add the other colors of suramar weapons
Yeah thats my mindset on it, if your Darkfallen and you wanna go SW? cool…by all means, just dont /eloldodge+snarky remark when your getting lynched by 5-10 people
Elf names range from human to tolkeinesque to something that might as well be draenei. Because draenei are also elves.
Here’s the text from the quest.
If Tyrande would have them back. They are free to go.
Take note of the IF and would. This has not happened yet and doesn’t cover the random Void Elf/High Elf DRs as well.
Tyrande has yet to make up her mind.
And give us felblood elves for blood elf (warlocks). And fel orcs for orc warlock. And cultist skins. And… and… and… so, so, so many things.
you had a little typo, don’t worry, i catched ur concept. tho i think elf names are more human names but changed a little
imagine being against dark rangers rejoining the night elves just because they killed some night elves
pot calling the kettle black there ain’t it
Where… where did anyone say that in this whole thread, please point it out cos I must have missed it!
Who said anything about being against dark rangers rejoining their NE kind ?
It is about this, esentially. About the fact they haven’t. That people are playing like that has already happened, which isn’t the case.
Literally what other reason is there to object to them other than that?
Tyrande begged them not to leave when they were first ressed, when she was at her peak night warrior ragemode. Are people really pretending that now that she’s mellowed into renewal time she’ll be more hostile to them than she was before? Really?
You’re either trolling or completely missing the point, I can’t tell for sure which one is it. People aren’t objecting to Alliance dark rangers, they are objecting to the presence of dark rangers in Alliance capitals such as Stormwind before there is actual lore implemented into the game about them rejoining the Alliance.
Your arguments keep going back and forth between quoting Velonara until the exact quote is given which shows it’s a possibility not something that has yet happened and arguing against an argument that was never made.
In doing so you are just doing a Strawman logical fallacy: A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one. Since you are not really arguing against what was said or the evidence provided, but against what you believe people are saying.