Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

Have… have you been reading this thread? No one has said that, everyone has said we want lore for it, not just to assume its been done.

As you have failed to link anyone actually saying it, I am going to assume you are trying to argue for arguing sake, instead of bringing anything actually with a point to the conversation. So let me just break it down for you.

No one is against it.

We just want lore for it.

Tyrande saying that an expansion ago, does not mean the nelf dr have been pardoned and welcomed into the Alliance, it was a wish that they turned down at the time. Remember the DK quest were you bought a letter from Tirion Fordring and then Varian pardoned the DK’s? Remember the scenes with the Void Elves and the quests? We want something like that.

Personally I started levelling a DR today and already she is level 31 with a fully written TRP, but she won’t be venturing into SW until that lore has been given, maybe not even then (I do not understand all of these OP classes just wondering around in SW, it just doesn’t make sense to me) But she will be RP’d just on the fringes of society, like someone above is doing!


That was before they started fighting for Sylvanas, killing Night Elves and destroying the land.

Yes, there is a bit of hypocrisy on Tyrande’s part, since she killed some Wardens to free Illidan - That didn’t go down well with many Kaldorei either. The situations are also different; comparing one to the other isn’t all that useful.


Killing your own and having everyone forget so you can keep on going is honoured tradition; see Tyrande killing wardens and Maiev murdering a bunch of highborne.


Do you need every single development spelled out for you in explicit terms? Like it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see where they’re going with this. Why would they bring it up if they weren’t going to have some rejoin?

Plenty of hypocrisy, yes, considering she also forgave Maiev for her attempted assassination of Malfurion and murder of a bunch of Night Elves too.

Neither Tyrande nor Maiev were suffering from undeath rage at the time either, so somehow it seems a bit worse for them to be doing that. But hey, what’s a little murder between friends? Bestiesssss :blush:

Literally your first post in this thread:

And your second post:

Seems like someone in the thread did object to Alliance dark rangers: You.


This was answered above. Please read. We want lore… Because right now, unless you are affiliated with the Ebon blade, you are illegal within the Alliance, this isn’t a thread about Dark Rangers in general, as the title suggests its Dark Rangers in STORMWIND. You know the city? Not the Alliance lands themselves, but the CITY. We want to RP them, with lore… Which… I mean… I don’t know how to say this any clearer… but the point of RP is to have lore to which you can shape and mould and create a character with… You know like most RPers.

I can see the reading comprehension is not strong in this one. Again Dark Rangers in STORMWIND, the CITY. Thats what we want lore for and are objecting to until there is lore.


Where they are going… Are going… Mhm. You see the difference there, in your own words, between going and gone, between something that’s happening or about to happen and something that has happened ? Put it irl terms, if someone decides to ban driving cars one week from now that doesn’t mean driving cars is illegal today. If Blizz are heading in that direction, that doesn’t mean it’s already happened and dark rangers can just go for a stroll in SW.

You’re literally taking my words out of context and interpreting them as you wish. I didn’t object to Alliance dark ranger, but said that until Blizzard implements the actual lore they aren’t a thing in terms of lore. Notice the:

And the:

So no, I did not, I just made a post concerning dark rangers roleplaying as Alliance and wandering around Stormwind already, before the lore to justify it actually happens. If you can’t see that and interpret it as an argument against Alliance dark rangers when I have a Kaldorei dark ranger, then I call it a night, it’s obvious this is painful for you as you are trying to search for things to cling on in order to support a failing argument. :upside_down_face:


I’m gonna need a direct quote that proves that. Since you’re so insistent on explicit text, I assume you have some support for it. No allusions, no suppositions. Give me a quote.

Maybe it’s not a problem with my reading, maybe it’s a problem with your writing.

So when they do show Alliance Dark Rangers, which they will, who will have been there for some time because patches are time jumps, are you going to retcon to always having been there?

Seems like it would be a lot more productive to RP the rejoining stuff now instead of retconning over that when the inevitable does happen. Doesn’t really give the same weight of “oh, I’m not really being accepted” when the NPCs will have been there for months+months.

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Let me make it even simpler for you then.

No one against Dark Ranger in alliance.

We want lore.

Technically the burden of evidence is on you, as we are defending the status quo, you are trying to disprove it… So please find me the evidence where the Dark rangers have been allowed into the Alliance… I will wait.

But if you want a hint… The delegation from the Forsaken that disappeared (killed) before they even reached SW as they were trespassing on Alliance lands. That was from one of the novels I believe, I will find out which one and then maybe you can give it a read!


Show me Undead in Stormwind or any Alliance lands that do not belong to the Ebon Blade and are being accepted or tolerated.

Her writing is quite good, let me assure you. I think the likes from bypassing readers of this… wondrous discussion, also point in that direction. But hey, to each his own.

As I’ve said a few posts above, quite a few given how long this topic has been going, I’ll be most happy to finally have a lore update in that regard and it wouldn’t be a retcon since once they do that, then it will be happening and we’d have dark rangers formally rejoining the Alliance. The issue is, once more, that it hasn’t happened yet. So, esentially, my Kaldorei dark ranger would have wandered around trying to make his way until something like Delaryn asking Tyrande for reacceptance happens and then he’d be… reeeeelatively welcomed in Alliance lands. Until then he’s sticking to his own thing, knowing full well that for the time being SW guards have no reason not to hang him. Similarly to how SW guards would have hanged DK’s if not for Tirion writing to Varian asking for a royal pardon. To quote Varian “If not for Tirion’s words, you’d be hanged.” Not the exact quote, but you get the point.


I for one, can not wait until this happens! I want to be able to RP my dark ranger without restricting where they can go. But sadly right now, without the lore it makes sense. Though again, I wouldn’t be going in SW anyway, it will be mostly restricted to Kaldorei lands, because that is where it makes sense.

Thank you! Thought I was going mad for a minute there, maybe my English isn’t English enough, which is just poo seeing as its my only language sad sigh

The new Sylvanas book mentions it!


As a certified English speaker I can assure you that your native language is good enough. :thinking: But we have to do something about that only one language limitation. How do you feel about learning Mandarin ? It has a lot of potential.

It also mentions the Forsaken delegation originally sent to Stormwind and never heard from again. That’s pretty much what happens when random Undead show up outside the walls. :upside_down_face:

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What status quo? Perhaps the status quo was always that they would be allowed in. I mean, you don’t have a quote to say otherwise, after all. You’re making an assumption here.

I’m aware of this, I don’t know why you’d think I wouldn’t be.

  1. They were never specified to be Dark Rangers.
  2. We don’t know who they were killed by, or why.

It is an assumption that 1 is that they were not, and 2 is that the Alliance killed them - though it could have been any number of other pitfalls they faced. This was before Vanilla, when the Forsaken were seeking allies. Their delegation to the Alliance never returned. Their delegation to the Horde was accepted, and ultimately they were allowed in.

I’m not sure why you’re bringing this up, considering its age and history. If Death Knight reception isn’t relevant to the acceptance of Dark Rangers it seems a bizarre choice to choose something even more historical that also is not dark rangers.


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I… I… The… Status Quo of the thread… Are you okay?

Ermmm… Are you sure you are okay? They are unaffiliated with the Alliance Undead… I do not know how else to spell it out to you…

I can only assume you are being facetious now and are enjoying coming off as a little… Unintelligent… They are Forsaken, they are classed as Forsaken as part of Sylvanas elite guard.

Are you comparing the player character to two big lore characters? I mean Calia Menethil was raised by Anduin with the Light first off and now she is a leader of the Desolate council, old enmities are being healed, that’s the point and where I am hoping they will go with the Nelf DR, I am hoping blizz do something properly for once and give us a big cut scene with Tyrande welcoming them back.

As for Alonsus Foal, you mean the guy who started the Paladins back in the Tides of Darkness book? You mean the guy who is one of the leaders of the Priests? You mean the guy who has always tried for diplomacy between the two factions? You mean that guy???


Again another big lore figure, not just a run of the mill average Forsaken… The guy who is the brother of Jaina… This is Strawman argument at its finest.

Its not, its for the Ebon blade, which dark rangers are not a part of…


Do you… Even know what a status quo is ?

She’s referring to the Burden of Proof concept, most often applied in logic and debates, where a person making a claim has to provide the evidence while the person denying it doesn’t. The status quo in this situation is that dark rangers are part of the Horde. The idea of Alliance dark rangers is a new one and most likely to be implemented in the future, but at this point in time and back in time through BfA and every other xpac they’ve been classified as Forsaken/Horde, ergo unwelcome on Alliance lands. For them to be welcomed on Alliance lands they’d have to be reaccepted into the Alliance by the decree of one of its leaders which hasn’t been granted yet. No matter their own intention, Tyrande has yet to come back from Ardenweald and accept them back in.

They were specified to be Undead and it is strongly implied that they were killed by the guards for that very reason. Dark rangers are… Undead. They are also world known as Sylvanas’ elite agents and part of the Forsaken. No one has yet accepted them into the Alliance. No one has yet spread the news that not all Dark Rangers are part of the Horde, that some may want to go back. Greymane may know a thing or two since he sends us to spy, but he’s still in Oribos, chilling.

Again, death knights were accepted with an entire questline to provide background for that, a letter for Tirion to ask Varian to not just kill them and a royal pardon from the High King of Stormwind. Delaryn would have neither of those as of this moment in time, aside from her own good wishes which, let’s be fair, Jimmy the Footman won’t care about.

You know what the difference between all those three coming to Stormwind and dark rangers going for a walk in Stormwind is ? They were invited there and were under Anduin’s protection. Can any dark ranger currently RP’ing in Stormwind claim something of the sort ? Doubtful. Even the questline apologists tend to quote, the one from Velonara, mentions that she herself wanders whether they’d even be accepted back (once more pointing to the fact it hasn’t happened just yet).


I am fairly wondering if I am starting to type in some unknown language at this point… Like, is my typing that bad? Really? I need to call up my bachelors professors and apologise… :sweat_smile:



Poor Jimmy has been hard at work the last few days.

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I genuinely feel bad for all those guard roleplayers in Stormwind that have to deal with this on a daily basis. Not just the fact that dark rangers would have already been taken care of by npc’s, but also the quality of RP I’ve seen so far in terms of avoiding every attack and doing Banshee Wails every two seconds like they’re all Sylvanas 2.0. :upside_down_face:

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We both know its gonna be a tweet how they were allowed back the moment their customisation option became available, though…

They are not going to show anything ingame apart from Dark Rangers suddenly fighting alongside their living Night Elf-kin


It is a sad state of affairs in SW these days and people wonder why RP is disappearing?

I am very sad for this, I really, really am hoping it won’t be, I am hoping they do us proud and actually give us a cutscene, but I fear you are right… another sad sigh