Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

If you look throughout this entire conversation, no one is making that claim. It is something mentioned only by those advocating the presence of Darkfallen within Stormwind as being the argument of the other side when in truth it is not. Not as far as I’ve seen, at least.

Other than that, I agree entirely. The whole discussion is about the current status quo though and not what will potentially happen at a later date.


Entirely incorrect. I got it on my belf DH.

Fully agree here. One needs only look at the sentence Tyrande gave Sylvanas.

Justice and redemption through service and penance.

Until that actually gets put in the game, though? Or an explicitly Alliance dark ranger pops up? They should stay far from the Alliance populace if they value their lives.

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I don’t know if this is a bug or something but I had to know I was not deluding myself so I ran speed ran it again on another Horde character and no, it doesn’t appear for Horde. Maybe you just had the opposite side dialogue? Because if you go look up the " Path of the Dark Rangers" quest in WoWpedia it shows the Alliance and Horde versions of that quest which displays the things Velonara says to the player. For Horde players she says:

“Together with all the Forsaken, we will build a future here. You will always be welcome among the dark rangers, friend.”

However, for Alliance players she recognises you as a spy and says:

“Many of the kaldorei raised during the Battle for Darkshore wish to remain here with the dark rangers. But any who choose to depart and rejoin the Alliance are free to do so.”

Again, you may have just had a bug or something idk but this is how it is supposed to pan out.

It was scrolling through this conversation that I saw instances of people making said claim. It’s also a claim getting made elsewhere too. I just wanted to add my two pennies on the matter. As I said, most people’s responses I generally agree with.

Woah, that was quite a long read!
To summarize mostly, it still lacks the actual fact of acceptance into Alliance or issuing a permit to them. Although, it feels rather iffy whether (for example me or other guards) if we should straight out ignore those RPers in SW or not. I say ignore but I don’t mean literal /ignore function, just saying.

I think the so far working formula was and is: Darkfallen RPers can enter the city as they wish, with a back thought of: “People will hate me, the Darkfallen, for my previous deeds and their historical experience / background with my kin. These people can attack me too.” so technically, it’s a “racism” situation here, just IC and towards characters. And even so, when a Darkfallen accepts this trail of thought, they weight this decision to enter SW where at first day, week, month, year - majority will not tolerate their presence.

On the other hand, TKF took a stance that all Darkfallen incidents are to be reported to any Ebon Blade representative. It gives more reason for DK RPers be in the city (hunting Darkfallen as technically, they are undead rogues right now, right? Right?) and offer a sort of consequences/opportunity to the said Darkfallen.

There was recently a case where an Ebon Blade knight was brought to a detained Darkfallen and a result, I saw yesterday that Darkfallen who was wearing ‘Ebon Blade’ sigil on her chest for everyone to see. Honestly, it’s great when roleplayers adhere to this sort of RP.

But if Darkfallen godemote or think that some random embassy paper is sufficient enough, without having any background lore to support it, or just strife off from it and simply walk around to have a cup of mead at the inn - those I’d question.

So it gives a fair chance to see who is actually a good RPer that follows consequences and accepts things from the one who denies it all.

Definitely got this one! Couldnt tell you what mightve caused it, the character’s always been horde.

I think there’s three angles you can take

Actively hunt them down but subject yourself to emote combat with the type of person that openly RPs a dark ranger in stormwind

Maintain the lore status quo of them not being in the alliance by just soft ignoring darkfallen shenanigans

Or as #3 openly tolerating them at which point you’re kind of just enabling random lorebreaky business.


And neither of these 3 angles will result in anything good, sadly.

I guess I have to ask why does it matter if it’s specifically Stormwind vs. other Alliance lands? Are the rules of Stormwind different to the (undead hating) Duskwood? Is there anything to indicate as such?

It’s another shift of the goal posts. First it was “Undead tolerated in Alliance lands”, now it’s “not special character undead tolerated in Alliance lands” and now it’s “Undead who live in Stormwind specifically every single day, and also are not special.”

But if you desperately want a response to them, sure:
Calia would still be accepted in Stormwind, I dunno why anyone would think otherwise. Literally everyone accepts her. For some reason. Ditto, no real reason to think Derek Proudmoore, brother of the Lord Admiral of Kul-Tiras, would be getting rejected.
Alonsus was accepted by light-torturer Turalyon, who is the current (and apparently will remain) leader of Stormwind. It’s not a democracy.
Blind Mary is on the outskirts of Darkshire. Despite being an undead, she is not hunted down.
One can’t claim that Catrina and her cohorts are just game mechanics; they’re NPCs, they’re in the lore.
Not sure why Snellig’s undead nature matters really, but either way he’s friendly, not treated as hostile. That’s the definition of ‘tolerated’. I’m also not sure why it matters if he’s in a town or not; the request was for ‘Alliance lands’, the Wetlands is exactly that.

I mean, unless they want to surrender their hold on it to the glorious and mighty Horde. :muscle:

I have to say, it is a little jarring to see Darkfallen in Stormwind City currently, dissmissing anyone who questions as to what reason they have to be in the city with a smirk. I’m not well versed in my Dark Rangers lore I admit, but from what I gather, there isn’t enough lore yet released that backs up the increasing population of Darkfallen in the cities other than the new customisations. If this is the case, I can only hope lore will be released soon to bring some clarification.


I think it’s a viable compromise, but a compromise nonetheless. At least in terms of lore having to deal with Darkfallen presence in SW would also mean recognizing that they are allowed in Stormwind as they would have had to be allowed entry by the city guard NPC’s. Sadly this also opens up more barrels since we’re not talking only about dark rangers anymore. Just this morning I saw actual San’Layn hanging around for a drink. Also as far as I can see, when you try to hold a serious discussion with any of them they simply dismiss any argument and resume to claim that they can do what they want and that is that. For me at least it speaks greatly of the quality of people engaging in RP as darkfallen in SW so early before any actual lore to justify their presence there is given.

Someone made the argument that the rejection of darkfallen is just a rejection of new things. Incorrect, but alas, it feels to me that most of the people who hurry up to RP as darkfallen do it because they are a new thing and not because they have any appreciation for the actual lore involved.


I don’t think I have read that here and tbh I would be surprised if people thought they were never going to be a thing. I certainly hope they will be, I want to RP my Dark Ranger (not in SW but smaller cities or towns, where you could stop by and say repair/buy new bow strings etc. I think even with the lore, if its ever released, it makes little sense for Darkfallen to be wondering around SW, because of IC hatred that would make sense towards them, my DR would feel she didn’t belong there anymore. It would be how she felt about even the Night Elf capitals.) I think saying they will never be a thing is kinda… defeatist or people just not wanting to accept something new and rather odd.

shudder Though they are the three options available and tbh its not an easy pick.

I think it being the capital city and the largest density of civilians (I believe) in the Alliance. But this is honestly just about SW as far as I have seen. I couldn’t care less about random darkfallen wandering around Darkshire lets say, it even slightly makes sense, given the Scourge presence there. There is a great story to be had there, a masked dark ranger fighting the Scourge on the fringes but needing to go into Darkshire for supplies etc. It works and its a concept that I can work with. But this thread is about SW in its self, I just want lore to support that, so guards aren’t having to ignore lolrpers or having to arrest them. That isn’t fair RP for anyone really, we should be able to RP what we want (within lore) but sadly right now its not within lore.

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Perhaps the very worst example to pick when comparing to the law and its enforcement in Stormwind, as it has no standing official authority and gets by mostly with a militia that struggles day in day out to deter mindless undead and worgen.

Not to mention that they got wiped out (allegedly, I realize full well that blizz has no intention of ever referencing the Legion quests again) recently.

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Yeah sadly none of them are great options. But it’s kinda all there is to be done

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I don’t know why it’s a bad example: Darkshire is constantly under pressure from the undead, and therefore are more likely to be ruthless and discriminatory against them than those who don’t live every day under threat like Stormwind does.

Yet, Blind Mary is tolerated for years and years despite being essentially adjacent to the town. The Night Watch didn’t touch her. They don’t send adventurers to deal with her. She’s left to ‘live’ out her days. Is the argument really that a guard in Elwynn would be more aggressive to the undead than a duskwood watchman? It should be the opposite.

Actually, the short story with Shaw and Flynn shows the Night Watch is still running under new leadership.

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Viktori Prism’Antras, who offers one of the quests to speak with Blind Mary, is completely unaware of her being a ghost. Madame Eve offers the other, who is described as a “follower of the Old Ways”, she scries the future, reads tarot cards and knows of the ritual required to summon Stavlan Mistmantle.

So is it a matter of the Night Watch even knowing about her state of undeath or simply ignoring her because there are countless other and far more hostile undead scattered throughout Duskwood? Many of them right outside of Blind Mary’s old home. Along with worgen, ogres and more.

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Can we all just agree that Blizz pooped the bed a little and they need to give us some actual lore?


In the contrary, they’re horribly short on manpower and resources, equipped only with absolutely basic gear. Where would they even find the time to worry about a seemingly benign undead individual?

The argument is that the elwynn guard has the luxury of having time to give a hoot about the law. Not to mention that the Darkshire watch isn’t even a proper branch of said law.

Oh yeah I completely forgot that. Wish they’d update the game world tbqh.


Objection, hearsay!



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Now you need to object to your own question. Once you have one.