Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

Silvermoon’s been having this problem for years with the likes of Demon Hunters who seem to forget that they have a demon inside them and would instead prefer to bake cookies and buns and sell them in Farstrider’s square, along side a cute demonic pet in their pet collection which was super cool to use that day.

The trick to it, in my mind at least, is to RP out your concerns. If you’re approached by character concepts that clearly break generally accepted guidelines, treat them with contempt, distrust, disgust and all the rest of it, as a DH/Dark Ranger/Death Knight in a city would likely warrant from most people. In doing so in masse, said person will likely get bored of the dull receptions and will likely realise that no one wants to have a tea and cakes party with a Death Knight/Dark Ranger/Demon Hunter/Overlord of Azeroth, and will begin trying to find a community that does.

People seem to forget that these DKs/DRs/DHs and stuff, can NOT have gone through what they have gone through, and remained socialites at the end of it. These guys, ICly at least, are likely emotionally unstable/damaged/strange/weird and quite frankly very intimidating individuals which most people in any society, ALliance or Horde, would spend a great deal of effort to get away from.

If people want to RP these sorts of concepts, which I applaud when done right, they need to accept the consequences of being super cool edge-lords, in that generally people ICly are not drawn to you, more so repelled by you ICly.


As always, the wisdom of the Blood Knights is greatly appreciated.


This made me lol more than it should, because its exactly the same in SW. The amount of DH’s/DK’s etc that are found cuddling in Lions rest is just odd tbh.

I wish more people would RP this.


This historically hasn’t worked on Alliance side for two reasons:

  1. Players bring their OOC feelings and reasoning into these IC situations and rush to the defense of the “victim”, which may as well be a tentacle-riddled, half-Eredar half-Darkfallen cronenberg beast, and label the people mistreating their online buddy as racists, bullies, criminals and haters both IC and OOC because we all should adhere to the standards of Second Life RP instead of the setting and our own characters’ reasonings.

  2. Stormwind is filled to the brim with Eredar, Void Elves, Dark Rangers, Vampyr, Demon Hunters etc. who should not be hanging around Varian’s grave, the Cathedral or the city taverns. Since there’s so many of them reason #1 is all the more common as a legion of room temperature IQ social RPers accept these player characters.

Hence there’s very little reason why these player characters have to accept consequences. They wave their Ambassador/Armistice/Neutrality/Morally Good Passport, a gaggle of noble and Guard RPers take that as a perfectly valid reason for a war criminal monstrosity to loiter on the streets as if they were a local citizen and those of us who would at least bring more nuance to this matter (which seemingly generates immense discomfort among the teenage dark ranger vampire subcommunity with their simps, stans and girlfriends) get swarmed with OOC whispers and ((hey man, thats not nice)) emotes.

Stormwind is not a location where common sense can be enforced.


… I hate to say you are right, but… You are right…


Though tbf my own Velf (military Knight-Captain) literally only goes to SW on official business. Otherwise she is in the North fighting Scourge/Loyalists atm.


It should just be common sense, unfortunately it isnt, plenty wish to roll a DK or DH and then chill in taverns and flirt with everything in sight.


Wandering all alone wont get you that much RP. There is a reason why people flock to places with other RPlers.

I mean isn’t that on the player for playing something marginalised rather than something widely accepted? If you want to go and RP in SW literally just create a Human/Quel’dorei/Dwarf/Gnome/Draenei/Hippy Night elf that is widely accepted and even enjoyed in that space and RP that when you want to be a socialite.

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It’s kinda part of the job description. If you want to RP certain things then you take up certain RP opportunities as well as limitations.

Also, that isn’t necessarily true. There was barely any RP when I’ve first brought my paladin around Uther’s Tomb then it became a spot for constant fighting and interactions once others saw people hanging around there. Nowadays it’s empty, but it had a nice period of flourishing RP and all it took was two or three people hanging around at first.

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Oh yes, I remember Illidari casually strolling around SMC during Legion expansion, trying to look all too intimidating while in truth, my blood knight was treating them as deserters who don’t fulfill their duty during a Legion attack - fighting those demons.

It feels that those lot felt as if going Venom scenario even if a movie was released some years later. But I’m 100% on you with this.

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Agreed, if you wanna be a socialite, roll something likely to socialise, even Nelf Druids imo fit better elsewhere than SW, but DH’s/Dk’s/Locks with their demons out just dont fit into Stormwind, stated all this earlier in the thread

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I think this what keeps Lightforged so shiny at day and night. Varian’s metaphorical rotation within its grave borders with a speed of light (pun intended) from all those characters strolling casually around.

YES. Very accurate. People seem to mistaken RP with a 2nd life RP.


Might need to open a JobCentre in Stormwind for the Dk’s/DH’s with nothing to do, start finding employment for them, “Oh one moment Mr.Ebonchill…yes, yes theres a spot open in the Ebon Blade, they are currently looking for people to go and kill cultists, would that interest you”…“Eeeer I dukno, I kinda really just like chillin by the bar n scoring babes you know?”


But what we, guards, have an option ourselves? As stated previously. We can either hunt them down. Disacknowledge them. Or Acknowledge them. And in all three scenarios it’ll not work because

  1. If we hunt them down, others come in to protect darkfallen (that already happened!) and it leads to suuuuuuuuuuuch a headache that it completely ruins a guard experience as a whole.
  2. Disacknowledge/ignore them - it creates conflicting situations because this is when guards become rp police: “If we don’t acknowledge them, so shall not you or we will avoid you”
  3. Acknowledge them - means to encourage them to RP with even further.
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As someone that words for the JobCentre please don’t wish this on me!!! :rofl:


Ngl, this sounds like a fun concept to toy with.


Whilst I understand and sympathise with your frustrations, because these issues do directly affect some of us who like to protect the integrity of lore/common sense, it’s also important to understand we can’t physically stop a lot of this.

By no means do I advocate going out and Lolrper bashing or even approaching these character concepts first, I do however advocate taking the stance that I mentioned above, at least until it can no longer be maintained and the interaction is becoming more and more outlandish with every second, that’s when the ignore button may have to be utilised for your own sanity, but even so, your character has made their feeling’s clear.

Also, as for people jumping to the defence of people OOCly berating you because your character has acted/spoken in a certain way, if they can’t differentiate between IC and OOC and you’ve done nothing wrong, then the ignore button probably should be utilised there too, again mainly for your own sanity.

Also, as for “accepting” consequences, if that said consequence is you or any other character vindictively imposing something like judgement/justice on another i.e attempting to parade someone through the streets GoT style for an execution, then they are within their right to go against/ignore the proceeding and you likely will get badgered by their OOC mates for forcing/imposing something that they didn’t agree to. (I’m not saying this is something we would do, but just saying this is probably the only scenario in which being OOCly berated is probably the right course of action for any affected party to take.)

If however, Orloran was to be approached by a DH/DK/DR in Silvermoon, then he would say something along the lines of “The guard’s folly may have allowed you through those gates, but rest assured, every sentry within these walls is willing to strike you down at a moments notice, make your business quick and be gone.” and then likely be done with any further interactions with that character. Maybe the odd “I’m keeping an eye on you…” as I pass them every now and again, but that’s as far as I’d take it.


Lol imagine the Demon Hunters, theyd be tricky customers for sure always questioning how much youve sacrificed any time you ask them what jobs theyve been looking for since last you saw them


Lol it could be something alright xD

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Another thing that characters like humans, dwarves, gnomes and alike must remember and stay true to - is a cultural and historical experience when it comes dealing with the undead. Lessons of Lordaeron and Northrend are there for a gripe.

That experience is also reinforced by a recent 4th War where it only made undead look even more villains. And while Tyrande can seek for acceptance and forgive Kaldorei darkfallen because of the cultural/Kaldorei bond that lasted for -hundreds and thousands of years- it doesn’t mean that humans who lived for 10, 20, 30, 40 and so on years, will share same acceptance & forgiveness. Natural reaction is as Orloran just said: Disgust and hatred. On an IC level, of course.