Dark Rangers in Stormwind City - RP

Also what would you call someone arguing that lore isn’t relevant but customisation options are relevant when it comes to lore. Do you not see the link between My Paladin alt carrying the ashbringer ICly and Dark Rangers running around SW are fine, despite what Velonara said, because they are a customisation option? You literally don’t see that, or in the way they acted?

Another thing that I think important to mention is that:

If you want to RP your Dark Ranger as seeking atonement or working with the Alliance, I doubt anyone is going to stop you. It’s a good angle and if you RP it properly with those around you instead of saying “I’m Alliance because NPC X said so” then that can make for some interesting stories.

It’s the idea of citizenship and official membership that presents a real issue. It’s not confirmed in any capacity, but that lack of confirmation doesn’t impact much besides whether or not your brand new Darkfallen character will be able to be RP’ed like the average Human shopkeep, which… they shouldn’t be anyway.


Totally agree, its what I will be doing!

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Show me the lore that says Stormwind is special as opposed to other Alliance lands/territories? Or don’t, there isn’t any.

I’d would call it a flawed reading of their points personally.

My recent attempt to acknowledge and interact:

DR: We Dark Rangers are now free to join the Alliance, or the Horde, as the case may be. I have obviously opted for the former, or have you people not been paying attention?
Tene: Free to join? Bollocks. Who told you that? Your kind brought death to the thousands during the fourth war, you think people will pat you on a head here? You’re not welcomed here.
DR: You have as much to prove as I. I have seen nothing to suggest we are not free to choose our path since Calia extended the hand of peace to Genn. Show me where we are forbidden. Donning a set of a guard’s armour hardly cuts it.
Tene: You’re not at the court, undead. Your kin were raised and brought in by the horde to fight the alliance. I’ll let Death Knights to deal with you.

Of course, interaction with just one RPer like this doesn’t summarize entire experience that others can bring in a positive light. But approach like this, from DR RPers, doesn’t win any favors and can punish those who actually try to treat this DR concept itself right.


Nah thats just people who try to defend the right to bully online, have that same energy irl right?


Circus music intensifies as you approach Lion’s Rest

There’s been also one Ebon Blade-aligned Dark Ranger and a gaggle of others I haven’t bothered to screenshot at the time.


You forgot to add a random Lightforged abruptly leaping in to white knight the Dark Ranger and generally acting akin to a teenager. And a lot of different absurdities.

This Lightforged also called my character a bad paladin.


Imagine pronouncing your own name wrong.

They actually predate this addition.
They’ve been around for months.

Considering the Lightforged’s attitude to Void Elves, that is canon.

Plenty of Paladins around SW happy to take that job, its wabbit season!

I like how the other person isn’t hesitant or shy to publicly announce /ignore to those guards RPers who stay true to their character and roleplay out disbelief that a Dark Ranger walks around their city.


Voice: My own
Loves: My Girlfriend
Hates: Tyler from School


Well thats exactly it, the ignoring tactic is a two way street, whats good for the goose is good for the gander

Forgive me for my ignorance, though I will claim that these customization options just enabled their brand of Role-Play instead of having them stop to think whether or not they could and rethink whether they should.

There’s a female Netherleap too.

And that sort of person wouldn’t rethink.
It’s like the naga that used to appear in Cathedral Square and said they’d ignore any aggressive behaviour.

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You forgot the Fal’dorei roleplayer as well!

Hence why I never really engage with DK’s with ghouls out in SW or Locks with their demons n other whacky out of place things, feels like a trap, “Come attack my demonic/undead pet so I can /evade and then lecture you on why you should accept them”

Thing is that just because you take a role or a concept, doesn’t make you automatically right and true to the said role or a concept. If I will don a suit of Jack Sparrow on myself and begin to arrest people with full-serious expression, saying I’m hired by the police. They will laugh at me. They’ll see a clown.

Same here. If you take a concept of an Illidari - you stay true to this idea. War is over, you try to find purpose in your life. You can head to Outland to continue do what you were taught to do. Or you can travel across Azeroth, seek threats worthy of a demon to deal with. You don’t go into a pub to have a cup of coffee with a maniac gnome.

If you roleplay a Dark Ranger who caused deaths upon deaths. You’ll suffer PTSD. Guilt. You will -blame- yourself. You will be afraid of yourself. Anduin shows these traits after being dominated by Zovaal. It’s a great guidance point to overtake from a cutscene. You will try to find home among those others of your kin (Darkfallen) or wander around, trying to redeem yourself by deeds. Not stroll into the Stormwind City, waving this magical paper from an embassy, looking for a job. (literally saw a DR with “Looking for a job” in his currently. wat)

If you RP a guard, you try and stay true to a concept of being a guard who upholds the law, peace and order in a city. Not walk around in panties and loose shirt, flirting with the others, saying OwO I’m promotional pin-up girl.

And those people who take the concept (visuals of it) and their effort ends exactly there, make it far too hard for other roleplayers who actually try and strife to portray that concept, even if they are not in SW.

Same happened during WotLK when Death Knights swarmed all over SW. No one would take them serious, because they would RP some emo knights, oppressed and depressed by the rest.

If you take a concept you want to RP. You follow it. You stay true to it. You try to deliver this unique experience to other roleplayers.